§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-1707201711295100
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2017.00574
論文名稱(中文) 台灣國中英文課本動詞搭配詞之分析探討
論文名稱(英文) An Investigation of Verb Collocations in Junior High School Textbooks in Taiwan
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 英文學系碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of English
學年度 105
學期 2
出版年 106
研究生(中文) 吳奇憲
研究生(英文) Chi-Hsien Wu
學號 602110438
學位類別 碩士
語言別 英文
口試日期 2017-06-06
論文頁數 100頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 王藹玲(wanga@mail.tku.edu.tw)
委員 - 林裕昌(au1258@au.edu.tw)
委員 - 林怡弟(ytlin.tw@gmail.com)
關鍵字(中) 搭配詞(Collocation)
關鍵字(英) Collocation
研究者先蒐集翰林iEnglish和康軒英語教科書中全部的動詞搭配詞,再以BBI英語搭配字典作為檢驗的工具,記錄出以下資訊: (1) 全冊的動詞搭配詞總數量 (2) 個別動詞搭配詞出現的頻率。最後研究者進一步分析以上資訊,討論是否有規則能解釋各動詞搭配詞的分布情形。
研究結果顯示,翰林iEnglish全冊中總數139的動詞搭配詞,“look at”共出現26次,在全冊中出現最多次,同時也是唯一一個全冊都出現的動詞搭配詞。14個出現超過5次,然而多達77個只出現1次。而康軒英語教科書中全冊共88個動詞搭配詞, 沒有一個動詞搭配詞全冊都出現。13個超過5次,多達46個僅出現一次。
研究結果也同時顯示出,有5個規則可以解釋各動詞詞語搭配出現的次數頻率多寡,以及解釋特定的動詞詞語搭配出現在特定的情境: (1) 教科書編輯者可能將各冊章節依照文法順序排列,文法難度由淺入深,使得“look at”成為極少數出現在第一冊的動詞詞語搭配。(2) 教科書納入了大部分國中生的課外活動,使得 “taking trips”, “having fun”, “taking picture”, “play ball”, 和“go sporting”頻繁出現在iEnglish中。(3) 國中生常面臨的疾病傷痛議題也被納入教科書中,使得“have a stomachache”, “have a fever”, “go to bed”, “take care of”, 和“take medicine”頻繁出現。(4) 國中生面臨的許多困難和議題,例如吸菸的議題和生涯規劃,也被納入教科書中,因此“deal with”和“ask for”頻繁地出現。(5) 國中生開始背負責任,因此“have to”在康軒英文教科書末兩冊頻繁出現。本研究在最後建議語言教學者可以注意這些規則,也建議未來的研究可以調查是否非英文學習領域也會有特定且適用的動詞搭配詞。
It is a widely accepted idea that collocations are very important parts of second language learning, and learners can benefit from the knowledge of collocations. Previous studies examining collocations about English textbooks are very few, so this study aims to investigate verb collocations in Book One through Book Six of the Hanlin iEnglish and Kang Hsuan English textbooks for junior high school students in Taiwan. 
The BBI Dictionary of English word combinations is served as standard tool to decide on the verb collocations found in the reading texts in each lesson of Hanlin iEnglish and Kang Hsuan English series, and these collocations are further examined to investigate: (1) the total number of them in iEnglish, and (2) the frequency of each collocation found in iEnglish. Then, some patterns derived from the collocations found in Hanlin iEnglish and Kang Hsuan English are further discussed.
The results indicate that among the 139 verb collocations which are the total number of verb collocations found in the six books of iEnglish, “look at” appears 26 times, which ranks top one on the list and is the only verb collocation equally spread in each book, and 14 verb collocations appear more than 5 times, while 77 verb collocations simply appear only once. On the other hand, there are 88 verb collocations found in the six books of Kang Hsuan English, but no verb collocation equally spread in each book. Thirteen verb collocations appear more than 5 times, while 46 verb collocations simply appear only once. The results also reveal that there are five main patterns for specific verb collocations to explain why they appear more frequently or less frequently, and what themes are more likely to be relevant to specific verb collocations. First, material developers may organize the books based on grammar points, from the simplest one to the most complicated one, which makes “look at” one of the very few verb collocations appearing in Book One in iEnglish. Second, activities that most of the junior high school students share are put into lessons, which makes “taking trips”, “having fun”, “taking picture”, “play ball”, and “go sporting” appear frequently in iEnglish. Third, illness and sickness that most of the junior high school students have been through are put into lessons, which make “have a stomachache”, “have a fever”, “go to bed”, “take care of”, and “take medicine “appear frequently in iEnglish. Fourth, issues and problems that junior high school students may encounter to solve in their daily life are put into lessons, which makes “deal with” and “ask for” appear frequently in iEnglish. Fifth, junior high school students start taking responsibility, which makes “have to” appear frequently in the last two books of Kang Hsuan English. The researcher further suggests that language teachers should put emphasis on these patterns. Future research investigating whether there are patterns in other fields is also suggested.

CHINESE ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………..iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………vi
LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………………….viii
CHAPTER ONE  INTRODUCTION……………………………………..……….1
1.1 Background and motivation…………………………………………………….1
1.2 Purpose of the study…………………………………………………………….2
1.3 Research questions……………………………………………………………...3
1.4 Significance of the Study……………………………………………………….3
1.5 Organization of the Thesis………………………………………………………4
2.1 Significance of vocabulary……………………………………………………...5
2.2 Collocation……………………………………………………………………...7
2.2.1 Co-occurrence of Words……………………………………………………7
2.2.2 Grammatical collocations…………………………………………………10
2.2.3 Lexical collocations……………………………………………………….11
2.3 Previous studies on collocation………………………………………………..13
2.3.1 The effect of collocation…………………………………………………..13
2.3.2 The collocation instruction and learning………………………………….16
2.3.3 The Effect of CALL and Corpus on Collocation Learning……………….21
2.3.4 Studies on the collocations in English textbooks…………………………25
2.3.5 Studies on the collocations in English textbooks in Taiwan……………...26
2.3.6 Studies on the collocations in High School English textbooks used in Taiwan……………………………………………………………………27
2.4 Summary………………………………………………………………………31
3.1 Survey of the Use of English Textbook Series in Taipei City…………………33
3.2 Contents of the two textbooks…………………………………………………35
3.2.1 Content of Hanlin iEnglish………...……………………………………..35
3.2.2 Content of Kang Hsuan English…………………………………………..37
3.3 Procedures……………………………………………………………………..38
3.4 Data Collection………………………………………………………………..39
3.5 Data Analysis………………………………………………………………….40
CHAPTER FOUR  RESULTS……………………………………………………43
4.1 Result of Hanlin iEnglish……………………………………………………...43
4.2 Comparing the Result of Kang Hsuan English to Hanlin iEnglish…………...…………………………………………………...……….49
5.1 Discussions and Conclusion of the Major Findings…………………………...56
5.2 Educational Implications………………………………………………………62
5.3 Recommendations for future studies…………………………………………..63
5.4 Suggestionss…………………………………………………………………...64
Appendix A  Introduction of Hanlin iEnglish……………………………………75
Appendix B  Contents Chart of Book One of iEnglish as an example…………..76
Appendix C  Introduction of Kang Hsuan English………………………………77
Appendix D  List of Verb Collocations in Hanlin iEnglish Examined in
            Alphabetical Sequence………………………………………….…78
Appendix E  List of Verb Collocations in Hanlin iEnglish Examined in Frequency Sequence…………………………………………………………...87
Appendix F  List of Verb Collocations in Kang Hsuan English Examined in Alphabetical Sequence…………………………………………….92
Appendix G  List of Verb Collocations in Kang Hsuan English Examined in Frequency Sequence……………………………………………….98


Table 2.2 Definition and Examples of Idioms, Transitional Combinations, Lexical
        Collocations, and Free Combinations…………………………………......10
Table 3.1 Textbook Distribution by Publisher for Each Year in Junior High
        School in Taipei……………………………………………………….…...34
Table 3.2 The Verb Collocation play with…………………………………….…..…40
Table 3.3 Collocations in Alphabetical Order………………………………………..41
Table 3.4 Collocations in Frequency Order………………………………………….42
Table 4.1 The Highest Frequency Collocations in iEnglish…………………………44
Table 4.2 The Verb Collocation look at………………………………………..….…45
Table 4.3 The Verb Collocation talk to…………………………………..…….…….46
Table 4.4 The Verb Collocation go sporting………………………………...……….46
Table 4.5 The Verb Collocation take transportation…………………………....…...47
Table 4.6 Collocations in Common or Different between Hanlin iEnglish and Kang Hsuan English………………………………………………………...…...51
Table 4.7 The Verb Collocation look at…………………………………..……….…53
Table 4.8 The Verb Collocation have to…………………………………..…………54
Table 5.1 The Verb Collocation ask for………………………………………………60
Table 5.2 The Verb Collocation take transportation……………………..……….....60
Table 5.3 The Verb Collocation have to……………………………………..………61

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