§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-1701201909425000
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2019.00475
論文名稱(中文) 自然人的工作鑲嵌-以台灣長程線領隊為例
論文名稱(英文) Job embeddedness of nature persons - A case study of long-haul outbound tour leadrs in Taiwan
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 管理科學學系企業經營碩士在職專班
系所名稱(英文) Executive Master's Program of Business Administration (EMBA) in Management Sciences
學年度 107
學期 1
出版年 108
研究生(中文) 楊效齊
研究生(英文) Shiao-Chi Yang
學號 701620188
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2019-01-07
論文頁數 85頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 陳水蓮
委員 - 曹銳勤
委員 - 康信鴻
關鍵字(中) 自然人
關鍵字(英) nature person
long haul outbound tour leader
job embeddedness
turnover intension
Tour leader is a self-employee of independent professional nature person. A dispensable key person who offer the service in the frontline of outbound group package tour (GPT) in Taiwan. Under the condition that the turover and mobility rate of the talent of Tourism industrial is high recently, This research intends to understand the mobility or turover intention of tour leader by conducting a survey of the relationship among Job embeddedness, job attitude, external job opportunities (EJO)and turnover intention (TI). this research divided job embeddedness domain into job embeddedness-organization (JEO)which has been operationalized as the combination of three factors: organization-fit (JEOF), organization-link (JEOL), organization-sacrifice (JEOS)and job embeddedness- community (JEC)which has been operationalized as the combination of two factors:community-fit (JECF), community-sacrifice (JECS), and divided Job attitude domain into organization commitment (OC)and job satisfaction (JS).
The study participants are tour leaders who offer the service for long-haul outbound package tour. Spending 3 years this study is the first time large- scale, multi-country investigation for Taiwan’s long haul tour leaders who offer the service in Taiwan and China, We collected 319 useful data for the final analysis, and employed AMOS20.0 to analyze the research hypotheses using structural equation modeling (SEM).The results indicate that the traditional turnover model, where JS、OC and EJO are regarded as important predictors of TI, receives support. JEC had no significant relations with TI. However JEOS had strong and significant relations with OC and JS.regarding the JEOS,the tour leader working in China have a greater effect on OC, compared with the tour leader who working in Taiwan; however, regarding the JEOL, the professional practitioner working in Taiwan have greater effect on JS, compared with the practitioner who working in China. Finally, this study offer several managerial and theoretical implications and research directions for future studies.
中文摘要	I
英文摘要	II
目錄	III
表目錄	V
圖目錄	VI
第 1 章	緒論	1
1.1	研究背景與動機	1
1.2	研究問題與目的	3
1.3	研究範圍對象	4
1.4	研究流程	5
第 2 章   文獻探討6
2.1	領隊	6
2.2	離職傾向	8
2.3	工作鑲嵌	9
2.4	組織承諾	14
2.5	工作滿足	15
2.6	其他工作機會	17
2.7	假設推導	18
第 3 章	研究方法	24
3.1	研究架構	24
3.2	構面定義	25
3.3	研究變項與問卷設計	26
3.4	抽樣及樣本收集	32
3.5	數據分析方法	32
第 4 章	資料分析結果	34
4.1	樣本基本資料分析	34
4.2	測量模型分析 (Measurement Model Analysis)	37
4.3	結構模型分析(Structure Equation Model Analysis)	42
第 5 章	結論與建議	50
5.1	假設與結果討論	50
5.2	管理意涵	57
5.3	後續研究建議	61
參考文獻	63
中文部分	63
英文部分	64
網頁資料與線上文章	77
附錄一:本研究問卷(前測)	78
附錄二:本研究問卷	82
表2-1	工作鑲嵌各構面定義與意涵	12
表3-1	構面定義	25
表3-2	工作鑲嵌構面題向	27
表3-3	組織承諾構面題向	29
表3-4	工作滿意構面題向	30
表3-5	外部工作機會構面題向	31
表3-6	離職傾向構面題向	31
表4-1	受訪者基本資料統計表	36
表4-2	驗證性因素分析測量指標	38
表4-3	信度與效度分析表	40
表4-4	卡方差表	42
表4-5	結構方程模式整體配適指標	43
表4-6	結構模型評估結果	47
表4-7	不變性檢定(Invariance Tests) 不同地區執業的領隊	49
表5-1	假設檢定結果	56
圖1-1	研究流程	5
圖3-1	研究架構圖	24
圖4-1	結構方程式路徑圖	44
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