§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-1707201300133600
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2013.00585
論文名稱(中文) 已婚女性的工作與家庭處境:以直接服務社工人員為例
論文名稱(英文) Married Women’s Work and Family Situation - Using Direct Service Social Workers as Examples
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 未來學研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of Futures Studies
學年度 101
學期 2
出版年 102
研究生(中文) 魏廷茹
研究生(英文) Ting-Ru Wei
學號 600700057
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2013-06-25
論文頁數 134頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 彭莉惠(peng968@gmail.com)
委員 - 張翰璧
委員 - 陳瑞貴
關鍵字(中) 已婚女性
關鍵字(英) Married Women
Social Worker (Social Work)
Gender Roles
Future Studies
Scenario Analysis
This research considered these married female social workers who provide directive services as main person. These who provide services in Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention Center, Juvenile Guidance Committee, and elderly long-term care are the interviewees of the research. Through in-depth interview, this study aimed at exploring the circumstances between family and work of these married female social workers. Furthermore, through scenario analysis the research depicts some possible and probably futures of their families and works. 
    The findings of the study is that married female social workers are gradually enhanced their life of self-worth and work / family's expectations. Besides, their position on family roles blurred than before and also they are looking for balance between work and family. However, they need to put the case person in priority based on the type of jobs they participated in, so they have seldom time for their families. And this research also finds out the support of family and society will affect competence and commitment of female workers, so it is important and needs to be strengthened. With sufficient support from families and societies, married female social workers can have better opportunity to achieve their self-ideal, balance between work and family, and help more people for cases.
目錄................................................................................................................................. I
表目錄............................................................................................................................ III
圖目錄............................................................................................................................ IV
第一章 緒論............................................................................................................. 1
第一節 研究動機與背景 ................................................................................ 1
第二節 研究架構............................................................................................. 4
第三節 研究目的............................................................................................. 4
第二章 文獻回顧..................................................................................................... 5
第一節 女性的工作與家庭 ............................................................................ 5
第二節 女性社會工作者的工作與家庭概況 .............................................. 15
第三節 未來圖像的相關理論 ...................................................................... 29
第三章 研究方法與設計 ...................................................................................... 32
第一節 研究方法........................................................................................... 32
第二節 研究設計........................................................................................... 32
第三節 資料蒐集及分析 .............................................................................. 35
第四節 未來圖像-情境分析法 .................................................................. 36
第五節 研究流程與研究時程 ...................................................................... 37
第四章 已婚社工女性之工作與家庭處境 .......................................................... 39
第一節 類型一:關懷對象-家暴/性侵案件 .......................................... 39
第二節 類型二:關懷對象-十二至十八歲的青少年輔導 ...................... 59
第三節 類型三:關懷對象-老年長照的長輩 .......................................... 72
第四節 小結................................................................................................... 85
第五章 已婚女性社工人員工作與家庭之未來樣貌 .......................................... 88
第一節 家暴/性侵之社工人員的未來家庭與職涯想像 .......................... 88
第二節 少年輔導組社工人員的未來家庭與職涯想像 .............................. 91
第三節 老年長照社工人員的未來家庭與職涯想像 .................................. 94
第四節 已婚女性社工在工作與家庭的共同性與差異性 ................................ 96
第五節 建構已婚女性社工者工作與家庭的未來圖像 ................................ 100
第六章 已婚女性社會工作者的未來圖像 ........................................................ 105
第一節 研究發現......................................................................................... 107
第二節 研究貢獻......................................................................................... 111
第三節 研究建議與討論 ............................................................................ 112
第四節 研究限制......................................................................................... 115
參考文獻..................................................................................................................... 116
附錄一 2009 年台灣社會工作主要系所師資數及當年招收學生數一覽表 ....... 129
附錄二 訪談同意書 ................................................................................................ 131
附錄三 質化訪談大綱 ............................................................................................ 132
表1- 1 2003 年至2011 年社會工作專職人員數...........................................................3
表3- 1 家庭暴力暨性侵害防治中心受訪者基本資料............................................... 35
表3- 2 少年輔導委員會受訪者基本資料 ............................................................. 35
表3- 3 老年長照受訪者基本資料 ......................................................................... 35
圖5- 1 已婚女性社工家庭與工作的可能未來圖像................................................100
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