§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-1607200710302500
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2007.00442
論文名稱(中文) 適用於多伺服系統的高效率具鑑別性共同密鑰產生技術之研究
論文名稱(英文) The Study of Efficient Password Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol for Multi-servers
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 資訊工程學系博士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
學年度 95
學期 2
出版年 96
研究生(中文) 蕭勝華
研究生(英文) Sheng-Hua Shiau
學號 891190067
學位類別 博士
語言別 英文
口試日期 2007-06-21
論文頁數 73頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 黃仁俊(junhwang@ms35.hinet.net)
委員 - 王旭正(sjwang@mail.cpu.edu.tw)
委員 - 莊文勝(wsjuang@cc.shu.edu.tw)
委員 - 葛煥昭(keh@cs.tku.edu.tw)
委員 - 黃心嘉(sjhwang@mail.tku.edu.tw)
關鍵字(中) 通行碼鑑別
關鍵字(英) password authentication
key agreement
random oracle model
logic analysis
由於網路相關應用的增長,網路安全成為一重要之議題。對於終端使用者來說,在網路中其最重要且最廣泛的應用即是經由公開網路取得伺服器所提供的服務。伺服器只能提供服務給合法的使用者,並能防止任何非法的存取。因此,在公開網路環境中,身分鑑別與訊息機密性為兩大重要之安全服務。具鑑別性共同密鑰產生技術在此提供一良好的解決方案。我們在本論文中提出兩種適用於多伺服系統具鑑別性共同密鑰產生技術。在我們所提出的方法中,一合法的使用者只需利用一通行碼與一張智慧卡即可安全的存取多台伺服器。在每次使用者登入伺服器時,他們會互相鑑別對方的身分,並且產生一共同密鑰。我們分別利用隨機智者模型(random oracle model)與邏輯分析(logic analysis)來證明方法的安全性與鑑別性。我們所提出的方法能夠抵擋重送攻擊(replay attack)、假冒攻擊(impersonation attack)、已知金鑰攻擊(known key attack)、未知金鑰分享攻擊(unknown key share attack)、密碼驗證檔失竊攻擊(stolen verifier attack)及內部攻擊(insider attack)。每一合法使用者能在不連結伺服器的情況下,執行方法中之更改通行碼步驟來變更自己的通行碼。此外,我們所提出的方法植基於幾何直線問題、雜湊函數及互斥或運算。和之前所提出的方法比較之下,我們的方法只需較少的運算量與通訊量,具有較好的效率。
Network security is an important issue since the rising network application.  For an end user, the most important and wide application is to obtain services from servers via open networks.  A server has to provide services only to its legal users and prevent any illegal access.  Therefore, identity authentication and message confidentiality are two primary security services in an open network environment.  An authenticated key agreement protocol is a good solution for providing identity authentication and message confidentiality security services.  We propose two password authenticated key agreement protocols for multi-servers.  In these two protocols, a valid user can access multi-servers securely by keeping one weak password and one smart card only.  The user and server will authenticate each other and generate a common session key in each login process.  The security and authentication of two proposed protocols is demonstrated by random oracle model and logic analysis separately.  Both proposed protocols resist the replay attack, the impersonation attack, the known key attack, the unknown key share attack, the stolen verifier attack and the insider attack.  Each legal user can change his password without connecting to any server by performing the password change phase of each proposed protocol.    Furthermore, both proposed protocols are based on straight line of geometry, hash function and Exclusive OR operation.  They do not use any overload cryptographic operations and require less computational and communicational costs than previous results.
Contents  	I
List of Figures	III
List of Tables	IV
Chapter 1  Introduction	1
1.1  Research motivation	1
1.2  Objectives of the research	2
1.3  Organization	3
Chapter 2  Related works	5
Chapter 3  The type I protocol	8
3.1  Preliminaries	8
3.2  The proposed protocol	10
3.2.1  The registration phase	11
3.2.2  The login phase	12
3.2.3  The password change phase	15
3.3  Security analysis	16
3.3.1  Random oracle model	16  The modified Bellare-Rogaway model	17  Security proof of the proposed protocol	22
3.3.2  Logic analysis	26  Notation and synthetic rules	26  Proof of the proposed protocol	27
3.3.3  Unknown key share attack	31
3.3.4  Stolen verifier attack	33
3.3.5  Insider attack	33
3.4  Comparison	34
3.4.1  Security properties	34
3.4.2  Computational costs	36
3.4.3  Communicational costs	37
Chapter 4  The type II protocol	40
4.1  Preliminaries	40
4.2  The proposed protocol	42
4.2.1  The registration phase	43
4.2.2  The login phase	44
4.2.3  The password change phase	47
4.3  Security analysis	47
4.3.1  Random oracle model	48
4.3.2  Logic analysis	53
4.3.3  Unknown key share attack	58
4.3.4  Stolen verifier attack	59
4.3.5  Insider attack	60
4.4  Comparison	60
4.4.1  Security properties	60
4.4.2  Computational costs	62
4.4.3  Communicational costs	63
Chapter 5  Conclusions and future works	66
5.1  Conclusions	66
5.2  Future works	67
References	68 

List of Figures
Figure 1. The login phase of the type I protocol ...................................14
Figure 2. The login phase of the type II protocol ..................................45

List of Tables
Table 1. The security properties comparison of the type I protocol......35
Table 2. The comparison of the computational cost in the type I
protocol ....................................................................................37
Table 3. The comparison of the communicational cost in the type I
protocol ....................................................................................38
Table 4. The security properties comparison of the type II protocol.....61
Table 5. The comparison of the computational cost in the type II
protocol ....................................................................................62
Table 6. The comparison of the communicational cost in the type II
protocol ....................................................................................64
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