§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-1607200801154900
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2008.00423
論文名稱(中文) 中國宏觀調控對房地產價格之影響及改進措施研究
論文名稱(英文) China's macroeconomic effects the price of real estate and improvement study.
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 中國大陸研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of China Studies
學年度 96
學期 2
出版年 97
研究生(中文) 李庠宏
研究生(英文) Xiang-Hueng Li
學號 691250053
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2008-06-18
論文頁數 115頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 郭建中
委員 - 李志強
委員 - 王建全
關鍵字(中) 房地產
關鍵字(英) Real estate
Macroeconomic Controls
Real estate industry acts a leading,supporting and basic role in national economy; its development has great affections on the development of cities and other industries, even leads to cyclical movements of economy. Over-investments in real estate and rapid increases in the price of realty during the last two years have aroused the attention of the whole society. From the historic experiences of changes of real estate prices in some developed countries (areas),if prices rise significantly in short time may have consequences such as real estate bubbles,breakage in financial system and long economic depression. If this goes on in a longer time,it will affect purchasing ability of citizens. Negative affections will incur if there are too many residence problems. 
    In 2004,the continually promulgated macroscopic presidential measures have got a tentative effect: the speed of investment on the real estate decreased obviously;the profiteering demand got repressed;the price of real estate stayed in a high level.
As the continually implement of the presidential measures,the investment will go on slower down and the price hike will come down gradually. The yearly building's price hike will be lower than that of 2003.But there is still a great distance between the tentative effect of the macroscopic control of real estate market and the aim brought up in the country's 18th [2003] document which requires the total demand and supply come to a balance; the structure is reasonable; the price is stable basically. What's more,it's only a short time from the promulgating of the policy and some measures still need improving while some others need time to carry out. And these also bring us new situation as well as issue which requires attention. As a result,the concerning department should try to improve and implement the newly promulgated policy as soon as possible,It is worthy of studying and researching on how to use macroeconomic controls to control the rapid increases and minimize fluctuations in real estate prices.
    This paper studied on the relations between macroeconomic controls in real estate and market prices. From the point of view of economics and situations of real estate market of Shanghai,the paper demonstrated the significant effects of macroeconomic controls in real estate on its prices. The paper gave some suggestions on the coming macroeconomic controls in real estate.
The innovation of the thesis embodies in the two aspects: theory and policy advice. In theory,it analysis the fluctuations in the prices of commercial housing factors by using economics,administration and other subjects. In policy proposals,such as the land system, it advised the proposition of active stock of land,and the improvement of the supply of land to increase the residential land. In tax revenue,it advised to conduct an in-depth structural adjustment and strengthen the regulation of tax to inhibit short-term speculation, to control the housing investment,it proposed the Chinese government to introduce the differential profits tax,and to transfer of high-income rate classes when the purchase of commercial housing after shortly buying. For their own use for the purpose of the purchase of ordinary housing,it advised to continue to grant preferential policies on taxation; for the purpose of investment purpose of the purchase the second set for housing and large apartment,it advised not to allowed to give tax incentives. In credit,it advised to strict implementation of the credit policy to mortgage loans increased cost of capital. For those people who purchase above second (with the second set) of housing through loan,the first payment should be appropriately increasing. For those people who apply for individual housing loans to buy high-grade commercial housing,villas,commercial premises or above the second set (including the second set) housing,individual housing loans may not enjoy the preferential interest rates,commercial banks should perform the same period grade lending rate of the People's Bank of China. CBRC should change the existing mortgage of 50 per cent risk-weight,put the risk-weight to 100%,so as to enhance commercial banks issuing mortgage cost of capital. In supply and demand control,it advised to promise the guarantee of low-priced commodity housing supply,in order to solve housing problems the low-income families. It advised to establish the communications system of the structure of market supply and demand situation of China to spur structural contradictions in the outstanding areas,and effort to improve the work.
第一章  緒論                                             1
第一節  研究動機、背景與目的                             1
一、研究動機                                             1
二、研究背景                                             2
三、研究目的                                             5
第二節  研究方法                                         5
第三節  研究範圍與限制                                   6
第四節  論文結構及章節安排                               7
第二章 文獻探討與相關研究                                9
第一節 房地產業基本概念                                  9
一、房地產的含義及特性                                   9
二、房地產業的含義                                      11
第二節 中國大陸房地產之相關文獻回顧                     12
一、房地產業供需關係研究                                12
二、房地產業金融市場研究                                13
三、中國干預房地產市場效果的評價                        14
第三節 房地產價格概述                                   16
一、房地產市場的需求和供給                              16
二、房地產價格的構成                                    20
三、房地產價格的特徵                                    21
第四節 經濟變數對房地產價格影響的理論假定               22
一、國內生產毛額的影響                                  22
二、利率的影響                                          23
三、貨幣供給量的影響                                    24
四、通貨膨脹率的影響                                    25
第五節 中國宏觀調控房地產市場的理論分析                 26
一、市場失靈理論在房地產調控中的運用                    26
二、制度經濟學觀點下的房地產市場運行                    34
三、房地產市場制度建設中的中國政府作用                  37
第三章 中國房地產宏觀調控政策分析                       39
第一節 房地產宏觀調控的定義                             39
第二節 2004年-2007年房地產宏觀調控政策分析              40
第三節 目前中國對房地產市場宏觀調控政策的特點           44
第四章 中國宏觀調控對房地產價格的影響分析               46
第一節 中國對房地產價格宏觀調控的背景分析               46
一、房地產價格波動的態勢                                46
二、近年來房地產價格上漲過快的原因                      52
第二節 房地產價格宏觀調控政策措施及其效果               56
一、房地產價格宏觀調控的政策措施                        56
二、房地產價格宏觀調控政策的實施效果                    65
第三節 仍待解決的問題分析                               69
一、房地產土地供給市場的問題分析                        69
二、房地產開發融資中的問題分析                          71
三、房地產開發企業的問題分析                            72
四、二手房市場的問題分析                                74
第五章 中國宏觀調控影響上海房地產價格的實證分析         76
第一節 擴張性房地產宏觀調控與上海房地產價格             76
一、金融政策對供給和需求的促進作用                      77
二、稅收政策對需求的推動作用                            79
三、土地政策對房地產供給和價格的推動作用                80
四、藍印戶口政策對需求的推動作用                        82
五、舊房拆遷推動房地產需求                              83
第二節 收縮性房地產宏觀調控與上海房地產價格             86
一、金融政策                                            87
二、稅收政策                                            91
三、土地政策                                            92
四、擴大中低價房供給                                    93
五、降低舊城改造和動拆遷速度                            94
六、其他規範房地產市場交易的政策                        94 第六章 中國對房地產價格宏觀調控的未來方向               98
第一節 在土地制度上的方向                               98
第二節 在稅收制度上的方向                              100
第三節 在信貸制度上的方向                              101
第四節 在市場規範上的方向                              101
第五節 在供需調控上的方向                              103
第七章 結論                                            106
第一節 中國大陸房地產與宏觀調控之現況                  106
第二節 總結                                            109
參考書目及文獻                                         111
1. 對外貿易經濟合作部:www.moftec.gov.cn
2. 國家統計局:www.stats.gov.cn
3. 中國國家統計局編,中國統計年鑒


1.China Daily: www.chinadaily.com.cn
2.人民網: www.peopledaily.com.cn
5.Financial Times
6.Asian Wall Street Journal

1.中華經濟研究院: www.cier.edu.tw
2.臺灣經濟研究院: www.tier.org.tw

1.World Bank: www.worldbank.org
2.World Bank, Beijing Branch: www.workdbank.org.cn/English/home.asp
3.International Monetary Fund: www.imf.org
4.Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development: www.oecd.org

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