§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-1606200514422300
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2005.00312
論文名稱(中文) 重大交通建設計畫專案融資評估模式之研究-以台灣高速鐵路建設為例
論文名稱(英文) Research of Project Financing Evaluation Model of Major Transportation Infrastructure -Taking Taiwan High Speed Rail as an Example
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 會計學系碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Accounting
學年度 93
學期 2
出版年 94
研究生(中文) 方可以
研究生(英文) Ko -Yi Fang
學號 791470171
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2005-06-13
論文頁數 118頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 蔡信夫(hsinfu@mail.tku.edu.tw)
委員 - 陳基國
委員 - 羅孝賢
關鍵字(中) 專案融資
關鍵字(英) Project financing
Evaluation Model
Built-Operate-Transfer (BOT)
Tri-party Contract
In the past recent years due to deteriorating fiscal situation the government has allowed private sector to participate in several large transportation construction projects. The north-south railroad project and the Kaoshiung rapid transit system are just a few prominent examples in this respect. One common concern of private participation in public infrastructure construction has been that as the construction project moved on, the problem of financial insolvency also loomed, casting doubt on the continuation and completion of the project. The root cause lies in the poor financial planning(typically gross under-estimation of the fund needed to complete the project), necessitating several rounds of request for funding addition. Thus, to avoid the same mistakes, it is imperative to introduce and promote responsible and accurate project financing into public infrastructure developments.
Unlike traditional financing taking physical assets as collateral or accepting owner’s guaranty to protect the financial risk, project financing is one way to get financing by using the cash flow that the project generates in the future as the resource of payback, project feasibility and risk distribution shall be carefully evaluated by the financial institutions before making the decision to provide the financing required.

This research emphasizes the arrangement of proper project financing, especially on establishing a practical operating procedure for project financing.  Through questionnaire survey method, panel discussion with scholars and experts, compilation and research on domestic and foreign cases, establishing project financing evaluation structure, we expect to prescribe a whole range of recommendations to form a protocol for government agencies and private enterprises to follow, thereby improving the macro environment and raising efficiency of private participation in public infrastructure constructions. The result shows that the mechanisms, provided by the Tri-party Contract for The Construction of Taiwan High Speed Rail Project, that government may acts as a financing guarantor and the intervention right at the time of termination in the Construction and Operation Contract do not completely fit in with the theoretical basis of the project financing. As we understand that each built-operate-transfer (BOT) project is unique with various scale and characteristics. Therefore, it is suggested that government should develop a suitable BOT mechanism, including developing comprehensive BOT laws, to fulfill special need of various BOT projects.The suitable BOT mechanism must include proper and clear design of step-by-step consideration and project control logic. It should focus on the progress control of project financing and engineering in the beginning stage, but concentrate on project operating issues and real estate developments in the late stage of a BOT project.
第壹章 緒論	1
第一節 研究背景及動機	1
第二節 研究目的	2
第三節 研究方法	2
第四節 研究流程與架構	3
第貳章 文獻回顧	6
第一節 專案融資定義	6
第二節 文獻回顧之彙總	7
第三節 專案融資之特性及效益	13
第四節 專案融資之運作架構	17
第五節 國外案例	20
第參章 專案融資之評估架構	27
第一節 BOT計畫之風險及評估要項	27
第二節 專案融資之步驟	29
第三節 專案融資之評估作業特點	30
第四節 專案融資之審查評估作業實務	33
第五節 專案融資之定量決策指標評估	38
第六節 專案融資之評估架構	42
第肆章 專案研討-以台灣高鐵為例	44
第一節 專案簡介	44
第二節 專案之資金來源及用途	46
第三節 專案風險分析	49
第四節 專案財務模組評估	51
第五節  敏感性分析	65
第伍章 問卷調查結果分析	67
第一節 研究設計	67
第二節 問卷調查統計	71
第三節 問卷調查結果	76
第四節 高鐵專案融資成敗之關鍵因素分析	78
第五節 政府參與高鐵專案融資與否之因素分析	83
第六節 高鐵專案融資相關財務比率之分析	87
第陸章 結論與建議	90
第一節 結論	90
第二節 建議	92
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向	93
參考文獻	94
附錄一:台灣高鐵專案融資相關課題問卷	99
附錄三:問卷調查意見統計表 …………………………..115
圖   目   錄
圖1-1 研究流程圖	 4
圖1-2 研究架構圖	 5
圖2-1 專案融資整體運作架構	 19
圖2-2馬來西亞南北高速公路之專案融資架構	 21
圖2-3 澳洲雪梨過港隧道之專案融資架構	 22
圖2-4 EUROTUNNEL公司之專案融資架構	 25
圖3-1 專案融資之流程與評估架構圖	 43
圖4-1高鐵計畫總建設經費分配圖	 46
圖4-2 現金流量時間走勢圖	 49
圖4-3 高鐵計畫風險因素	 50
表   目   錄
表2-1 國內相關文獻之彙總表	 7
表2-2 國外相關文獻之彙總表	 11
表2-1 國內相關文獻之彙總表	 7
表2-2 國外相關文獻之彙總表	 11
表2-3專案融資與傳統融資之差異	 14
表2-4 馬來西亞南北高速公路之資金來源	 21
表2-5 澳洲雪梨過港隧道之資金來源	 23
表2-6 EUROTUNNEL公司之資金來源	 26
表4-1台灣高速鐵路建設計畫大事紀	 44
表4-2台灣高鐵公司之資金來源	 48
表4-3營業收入預測表(截至92.6.30)	 55
表4-4營業成本預測表(截至92.6.30)	 56
表4-5預計損益表(截至92.6.30)	 58
表4-6預計資產負債表(截至92.6.30)	 59
表4-7自償能力計算表(截至92.6.30)	 63
表4-8財務指標計算表(截至92.6.30)	 64
表4-9對高鐵計畫自償能力影響之敏感性計算彙總	 65
表5-1 各群組抽樣樣本統計表	 68
表5-2 所有人員意見統計表	 71
表5-3 意見調查結果分佈表	 72
表5-4 受調查者特質統計表	 74
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