§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-2006201200273500
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2012.00823
論文名稱(中文) 德國梅克爾政府中國政策之轉變
論文名稱(英文) The Shift of Angela Merkel’s China Policy
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 國際事務與戰略研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies
學年度 100
學期 2
出版年 101
研究生(中文) 劉昭廷
研究生(英文) Chao-Ting Liu
學號 697330255
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2012-06-13
論文頁數 121頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 林中斌
委員 - 王啟明
委員 - 郭秋慶
關鍵字(中) 德國
關鍵字(英) Germany
Angela Merkel
Sino-German relations
German-U.S. relations



Angela Merkel was elected as the first female Chancellor of Germany since 2005. She has been named as the de facto president of Europe from TIME MAGEZINE because of her tough leading style. Being a woman, born in East Germany, studying physics, those backgrounds own her extensive attention.

As an opposition party leader, Merkel has criticized Schroder’s China policy and indicated that Germany has sacrificed Human Rights while pursuing economic benefits. German-U.S relation was also broken because of Schroder’s anti-Iraq war attitude.

Therefore, Angela Merkel emphasized that to repair the relations between Germany and the U.S. is the prior task when she made her inaugural speech. 

To maintain the coherence china policy also takes an important part, however, during her first official visit to China, she stated some sensitive issues toward China and made China found that Germany’s China policy has already changed.

23th Sep. 2007, Angela Merkel met Dalai-Lama in Federal Chancellor’s Office despite the seriously pressure from China. China cancelled a series of official meeting schedules as revenge. At the same time, CDU/CSU Union issued “Asia as strategic challenge and chance for Germany and Europe” to regard China as a competitor and should reinforce the link with democracy countries in Pacific-Asia like India, Japan and Australia, in advanced, to prevent the threat of China rising. This resolution shows the new government’s value oriented foreign policy. The relations between Germany and China have never been so worse.

Sino-German relations have normalized and been back on the track with Foreign Minister Steinmeier’s efforts in January 2008. The world has been under financial crisis from 2008 to 2009, Germany and China issued a joint statement showing their determination to recover world economy. The both countries also built “Comprehensive strategic partnership” in 2010, held inter-governmental talks in 2011. The relations between Germany and China are different from 2005 and have even exceeded Schroder government under Merkel’s leading.

This Thesis is trying to review and analyze the relations between Germany and China from political, economic and cultural aspects. In political aspect, German-U.S. relations are also included. From the three aspects analysis indicate the international, domestic and individual factors of German’s China policy shift.

After being a chancellor, participating and accumulating experience in politic affairs, realpolitik leads her beyond ideology and realism while china rising. Angela Merkel regards national interest as the top priority and adjusts her China policy.
謝辭	i
目錄	v
圖次	vii
表次	viii
第一章、 緒論  1
第一節:研究動機與目的 1
第二節:研究範圍與限制 4
第三節:研究方法與架構  6
第四節:資料來源與文獻探討  7
第二章、背景回顧  11
第一節:德國對外政策基本立場 11
第二節:梅克爾之崛貣  19
第三節:德美關係  24
第三章、演變一(2005-2007:反-低盪期) 27
第一節:政治  27
第二節:經貿  36
第三節:文化  37
第四節:小結  39
第四章、演變二(2008-2009:轉-修補期)  43
第一節:政治  43
第二節:經貿  51
第三節:文化  53
第四節:小結  54
第五章、演變三(2010-2012:迎-蜜月期) 57
第一節:政治  57
第二節:經貿  66
第三節:文化  67
第四節:小結  70
第六章、梅克爾中國政策轉變之因素 73
第一節:政治分析  73
第二節:經貿分析  80
第三節:文化分析  84
第四節:國際經濟背景考量  85
第五節:國內政治環境因素  88
第六節:梅克爾個人學習經驗  93
第七節:德美中關係  96
第八節:小結 97
第七章、結論  99
第一節:研究心得 99
第二節:展望  106
附錄  107
參考文獻  114

圖一: 週日畫報民調─經濟人權孰優先?  .40
圖二: 圖二: 德中、美關係消長圖 德中、美關係消長圖 德中、美關係消長圖 德中、美關係消長圖  .103

表一:各大報紙對梅克爾與達賴會晤之評價 40
表二:德美爭議表 (2001-2011)  78
表三:歷年全球經濟體排名 (1980,2005-IMF2011,IMF數據 ) 79
表四:德中貿易差額統計1998-2011 80
表五:德中貿易數據統計(2005-2011) 81
表六:德國對外貿易排行 (2006-2011) 82
表七:聯邦德國近期正副總理及其外長一覽表 89
表八:德美相關事紀 (2001-2011) 95
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20.	FOCUS ONLINE  http://focus.de
21.	BLOOMBERG  http://www.bloomberg.com
22.	REUTER   http://www.reuters.com
23.	VOICE OF AMERICA http://www.voanews.com/english/news/

1.	ARMS CONTROL ASSOCIATIONhttp://www.armscontrol.org/

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