§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-1807201101233400
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2011.00631
論文名稱(中文) 合與核:美國與中國在六方會談之互動
論文名稱(英文) Cooperation or Confrontation: United States and China in the Six-Party Talks
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 美洲研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Master's Program, Graduate Institute of the Americas
學年度 99
學期 2
出版年 100
研究生(中文) 陳奕帆
研究生(英文) James Yifan Chen
學號 696250058
學位類別 碩士
語言別 英文
口試日期 2011-06-16
論文頁數 138頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 林中斌
委員 - 李明
委員 - 黃介正
關鍵字(中) 六方會談
關鍵字(英) Six-Party Talks
North Korean Nuclear Issue
U.S.-China Relations
North Korea



North Korea's nuclear issue has long been a concern by the United States, China, neighboring countries, and the world. Six-Party Talks is the negotiation set to resolve this nuclear weapon issue. This thesis studies the relations, South Korea's different North Korea policies and North Korea's responses, between South and North Korea during the Six-Party Talks. This thesis also examines the factors on North Korea's two nuclear tests in 2006 and 2009 respectively, Cheonan Ship-sinking Incident in 2010, and recent Yeonpyeong Island Shell Incident in 2010.

This thesis discover the origins of the Six-Party Talks, including Kim Dae-jung's Sunshine Policy, Bush's State of the Union, Koizumi's Pyongyang visit, Kim Jong-il's nuclear program, Hu Jitao's active diplomacy, and Russia's East Strategy. Besides, this thesis also studies total seven rounds of Six-Party Talks in depth and analyzes three joint documents made by all six nations.

Through observations on U.S. and China's interactions to deal with this nuclear problem, this thesis finds out both diplomatic and economic measures adopted respectively by the U.S. and China. The United States and China have cooperation and contention during Six-Party Talks. However, shared stakes outweigh conflicting interests between the U.S. and China on the North Korea's nuclear issue.
Table of Contents
1.1 Motivation and Purpose	3
1.2 Range and Restriction	4
1.3 Methodology and Structure	5

2.1 South Korea's Policies toward North Korea	9
    Kim Dae-jung's "Sunshine Policy"	9
    First Inter-Korean Summit and Nobel Prize	10
    Roh Moo-hyun's "Policy of Peace and Prosperity"	11
    Second Inter-Korean Summit	12
    Lee Myung-bak's "Initiative for Denuclearization, Openness, and 3000"	13
2.2 North Korea's Responses toward South Korea	14
    Maritime Conflict around Yeonpyeong Island	15
    First Nuclear Test in 2006	16
    Second Nuclear Test in 2009	18
    Cheonan Ship-Sinking Incident	21
    Yeonpyeong Island Shelled Incident	23
2.3 Conclusion	24

3.1 Origin: Why Six Parties?	25
    Kim's Sunshine Policy	25
    Bush's State of the Union	27
    Koizumi's Visit to Pyongyang	28
    Kim's Nuclear Program	30
    Hu's Active Diplomacy	32
    Russia's East Asia Strategy	36
3.2 Progress under Six-Party Talks Framework	38
3.3 Conclusion	47

4.1 Diplomatic Measures	49
    Six-Party Talks	49
    UNSC Resolution	52
    S&ED	58
4.2 Economic Measures	61
    Fuel Aid	61
    Economic Sanctions	63
    UN World Food Programme	65
4.3 Conclusion	66
5.1 Cooperation	69
    Diplomacy	69
    Peaceful Resolution	72
    Denuclearization	74
5.2 Contention	76
    Policy Consistence	76
    Military Pressures	80
    Economic Aid	84
5.3 Conclusion	86

Appendix A	91
Appendix B	99
Appendix C	103
Appendix D	107
Bibliography	111
Figures and Tables
Figure 1.1: Flow Chart Of This Thesis	6
Figure 2.1: Disputed Water and the Northern Limit Line	22

Table 1.1: Collection of News Pieces for this Thesis	8
Table 2.1: Timeframe of South Korea's Administrations in the Six-Party Talks	11
Table 3.1: Progress of All Seven-Round Six-Party Talks	39
Table 4.1: UNSC Resolutions on North Korea during Six-Party Talks	53
Table 4.2: Six-Party Talks-Related Energy Assistance to North Korea	62
Table 4.3: United States and China Food Aid to North Korea through WFP	66
Table 5.1: U.S. Administrations and Officials Involved in Six-Party Talks	77
Table 5.2: Military Exercises/Conflicts in Disputed Sea (2009-2010)	80

In Chinese

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D.	Government and Official Documents
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5.	〈第三輪六方會談主席聲明〉,中華人民共和國外交部,2004年6月26日。(檢索日期:2011年4月14日於http://big5.fmprc.gov.cn/gate/big5/www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/pds/gjhdq/gj/yz/1206_7/1207/t140646.htm。)
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8.	〈落實共同聲明第二階段行動〉,中華人民共和國外交部,2007年10月3日。(檢索日期:2011年4月23日於http://big5.fmprc.gov.cn/gate/big5/www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/pds/gjhdq/gj/yz/1206_7/1207/t369082.htm。)

In English

A.	Books
1.	Bush, Richard C. The Challenge of a Nuclear North Korea: Dark Clouds, Only One Silver Lining. Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2009.
2.	Feffer, John., ed. The Future of US-Korean Relations: The Imbalance of Power (Asia's Transformations). New York: Routledge, 2006.
3.	Kwak, Tae-Hwan and Seung-Ho Joo. The United States And the Korean Peninsula in the 21st Century. Burlington, Vermon: Ashgate Pub Co, 2006.
4.	Pritchard, Charles L. Failed Diplomacy: The Tragic Story of How North Korea Got the Bomb. Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2007.

B.	Journals
1.	Bush, George W. "Statement on the Six-Party Talks." Weekly Complication of Presidential Documents 43, no. 7 (2007): 149-150.
2.	Cha, Victor D. "Winning Asia." Foreign Affairs 86, no. 6 (2007): 98-113.
3.	Kleiner, Juergen. "The Bush Administration and The Nuclear Challenges by North Korea." Diplomacy and Statecraft 16, (2005): 203-226.
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