§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-1807201903463700
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2019.00542
論文名稱(中文) 企業實施減資前後股權集中度與股票報酬之關聯性研究
論文名稱(英文) The Relationship between Shareholders Concentration and Firm Performance after Capital Reduction
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 財務金融學系碩士在職專班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Banking and Finance
學年度 107
學期 2
出版年 108
研究生(中文) 徐慧芬
研究生(英文) Hui-Fen Hsu
學號 706530093
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2019-06-08
論文頁數 54頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 邱建良
共同指導教授 - 黃健銘
委員 - 林卓民
委員 - 郭宗賢
委員 - 邱建良
關鍵字(中) 減資
關鍵字(英) Capital reduction
Ownership concentration
Stock returns
Event study
Two-stage least squares
Since 2001, Taiwan's listed companies at stock exchange market have ignited a wave of capital reduction. In the past, enterprises implemented capital reduction, and the legal person mostly relied on the negative interpretation of the industry's growth and the company's conservativeness. However, in recent years, the company has handled capital reduction, and the market has mostly focused on financial transformation. Therefore, the capital reduction stocks often become alternative stock price catalysts.
  The research data was taken from the Taiwan Economic Journal (TEJ), and the research sample period was from January 1, 2008 to April 30, 2019. The model adopts the event study method and the market model and the two-stage least squares method. In the short-term, we will study the changes in the information and stock price of the capital reduction. The research data is based on the weekly data. In the long run, we will study the impact of the information on the ownership concentration on the concentration of equity is studied. The research data is based on the annual data.
  The empirical results of this paper show that: 1, In the short term, although the company handles capital reduction due to different factors, investors are limited by the information asymmetry of the investment market, and the expectation psychology is generated, and the abnormal rewards are negative. 2, In the long run, research shows that the information on the implementation of capital reduction announcements has a significant impact on the company's concentration of shares. However, if the company announces capital reduction several times in a row, it will be unfavorable for the accounting measures to be compensated. 3, After the implementation of capital reduction by the enterprise, the greater the ability of the large shareholders to influence the decision-making of the company and the infringement of the wealth of the minority shareholders, the problem of the agency of large and small shareholders is intensified. In order to avoid investors misunderstanding the trap of capital reduction stocks, this paper wants to analyze the relationship between ownership concentration and stock remuneration before and after the implementation of capital reduction, and explore the changes in ownership concentration and stock price of the company's board of directors to reduce investment, so as to improve investment performance.
目  次
表  次	V
圖  次	VI
第一章 緒論	1
第一節 研究背景	1
第二節 研究動機	3
第三節 研究目的	4
第四節 研究流程及研究架構	5
第二章 文獻回顧	8
第一節 資本結構與公司績效的關聯性	8
第二節 股權結構與公司資本結構、總體環境變化對公司舉債的影響	12
第三節 股權集中度與股票市場報酬率的關聯性	15
第三章 研究方法	18
第一節 變數定義	18
第二節 事件研究法	23
第三節 兩階段最小平方法	28
第四章 資料來源與處理	30
第一節 研究資料來源與說明	30
第二節 敍述統計量	31
第五章 實證結果與分析	33
第一節 事件研究法實證結果與分析	33
第二節 兩階段最小平方法實證結果與分析	37
第六章 結論與建議	41
參考文獻	43
附錄	51
表  次
表1各變數之基本統計量	32
表2上市公司依公司法宣告減資之平均異常報酬率、平均累積異常報酬率	34
表3兩階段最小平方法第一階段估計結果	38
表4兩階段最小平方法股東權益報酬率第二階段估計結果	40
圖  次
圖1研究架構	7
圖2事件研究法研究步驟	23
圖3事件研究法時間線	24
圖4上市公司依公司法減資之平均異常報酬率走勢圖	35
圖5上市公司依公司法減資之平均累積異常報酬率走勢圖	35
圖6上市公司依公司法減資之平均異常報酬率、平均累積異常報酬率走勢比較圖	36
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