§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-1802200810045100
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2008.01226
論文名稱(中文) 委外管理、風險評估與評選機制之研究
論文名稱(英文) A Study on Outsourcing Management, Risk Assessment and Selection Mechanism
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 國際商學碩士在職專班
系所名稱(英文) Executive Master's Program of Business Administration (EMBA) in International Commerce
學年度 96
學期 1
出版年 97
研究生(中文) 王惠貞
研究生(英文) Hui-Chen, Wang
學號 794400282
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2007-01-15
論文頁數 121頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 林宜男
委員 - 林志鴻
委員 - 左峻德
關鍵字(中) 委外
關鍵字(英) Outsourcing
Outsourcing Decision-Making
Outsourcing Management
Outsourcing Risk Assessment
Outsourcing Selection Mechanism
Customer Contact Center


For the United States and other western economies in the growth and success, outsourcing plays a key role.  Outsourcing has become the trend of the times, over 90% of the enterprises said that the outsourcing of its overall business strategy is an important part.  People want to be like Superman, just as every one else to perfection. However, the capability to strong people, we should also take the position, can play its expertise do things.  Enterprises will need time and effort, betting its most expertise in the core business and non-core business will be released, to the outsourcing of professional services firms, in order to concentrate resources in the company's largest production business. 

     Outsourcing decision-making is a very complicated which needs to take various foctors into considerations.  The companies have long-term impact, so  enterprises must understand the objectives, identify the crux of the problem.  Once outsourcing decision-making is implemented, will cost the company an important resource.  Outsourcing should be fully aware of the risk, then assess whether outsourcing should be adopted to solve the problem.  Outsourcing decisions, related to outsourcing and the key theory as a basis for decision-making, find the appropriate service provider, the two sides signed the lease in order to protect and cooperative relations, and strengthen management processes.  When enterprises are facing global popularity of the wave of outsourcing customer service, should continue to invest in the purchase of equipment to strengthen staff training and management, or directly to the professional customer service outsourcing company, in order to save manpower and management?  Whether outsourcing for enterprises to reduce costs the best way out?  The assessment of risks and the benefits of outsourcing?  Will reduce the loss of customer information or customer satisfaction? 

     Outsourcing of this study through the collation of relevant literature on, to let enterprises for the benefits of outsourcing and risk, as well as possible future problems facing them and to have a comprehensive understanding.  In order to make the most appropriate outsourcing decision-making, selected the best managed services vendors in order to achieve a perfect partnership, the potential reward for the enjoyment of outsourcing and improve the chances of success of outsourcing.
第一章 緒論.........................	.........1
  第一節 研究動機與目的.............	.........1
  第二節 研究範圍與限制.......................3
  第三節 研究架構.............................4
第二章 文獻探討.....................	..........6
  第一節 委外的相關理論回顧	...................6
  第二節 委外的定義及流程.....................13
  第三節 委外的目的與效益.....................22
  第四節 客服中心與客戶關係管理...............26
第三章 委外的決策與風險評估...................36
  第一節 委外成功的要素.......................36
  第二節 委外的決策模式.......................40
  第三節 委外的風險評估.......................45
第四章 委外服務廠商的評選機制與履約責任.......52
  第一節 委外服務廠商的評選	...................52
  第二節 委外契約簽訂之注意事項................58
  第三節 委外的履約責任........................65
第五章 全球委外之發展現況與委外面臨之問題探討..75
  第一節 全球委外發展現況與趨勢................75
  第二節 全球客服中心之現況分析................84
  第三節 委外面臨之問題探討...................101
第六章 結論與建議.............................106
附錄一 2007全球100大委外服務廠商..............119
表2-1 委外服務相關理論整理與比較...............7
表2-2 特異資產的交易成本問題...................10
表2-3 交易成本的型態...........................12
表2-4 委外的發展沿革之整理.....................23
表2-5 委外的效益之整理...................... ..24
表4-1 委外流程檢核清單.........................57
表4-2 供應商評選權重計分表                     58
表5-1 境外高等教育的四種提供模式...............82
表5-2 C公司之國際重要成就與評價................96
圖1-1 研究架構圖..............................5
圖2-1 2000年企業委外作業項目統計圖.............20
圖2-2 委外需要一個連結各階段和團隊的循環.......21
圖2-3 委外的五個階段...........................22
圖2-4 委外帶來不同層級的效益...................27
圖4-1 分析企業活動.............................45
圖4-2 委外服務廠商的評選與績效評估機制.........56
圖5-1 客戶服務之業務流程.......................98
圖5-2 個案分析-C公司的委外客服中心.............99
圖5-3 全球客戶服務中心之電話服務選項...........99
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