§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-1907201110341700
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2011.01276
論文名稱(中文) 中共和平發展下的中美關係
論文名稱(英文) Sino-U.S. Relations Under P.R.C's Peaceful Development Policy
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 國際事務與戰略研究所碩士在職專班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies
學年度 99
學期 2
出版年 100
研究生(中文) 顏志榮
研究生(英文) Chih-Rong Yen
學號 797330346
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2011-06-17
論文頁數 146頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 王高成
委員 - 朱新民
委員 - 潘錫堂
關鍵字(中) 中國崛起
關鍵字(英) China rise
China’s Peaceful rise
China’s Peaceful Development
Sino-U.S. Relations
Taiwan Issue
U.S. Arms sales to Taiwan
本研究即著眼於大陸「中國改革開放論壇」理事長鄭必堅於2003 年4 月在「博鼇論壇」發表「中國和平崛起與亞洲的未來」演講,首次提出「和平崛起」概念,藉此反擊「中國威脅論」,有關「中國崛起」的討論進入一個新的階段,對「中」美關係亦漸次產生影響。惟近年中共官方已較少使用「和平崛起」,轉而使用「和平發展」,主張透過和平而非戰爭的方式來實現「和平發展」,其面對的重大課題是如何讓大國、周邊國家接受自己,從而創造一個有利於國內改革和發展的國際環境。
After the Cold War, the United States developed the world's only "superpower" in the "one superpower and many" of the international
situation, the United States in political, economic, military and cultural
strengths far more than other big countries. Especially in the era of
globalization, the internationalization of domestic politics, international
politics of the country is increasingly clear that any country's internal
politics and the economy and world politics and economy are closely
linked. Therefore, regardless of the CCP's political and economic
development, social change, or security, diplomatic, trade and
unification problems, which the United States are deeply involved, with
an impact on "the rise of China" the biggest external factors.
This paper focused on the mainland, "China Reform Forum," Zheng
Bijian in April 2003 in the "Boao Forum" published "China's peaceful rise
and Asia's Future" speech, first proposed a "peaceful rise" concept, to
fight back. "China threat theory "and the" rise of China "discussion into a
new phase," in "‐US relations have gradually have an impact. However, in recent years, Chinese officials have rarely used "peaceful rise" in favor of
"peaceful development" in favor of the war through peaceful means
rather than to achieve the "peaceful development", which face a major
issue is how to make a big country, neighboring countries to accept
themselves, thereby creating an environment conducive to domestic
reforms and international environment for development.
The results of the study showed that dissatisfaction with the United
States to implement CPC unipolar global strategy, there will be
challenges to prevent its "superpower" status of the country, as a core
objective of global strategy, it will be seen as a rising Communist threat
"superpower" status the main obstacles and potential adversaries, and in
Taiwan, the PRC considers Taiwan to contain mainland U.S. expansion in
Asia, an important bargaining chip in arms sales to Taiwan is the Taiwan
issue, the United States involved in the primary means of Taiwan issue
will continue to affect the "in" US relations of uncertainty.
In the next period of time, the international strategic situation the
same, "and" there will be no major breakthrough in US relations, the
United States to "China" policy and will not be a substantial adjustment
in the U.S. global strategic situation of Taiwan's status has not changed,
still important "system in" effect. But the current U.S. itself bogged down
in Iraq, Afghanistan and other counter‐terrorism quagmire, "in"‐US
military exchanges have gradually returned to normal, the recent
high‐profile deal to be Buzhi Yu arms sales to Taiwan, causing a serious
setback for bilateral relations. I suggest the Government should continue
support for the U.S. to resolve its doubts arms sales to Taiwan, to serve
in cross‐strait negotiations living initiative.

第一章 緒論................................................................. ......1
第一節 研究動機與目的.........................................1
第二節 文獻檢閱..............................................4
第三節 研究方法與架構.........................................6
第四節 研究範圍與限制........................................11

第二章 中共和平發展策略分析..................................13
第一節 中共和平發展的內、外環境...............................13
第二節 中共和平發展的概念演變.................................32
第三節 中共和平發展的主要內涵.................................43
  第四節 小結................................................50

第三章 中共和平發展與對美政策................................52
第一節 中美關係發展概況......................................53
第二節 中共和平發展下的對美政策...............................80
第三節 小結................................................99

第四章 中美在臺灣問題上的互動...............................103
第一節 中美戰略互信與兩岸關係.................................104
第二節 中美關係中的對臺軍售問題...............................108
第三節 小結................................................125

第五章 結論.................................................121
第一節 研究心得與發現.......................................127
第二節 未來發展與建議.......................................131

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