§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-1608202110022200
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2021.00362
論文名稱(中文) 臺北都市再生策略之案例研究:從社會基礎設施的視角
論文名稱(英文) The Case Study of Taipei Urban Regeneration Strategy: from the Perspective of Social Infrastructure
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 建築學系碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Architecture
學年度 109
學期 2
出版年 110
研究生(中文) 黃文亨
研究生(英文) Wen-Heng Huang
學號 606360245
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2021-06-25
論文頁數 94頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 黃瑞茂
委員 - 徐玉姈
委員 - 鄭人豪
關鍵字(中) 社會基礎設施
關鍵字(英) Social Infrastructure
Urban Regeneration
Public space
Social Relation
Social Tie



Since the end of the war in the last century, Taipei has witnessed the rapid development of Taiwan’s economy to the challenges of transformation. However, the urban space we live in is also, from an “industrial city” that attracted a large number of laborers to work in the past. Facing the economic structural transformation of globalization in the 1980s, cities have gradually transformed into cities based on tertiary industries. Cities are no longer just about jobs, but places where we live. The “industrial city” has been transformed into a “living city”. In such a drastic transformation process, the environment we live in is facing many problems and challenges, including future industrial development, global warming, aging and declining population, housing justice, historical
preservation, etc., are complex and thorny issues of“urban regeneration”. How we should deal with these issues which is the most important and unavoidable issue at this moment.

This research attempts to find new possibilities for urban regeneration based on the new research on“social infrastructure.” Compared with urban regeneration cases, they are more based on the social“relationships”of communities or regions. Integrate ideas and resources in “communication” then “change society with relationships and interactions.”However, the social infrastructure from a sociological perspective starts from public space and uses “space” to intervene in society, and the resulting "place effects" connects people and resources, then “change society with space.”

The research method is based on the theory of urban space and the urban regeneration case of Taiwan and neighboring countries. Based on the comprehensive theory and case, the “theoretical analysis framework of social infrastructure” is proposed as a “perspective of social infrastructure.” Make further discussions on the development context and spatial cases of Taipei's urban space.

Look at urban development of Taipei from the perspective of social infrastructure, and understand the interactive production relationship between space and society. Urban space can be a symbol of politics and ideology, it can also be integrated with cultural industries, and it is also a social service network. The process of economic development and social democratization has gradually transformed the top-down policies and plans of the government into bottom-up citizen participation, enriching and tolerating more diverse voices in society; along with the development of internet, social infrastructure breaks the physical framework and becomes a group action and sharing mechanism that connects each other with a new style that is more flexible, diversified, and spans time and space. In terms of space cases, under the framework of theoretical analysis, the interaction between different quadrants and cases can understand the development background of space cases and the changing strategies of the space properties and the social process of space formation in face of urban

“Social infrastructure is a physical space, and it is also a social relationship generated under the place effects.” From the perspective of social infrastructure, the city is actually the daily life between people. We should think about the relationship between people in a way closer to real life. The interaction between people, people and the city. “Social infrastructure” should return to “social services” and “life care” to meet the current social problems and needs, and hope to use the concept of social infrastructure to understand the value behind it and rebuild the potential of civic life. Use space (physical and non-physical) as social connection to find a solution to social polarization and opposition.

第一章:緒論 01
第一節 研究背景與動機 01
第二節 研究目的 03
第三節 研究方法與流程04
第二章:理論與發展 07
第一節 前言 07
第二節 戰術型都市主義 11
第三節 社區營造 14
第四節 城市共生 16
第五節 小結 20
第三章:台灣與鄰近國家的都市再生案例 23
第一節 前言 23
第二節 日本:社區設計 25
第三節 韓國:Living Lab 28
第四節 台灣:URS都市再生前進地 30
第五節 小結:社會基礎設施的理論分析架構 35
第四章:社會基礎設施視角下的台北都市空間發展脈絡 39
第一節 前言 39
第二節 1960年~1990年:都市空間作為政策下的文化表徵 41
第三節 1990年~2000年:都市空間反應社會變遷下的「文化民主化」43
第四節 2000年~2010年:都市空間作為城市文化經濟場域 45
第五節 2010年~2020年:網路世代下議題導向的都市空間佔領 47
第六節 小結 51
第五章:社會基礎設施視角下的個案都市再生策略 53
第一節 前言 53
第二節 政府治理的創新策略:南港瓶蓋工廠 61
第三節 政府主導的實體設施:台北市藝文推廣處 70
第四節 公私合作的實體空間:古風小白屋 74
第五節 群體發起的共享機制:IMMA一碼 78
第六節 小結 85
第六章:結論 87
參考文獻 91


圖1 研究架構圖 4
圖2 研究流程圖 5
圖3 社會基礎設施的理論架構圖 37
圖4 台北的社會基礎設施分佈圖 53
圖5 台北的社會基礎設施分佈與社會變化趨勢 55
圖6 台北的社會基礎設施發展移動趨勢 58
圖7 台北社會基礎設施各象限案例 59
圖8 瓶蓋工廠結束營運後成為文創秘境 60
圖9 南港區第三期市地重劃 61
圖10 瓶蓋工廠土地產權與新增十米道路 62
圖11 瓶蓋工廠文資保存範圍 62
圖12 民間團體之保留方案 63
圖13 南港瓶蓋工廠守衛隊之方案文宣 64
圖14 瓶蓋工廠台北製造所平面圖 65
圖15 瓶蓋工廠台北製造所現況照片 66
圖16 文化就在巷子裡-社區藝術巡禮 71
圖17 古風小白屋照片 75
圖18 古風小白屋照片 75
圖19 IMMA一碼空間區位圖 78
圖20 大水溝二手屋 79
圖21 創噪吧 79
圖22 一碼廊 80
圖23 解碼聽 80
圖24 實驗廣場 81
圖25 文具共享 81
圖26 空間租用單 81
圖27 社會基礎設施與個案進程的轉變 85


表1 社會基礎設施相關理論資料整理 19
表2 URS部分案例資料整理 32
表3 都市再生案例比較表 33~34
表4 台北各時期的社會基礎設施發展脈絡之資料整理 50

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