§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-1706201115063700
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2011.00577
論文名稱(中文) 越南的勞動力移動與區域經濟發展-東南區域及湄公河區域
論文名稱(英文) Internal Labor Migration and Regional Economic Development in Vietnam : Southeast Region and Mekong Region
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 東南亞研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
學年度 99
學期 2
出版年 100
研究生(中文) 周毓敦
研究生(英文) Yu-Tung Chou
學號 697260221
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2011-06-19
論文頁數 71頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 蔡青龍
委員 - 黃登興
委員 - 任燿廷
關鍵字(中) 勞動力移動
關鍵字(英) Labor Migration
Regional Economic Development
Industrial Transformation
Since 1986, Vietnam has been transferring its closed socialist-planned-economy to an open capitalist economy, and working on the economical approach of the industrial development to become a new high-growth country in southeast Asia. Yet, the industrialization also created an economical gap between the different sections in Vietnam. And ever since the Vietnamese government untied its policy on population movement after its innovation, the labors could look for higher pay by moving. According to the census, there are 2,000,000 people moving out of their original provinces during 1994 to 1999, and during 2004 to 2009, it increased 63.4% as the moving population number grew up to 3,300,000. Within all parts of the country, the Southeast Region is the main in-migrating section. From 2004 to 2009, the net in-migration rate is 117‰, that means in every thousand people above 5 years old, there are 117 people from other provinces. On the other hand, the main out-migrating section is the Mekong Region, which holds -42.1‰ of a net out-migration rate. Furthermore, 97.1% of the population migrating out of Mekong Region go to the Southeast Region. Such movement of labors and the difference of economical development in these two parts are something requires further research and analysis.
    To discuss the process of labor migration, economical development is the cause and labor inflow is the result. But this study suggests that the sustainable development of economy, the labor force plays a key role. Economical development mainly depends on the output of each industry. But in the production process, to input the factors of production is necessary, and labor force is one of the indispensable factors. Take the development of the Southeast Region as an example, the Southeast Region has grown into an export-oriented labor-intensive manufacturing and become the commercial center in Vietnam under the Vietnamese Government's policy and enterprises’ investment. At the same time, the industrial development in the Southeast Region requires a lot of young workers, women workers also in need of employment. But in Vietnam, the size of the workforce and the participation rate of female labor are low in the Southeast Region. Southeast region lacks labor resources to develop industries, therefore, to input labor force which from other regions to help industrial development of Southeast Region is the key point. In Mekong Region, there is a large number of workers with basic skills transferred from agricultural department, which just could provide the necessary vocational skills to manufacturing in Southeast Region. Nevertheless, there’s a worry about a large number of young workers attracted by job opportunities in the field and enter the labor market employment, it may reduce the workforce to continue their education or to pursue further studies. Then the labor force of Mekong Region may stay in low-skilled level, and loss the opportunities to accumulate human capital. After economy boomed, export manufacturing of Southeast Region will face the pressure of rising production costs, the industries will be transformation. If the industries and labors of Mekong River still staying in basic skills, it will probably cause serious problem of unemployment.
第一章	緒論............................................1
第一節	研究背景與動機..................................1
第二節	研究目的........................................5
第三節	研究架構........................................6
第四節	研究設計........................................9

第二章	文獻回顧.......................................11
第一節	勞動力為何遷移.................................11
第二節	勞動力移動對經濟發展的影響.....................12
第三節	分析構想.......................................13

第三章	越南經濟發展與勞動力移動.......................15
第一節	越南經濟發展概況與中國發展經驗.................15
第二節	產業結構轉型對移動勞動力的推力與拉力...........21
第三節	越南境內勞動力移動的方向和規模.................26

第四章	勞動力移動與東南區域經濟發展...................34
第一節	東南區域的產業發展.............................34
第二節	東南區域的就業機會、所得.......................41
第三節	移入勞動力對東南區域產業的挹注.................44

第五章	勞動力移動與湄公河區域經濟發展.................49
第一節	湄公河區域的產業發展...........................49
第二節	湄公河區域的未充分就業.........................53
第三節	湄公河區域人力資源的流失.......................55

第六章	結論...........................................62
一、	研究發現.......................................62
二、	未來研究方向...................................65


表3-1: 1999 年與2009 年越南農業與非農業就業人數比較……………………...24
表3-2: 2009 年越南各區域人口密度及面積、人口占全國比例…………………..26
表3-3: 2004-2009 年越南勞動人口淨移動前五大省分及所屬區域……………..27
表3-4: 2009 年越南經濟社會區域都市人口數和都市化程度……………………28
表3-5: 1999-2009 年越南區域人口淨移動和淨移動率…………………………..30
表3-6: 2004-2009 年跨區域移動人口……………………………………………..32
表4-1: 1988-2009 年越南外資登記的投資金額 (按產業分)……………………..35
表4-2: 1996-2006 年各區域外資的流入…………………………………………..37
表4-3: 東南區域製造業就業人數 (按職業分)…………………………………...39
表4-4: 1999 年與2009 年越南東南區域就業人數比較…………………………...41
表4-5: 2009 年越南各區域月人均所得來源………………………………………42
表4-6: 越南各區域勞動力規模與女性勞動參與率………………………………44
表4-7: 移動勞動力從事職業所占比例……………………………………………47
表5-1: 湄公河區域總就業與東南區域製造業就業人數與比例 (按職業分)…...52
表5-2: 2009 年東南區域、湄公河區域失業率與未充分就業率…………………..53
表5-3: 勞動力移動原因所占比例…………………………………………………55
表5-4: 1989 -2009 年越南人口接受教育與識字情況…………………………….57
表5-5: 2009 年越南各級教育入學率………………………………………………58
表5-6: 2009 年越南各區域人口的教育程度………………………………………59
表6-1: 移動勞動力各戶籍身分的比例……………………………………………66

圖1-1: 2004-2009 年越南境內勞動人口淨移動率…………………………………3
圖1-2: 研究架構……………………………………………………………………..6
圖3-1: 越南經濟社會區域地理位置………………………………………………16
圖3-2: 1990-2009 年東南亞主要國家GDP 成長率……………………………….22
圖3-3: 1990-2009 年越南三級產業占GDP 比重………………………………….23
圖3-4: 1999 年與2009 年越南農業與非農就業占總就業人口比例……………...25
圖3-5: 越南境內勞動力人口移動的方向…………………………………………33
圖4-1: 1995-2008 年東南區域農業、工業占總產值比重…………………………38
圖4-2: 2007 年勞動力移動前後所得的比較………………………………………43
圖5-1: 1995-2008 年湄公河區域農業、工業占總產值比重………………………50
圖5-2: 2009 年越南各區域農業產值占全國比例…………………………………50
圖5-3: 移動勞動力各年齡組所占比例……………………………………………56
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