§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2007200915445300
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2009.00729
論文名稱(中文) 澳門博彩業之研究:發展歷程、政府監管及影響效果
論文名稱(英文) A Study on Gambling Industry in Macao:Focus on The Process of Development, the Government Regulation and Effect of Impact.
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 中國大陸研究所碩士在職專班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of China Studies
學年度 97
學期 2
出版年 98
研究生(中文) 陳媛玟
研究生(英文) Yuan-Wen Chen
學號 792240060
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2009-06-18
論文頁數 142頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 李志強
指導教授 - 王健全
委員 - 潘錫堂
委員 - 黃智聰
關鍵字(中) 澳門
關鍵字(英) Macao
gambling industry
government regulation
As “gambling should be decriminalized and become lawful” has become a worldwide trend, Macao, a tiny territory with merely 550,000 population and 29.2 square kilometers, has virtually astonished the entire world by its astounding economic growth.  That should be attributed to the 470-year-old gambling industry.  In Macao, gambling industry started when such harbor was first open to the world in the 16th century.  In the subsequent five centuries, the betting industry has undergone eventful vicissitudes and has played virtually a pivotal role in Macao’s economy, politics, societies and culture.  This widespread saying “To know Macao, one should first of all know Macao’s gambling industry” explains it very well.
The present thesis is primarily intended to look into Macao’s gambling industry through three major issues: I. The origin, backgrounds of the times behind Macao’s gambling industry, with details about the development process, major vents and celebrities, with efforts to generalize and analyze the significance behind.  II. A probe into government regulation beyond Macao’s gambling industry, preliminary on the surveillant organization and legal systems, with a comparison with surveillance policies, authorities in other countries to find out the similarities and differences, to look into the inadequacy and orientations for improvement of the existent gambling industry.  III. A probe into the impact of the gambling industry upon the society in Macao through three aspects, economy, society and environments. 
  In terms of development process, the history of Macao’s gambling industry is virtually an epitome of the contemporary history of Macao.  The development underwent four major transfers of the betting powers.  Among them, the fourth transfer took place in 2002 where the Macao Special Administrative Region smashed the betting monopolization and liberalized the betting privilege to foreign investors.  That transfer virtually changed the structure of Macao’s gambling industry on the one hand and significantly upgraded the management level and competitive edge of the gambling industry in the international community.  In turn, that transfer incurred the economic growth by leaps and bounds in Macao.  
  Next, as to the government regulation behind the gambling industry, Macao’s control organ is under “separate policymaking process/implementation system”.  To intensify the independence and authoritativeness to deal with problems which came out midst the rapid growth of the gambling industry, it is proposed hat the independent Administrative Commission like those established in various states in the United States should be established.  In the laws for surveillance over the gambling industry, amidst the inadequacy and lagging behind the laws amidst the rapid growth of gambling industry, it is proposed that Macao should aim at the hands-on demand and situations by borrowing systems from other countries, to accelerate enactment of the laws for surveillance over the gambling industry, with efforts to boost the surveillance power to assure thorough implementation. 
  Finally, as to the impact of gambling industry upon the society in Macao, in the aspect of economy alone, gambling industry has played the pivot of Macao economy, boosting the economic takeoff in Macao, casting tremendous transcript.  The Macao authorities are, nevertheless, seriously advised to watch the negative problems incurred by the “boom by a sole industry”.  In the aspect of the society, amidst the imbalance in human resources distribution and social resource distribution, other industries have been withering and the gap between the wealthy and the poor has been widening.  The worsening problems of the unsound mentality of gamblers deserve serious watchfulness.  In the environmental aspect, the gambling industry has grown by leaps and bounds within just a few years and has brought up new challenge against the environmental protection.  The problems of the inadequate infrastructures and worsening betting communities have been surfacing one after another.  The Special Administrative Region government of Macao is, therefore, seriously advised to look into the orientation of development in urban environment and the overall planning.
第一章  緒論	1
第一節  研究動機與研究目的	1
第二節  研究途徑與研究方法	5
第三節  研究範圍與研究限制	7
第四節  章節安排	8
第二章 澳門博彩業之發展歷程	9
第一節  博彩業概論	9
第二節  澳門博彩業之源起與專營時代	17
第三節  澳門回歸後之賭權開放	23
第四節  小結	30
第三章 澳門博彩業之政府監管	32
第一節  博彩業監管政策概論	32
第二節  澳門與各地博彩業之管制機關及其比較	39
第三節  澳門博彩業監管之法律制度	49
第四節  小結	57
第四章 博彩業對澳門社會與發展之影響	59
第一節  經濟層面之影響	59
第二節  社會層面之影響	68
第三節  環境層面之影響	75
第四節  小結	80
第五章 結論	82
第一節  研究心得	82
第二節  後續研究建議	87
參考文獻	89
附錄	94

表2-1   各地開放賭場設置之原因	15
表3-1  “政策支撐型”賭城與”市場自立型”賭城之特色比較	34
表3-2   美式賭場與歐式賭場經營模式之比較	35
表3-3   澳門與各地博彩業管制機關之層級關係	46
表3-4   澳門與各地博彩業管制機關之一般部門	47
表4-1   2000年~2008年澳門的本地生產總值指標	61
表4-2   2002年~2008年澳門各類博彩項目毛收入佔當年度GDP之比例	61
表4-3   2002年~2008年赴澳門旅遊人次及主要來源地所佔比例統計	62
表4-4   2006年~2009年澳門博彩直接稅佔公共財政總收入之比例	63
表4-5   2002年~2008年澳門博彩業幸運博彩項目毛收入	63
表4-6   1998年~2007年澳門各行業就業情況	69
表4-7   2000年~2007年澳門各行業之每月平均工資	71

圖3-1   博彩業監管政策之類型	37
圖3-2   澳門特別行政區政府博彩監察協調局組織架構圖	40
圖4-1   博彩業一業獨大引起的”擠出效應”和”馬太效應”循環圖	65
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