§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-1802201316361300
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2013.00647
論文名稱(中文) 上巿櫃企業發行員工認股權之實證研究
論文名稱(英文) An Empirical Study on Issuing Employee Stock Option of Listed Companies
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 會計學系碩士在職專班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Accounting
學年度 101
學期 1
出版年 102
研究生(中文) 王惠美
研究生(英文) Hui-Mei Wang
學號 799600043
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2013-01-11
論文頁數 65頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 黃振豊
指導教授 - 孔繁華
委員 - 林孟彥
委員 - 蔡瑤昇
關鍵字(中) 員工認股權
關鍵字(英) employee stock option
growth opportunity
With the listed companies from 2001 to 2011 as the research subjects, this study aims to understand the content of issuing employee stock options, explore the critical factors affecting the employee stock options, and the examine the relationship between implemented ratio of employee stock option and return of equity (ROE) in listed companies. 
Firstly, in terms of the issuance of the employee stock options in listed companies, over 40% of the listed companies have ever applied for the issuance of employee stock options, among which nearly 90% are in electronic industry. The implementation of the year before expensing employee bonus, the number of companies applying for the issuance of employee stock options reached the peak, which then declined dramatically. Moreover, the duration for over 70% of the employee stock options granted by the companies is less than six years, and in over 90% of the listed companies, the issued employee stock options will be vested within four years. 
Secondly, in terms of the critical factors affecting the issuance of the employee stock options,  the companies with higher growth opportunity are more likely to issue employee stock option. The companies with cash flow shortfall are more likely to issue the employee stock option. The liability ratio is positively correlated with the issuance of employee stock options. However, the companies with high liability ratio are more likely to issue the employee stock option and those companies with higher ratio of payroll expense are more likely to issue the employee stock options, and these findings are inconsistent with our predictions. 
Thirdly, this study examines the correlation between the implemented ratio of issuing the employee stock option and ROE. The result shows no matter in all industry or the electronic industry, ROE in the current year or the next year is consistent with our prediction having positive relation with implemented ratio of issuing employee stock option but not reach at 0.1 significant level. However, ROE in the next second year are negatively relation with implemented ratio of issuing employee stock option and has reached at significant level. ROE in the next third year are negatively correlated, but not reach at significant level. Overall, implemented ratio of issuing employee stock options has positive influence on ROE is not supported. The result shows the issuance of employee stock option in the listed companies doesn’t have incentive effect in short-term, and even may erode ROE in long-term.
第壹章 緒論    1
第一節	研究背景與動機    1
第二節	研究目的    3
第三節	研究內容與流程    4
第貳章 文獻探討    6
第一節	我國員工認股權制度之介紹    6
第二節	影響員工認股權之發行因素    15
第三節	員工認股權發放比例與股東權益報酬率關聯性    19
第叁章 研究方法    23
第一節   觀念性架構與假說    23
第二節	資料來源與樣本選取    24
第三節	研究變數操作性定義    25
第四節	實證模型與統計方法    29
第肆章 實證結果    32
第一節   上巿櫃企業員工認股權之發行概況    32
第二節   敍述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定及相關係數分析    39
第三節   迴歸分析結果    46
第伍章 研究結論與建議    53
第一節	研究結論	53
第二節	管理意涵	55
第三節	研究限制與建議	56
參考文獻	57
附錄    2-1員工認股權憑證之相關法令及規定彙總表    63 

表 2-1  非酬勞性與酬勞性員工認股權計畫比較表    7
表 3-1  研究假說彙總表    23
表 3-2  研究樣本篩選表    25
表 3-3  各項變數定義彙總表    31
表 4-1  2001年至2011年上巿櫃公司發行員工認股權產業分布情形34
表 4-2  2001年至2011年電子業發行員工認股權產業分布情形    34
表 4-3  2001年至2011年半導體業發行員工認股權產業分布情形  35
表 4-4  員工認股權之存續期間分布情形    36
表 4-5  員工認股權存續期間之認股比例全數既得年數統計表    37
表 4-6  上巿櫃企業員工認股權發行次數統計表    39
表 4-7  影響發行員工認股權因素之各變數敍述統計量    41
表 4-8  獨立樣本t檢定    43
表 4-9  實證變數之Pearson相關係數矩陣表    45
表 4-10 邏吉斯迴歸分析結果    47
表 4-11 分類表    48
表 4-12 員工認股權發放比例與股東權益報酬率關聯性之迴歸分析結果-全部產業    51
表 4-13 員工認股權發放比例與股東權益報酬率關聯性之迴歸分析結果-電子產業    51
表 4-14 研究實證結果彙總表    52
圖 1-1  研究流程    5
圖 2-1  酬勞性員工認股選擇權計畫會計處理歷程表    8
圖 2-2  員工認股權流程圖    15
圖 3-1  研究架構圖    23
圖 4-1  上巿櫃家數統計    32
圖 4-2  向金管會申請核發員工認股權情形    32
圖 4-3  員工認股權各年度發行情形    33
圖 4-4  上巿櫃企業發行員工認股權情形    38
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