§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-1801200615363800
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2006.00509
論文名稱(中文) 玻利維亞的貧富差距─社會面與政策面之研究
論文名稱(英文) The Spread between the Rich and the Poor in Bolivia─A Study of the Social Problem and Related Policy
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 拉丁美洲研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of Latin American Studies
學年度 94
學期 1
出版年 95
研究生(中文) 蔡瑞娟
研究生(英文) Jui-Chuan Tsai
學號 691020100
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2006-01-09
論文頁數 112頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 王秀琦
委員 - 宮國威
委員 - 向駿
關鍵字(中) 玻利維亞
關鍵字(英) Bolivia
The Spread between the Rich and the Poor
Bolivian Poverty Reduction Strategy
In Bolivia hundreds of people opposed violently the exportation of natural gas, and from September 2003 their movement have been getting more intense. The impact of protestation was more than expected, and has generated the political and social crisis further. In fact, this incident is just like the last straw that breaks the camel´s back. The major factors which make the people take to the streets to express their discontent are poverty, inequality and social exclusion, because they can't stand any more. In this country the farmers, indigenes and many people who lack the resources for a long time are dissatisfied with the market-liberalization policy under the administration of President Sánchez . Those indigenous people have lived in poverty and distress from the colonial age, most miserably, until now they still can't get rid of the poor living conditions. The electoral promises have never been accomplished , and the fight against poverty sometimes is a simple goal without taking any action.
Beginning in 1985, the government began the structural reforms that made it possible to stabilize the economy and bring about conditions conducive to growth. At that moment the government impelled the capitalization of the biggest state-run companies, at the same time, allowed the massive foreign capitals to enter the domestic market. The result of opening overly the market is that the State has lost the economic independence and the lifeline has completely been controlled by multinational corporations. During the reform of liberalization, many people have to suffer the risk of unemployment, and under this pressure they also are forced to live on less than US$1 or 2 per day. The problems of poverty are exacerbated in particular as the result of insufficient stable opportunities for wage-earning and self-employed jobs. Thus we can observe that the middle class begins to collapse, the social structure has been divided extremely into the rich and the poor. Finally, a polarized society is formed gradually.
In March 2001 the Bolivian government has completed the elaboration of Poverty Reduction Strategy(Bolivian Poverty Reduction Strategy, BPRS). The BPRS endeavors to narrow the gap that exists between economic policy and social policy, so that the determination of the State will be focused not only on growth targets, but also on poverty and social-exclusion reduction objectives. However, the BPRS need a more efficient and responsible administration, therefore the actual conflict and tension can really be eliminated.
第一章 緒論----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-11
第一節	研究問題與假設------------------------------------------------------------1-8
第二節	研究動機與目的------------------------------------------------------------8-9
第三節	研究方法與架構-----------------------------------------------------------9-11

第二章 社會發展中不均衡程度之分析-----------------------------------------------12-43
第一節	不均衡程度的衡量標準------------------------------------------------13-21
第二節	貧窮的測定---------------------------------------------------------------22-29
第三節	貧窮線的劃定------------------------------------------------------------29-33
第四節	玻利維亞對於貧窮與貧窮線的定義---------------------------------34-40
第五節	思考貧富差距的合理性及其限度------------------------------------40-43

第三章 玻利維亞貧富差距的問題----------------------------------------------------44-69
第一節	加速貧富兩極化形成的主因------------------------------------------44-56
第二節	玻利維亞嚴重的貧窮問題---------------------------------------------57-63
第三節	比較區域間的貧窮情況------------------------------------------------63-66
第四節	貧窮問題的發展---------------------------------------------------------66-69

第四章 玻利維亞的降低貧窮策略-----------------------------------------------------70-97
第一節	1990年代玻利維亞的降低貧窮政策---------------------------------72-76
第二節	2001年玻利維亞降低貧窮策略的制定------------------------------77-87
第三節	玻利維亞降低貧窮策略的目標---------------------------------------87-92
第四節	玻利維亞降低貧窮策略主要的發展項目---------------------------92-99

第五章 結論-----------------------------------------------------------------------------100-106
圖1-1 研究架構圖-----------------------------------------------------------------------------11
圖2-1 洛侖士曲線-----------------------------------------------------------------------------18
圖2-2 玻利維亞:依據貧窮條件所作的人口區分圖,1976年、1992年與2002年的人口普查-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24
圖2-3 貧窮線與貧窮缺口關係圖-----------------------------------------------------------31
圖2-4 玻利維亞的貧窮線說明圖-----------------------------------------------------------39
圖3-1 玻利維亞1985~2002年經濟發展與人口發展圖--------------------------------46
圖3-2 1985年與1995年勞動市場各部門的勞動比例---------------------------------49
圖3-3 玻利維亞各省的貧窮指數-----------------------------------------------------------65
圖3-4 玻利維亞各省鄉村地區的貧窮指數----------------------------------------------65
圖4-1 玻利維亞1985-1999年的通貨膨脹率與經濟成長率---------------------------73

表2-1 國民所得會計帳細部分解表----------------------------------------------------13-14
表2-2 GDP與基本的福利指標關係表(2003年)-------------------------------------15-16
表2-3 玻利維亞1990年至1995年的吉尼係數----------------------------------------20
表2-4 玻利維亞收入分配差距分析表(1999年~2002年)-----------------------------21
表2-5 一天收入一美元($1/DAY, 1993 PPP)與一天收入兩美元($2/DAY, 1985 PPP)的人口比例(%) 1990-2002年------------------------------------------------------------27-28
表3-1 拉丁美洲與加勒比海地區17個國家的成人教育程度(%)----------------52-53
表3-2 1999~2002年玻利維亞的貧窮指數------------------------------------------------58
表3-3 1999~2002年玻利維亞的極度貧窮指數--------------------------------------59-60
表3-4 1999~2001年玻利維亞的貧窮與貧乏重度---------------------------------------62
表3-5 2003年玻利維亞的貧窮指數--------------------------------------------------------63
表3-6 2002年玻利維亞的貧窮指數(化分為區域與地理兩大分析面向;並以貧窮線為衡量標準)%-------------------------------------------------------------------------------64
表3-7 1990~1995年玻利維亞的貧窮指數(搭配吉尼係數)------------------------66-67
表4-1 玻利維亞資本化過程表-------------------------------------------------------------76
表4-2 已制定完整的降低貧窮策略計劃書的國家---------------------------------83-84
表4-3 玻利維亞對於HIPC倡議所設定的目標其完成度(%)------------------------88
表4-4 玻利維亞重要的教育指標統計------------------------------------------------93-94
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