§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-1907201222285400
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2012.00808
論文名稱(中文) 名人品牌塑造歷程之探究—以林書豪林來瘋熱潮為例
論文名稱(英文) An exploraty study of Human Brand building process - The case of Linsanity cult of Jeremy Lin
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 國際商學碩士在職專班
系所名稱(英文) Executive Master's Program of Business Administration (EMBA) in International Commerce
學年度 100
學期 2
出版年 101
研究生(中文) 陳禹諭
研究生(英文) Yu-Yu Chen
學號 799520308
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2012-06-01
論文頁數 82頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 黃哲盛(iamjesheng@gmail.com)
委員 - 王如鈺
委員 - 欒錦榮
關鍵字(中) 名人品牌
關鍵字(英) Human brand
Brand Building
Jeremy Lin

Jeremy Lin is an undrafted point guard for the New York Knicks who seemingly emerged from nowhere to become an international phenomenon in merely 12 days, leading the New York Knicks to a season-high seven-game winning streak and winning over fans across the world. For his NBA team, Jeremy Lin helped end the bad 10-year record, adding USD 140 million (approximately equal to NTD 4.1 billion) to the parent company's market value. For himself, Jeremy Lin not only led the New York Knicks to victory, but also changed his own destiny. He has changed the way people view destiny, just like the US President Barack Obama said” It’s just a great story. It’s obviously terrific for the New York Knicks, but it’s the kind of sports story that transcends the sport itself.” By using massive secondary information, this thesis aims at exploring the incredible process and reason why Jeremy Lin can build his human brand in just 12 days. 

The results showed that most Jeremy Lin’s fans expand their understanding of Jeremy Lin through the mass media, UGC and self-search. The individual preference is determined by characteristics of human brand and personal background. The social-like behaviors among different social groups also help increase Jeremy Lin’s publicity in a short time. The effects of the observed social-like behaviors, including what they are and how they contribute to public attention, catalyze the process of establishing the human brand in its width and depth.
第一章  緒論............................1

第一節  研究背景........................1
第二節  研究動機........................3
第三節  研究目的........................6
第四節  研究流程........................6

第二章  文獻探討........................8

第一節  品牌............................8
第二節  名人品牌.......................12
第三節  類社會互動定義.................14
第四節  使用者創作內容(UGC)理論........18
第五節  認同理論與人際吸引理論.........21
第六節  NBA的源起與「林來瘋的形成......26

第三章    研究設計.....................31

第一節	分析架構......................31
第二節	資料蒐集......................32
第三節	研究方法......................33
第四節	研究程序......................33

第四章 結論與分析.......................34

第一節	「林來瘋」的名人品牌塑造歷程..34
第二節	「林來瘋」的品牌知名度........59
第三節	「林來瘋」的品牌價值..........62

第五章  結論與建議......................68

第一節	研究結論......................68
第二節	實務意涵......................69
第三節	研究限制與後續建議............70

圖1-1:研究流程圖 ........................................................................................................ 7
圖3-1:分析架構流程圖 .............................................................................................. 31
圖4-1:鄭醫師部落格 ............................................................................................... 57
圖4-2:李亦伸的籃球世界 ....................................................................................... 57
圖4-3:林書豪論壇 ................................................................................................... 57
圖4-4:林書豪的尼爾森N-score指標..................................................................... 61
圖4-5:林書豪在網路中所累積的品牌知名度 ....................................................... 62
圖4-6:MSG股價示意圖.......................................................................................... 64

表3-2-1:大眾媒體 .................................................................................................... 32
表3-2-2:大眾媒體中名人受訪的觀點 .................................................................... 32
表4-1:美國之音訪問各州居民的訪談內容 ........................................................... 42
表4-2:商業周刊網路讀者分享資料 ....................................................................... 53
表4-3:網路使用者產生的創造內容 ....................................................................... 55
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