§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-1507200811095600
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2008.00384
論文名稱(中文) 北美自由貿易協定對墨西哥農業的影響
論文名稱(英文) The Impact of NAFTA in Mexican Agriculture.
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 拉丁美洲研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of Latin American Studies
學年度 96
學期 2
出版年 97
研究生(中文) 林漢智
研究生(英文) Han-Chih Ling
學號 692020109
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2008-06-18
論文頁數 150頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 宮國威
委員 - 熊建成
委員 - 向駿
關鍵字(中) 經濟改革
關鍵字(英) Economic Reform



Agriculture is the basis of the economic development in every country. It has been commonly protected by Governments because of the importance and the sensitivity of this sector, no matter how developed the economy could be. The global commerce of agricultural products increased substantially after World War II; however, by the 1980s states reselected protecting policies which resulted in the existence of trade barriers in the global market that leaded to the stagnation on the trade of agricultural products. Therefore, Sates signed agricultural agreements through multilateral mechanisms in 1994 to establish the regulation of international agricultural product trading.

  After the revolution in 1910, the agricultural development in Mexico was once significant successful, but due to the Government’s policy of industrial expansion, the importance of agriculture was gradually decreased. By the outbreak of financial crisis in 1982, Mexico began an economical reform, and when the former Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari started his term, immediately processed the “National Development Plan”, which changed the traditional way of protecting agricultural sector. This Plan stimulated the production of agricultural items that faced also an external market. Additionally, the Government achieved the negotiation of North American Free Trade Agreement during this period.

  The international community was expecting the outcome after Mexico joined NAFTA, especially on the agricultural commerce part, because this sector is one of the most sensitive points in this treat due to the better agricultural production that the United States and Canada have in comparison with Mexico. Fourteen years after signing NAFTA, Mexico has showed a significant economical growth, more than any other country in Latin America because the commerce between this three countries, Mexico, the US and Canada has grown rapidity. However, Mexico has experienced during the last years the deficit on the agriculture trade with those two countries, situation that enlarges the interval on development of agriculture and other sectors.

  In resume, with progress of NAFTA, the factor to adjust its affection is increasing as well, and the outcome of Mexican agriculture development is dropping out from the international expectation. The Mexico’s agricultural reform is reducing the effect on agricultural producing, while the government is decreasing it’s participation in the agriculture market. However, the agricultural sector, the most sensitive one in NAFTA, is going to be complete liberalized in 2008, therefore, the future policy still need to use the non-trade barriers at appropriate timing for exchanging the time and space for adjust the producing structure of Mexican agriculture.

第一章 緒論 .............................................1
第一節	研究動機與目的..................................1
第二節 研究方法與資料來源...............................2
第三節  研究範圍與論文架構...............................3

第二章 農業現代化與國際農產品貿易........................5
第一節 農業與國家經濟發展的關聯.........................5
第二節 影響農業生產與貿易的因素........................14
第三節 國際農產品貿易相關規範..........................23

第三章 墨國加入NAFTA前的農業發展........................37
第一節  農業發展之演變(1910-1970年) ...................37
第二節 加強農業發展到農業改革時期(1970-1994年)........46
第三節 農業生產條件與主要農產品........................56

第四章 NAFTA的成立與農產品貿易.........................67
第一節 NAFTA的成立與農業貿易事項.......................67
第二節 美、加、墨農業發展的比較........................76
第三節 農產品貿易的變化................................87

第五章 NAFTA對墨國農業的衝擊與評估.....................99
第一節 對農產品生產結構的影響..........................99
第二節 農業與農村發展的變化...........................108
第三節 農業政策與貿易法規的檢討.......................116

第六章 結論...........................................125


表 2-1  1980年到2004年全球農業發展......................9
表 2-2  1980年到2002年已開發與開發中國家各項農業相關數據......................................................10
表 2-3  耕地使用拖拉機與收割機的數量...................12
表 2-4  從GATT到WTO談判回合總表........................24
表  2-5  消除所有農業關稅及補貼的全球利潤分配...........26
表  2-6 農業貿易協定中三大支柱的數據削減目標...........27
表  3-1  1983-1994年墨國農業信貸變化....................56
表  3-2  墨國1990-2002年各生產區之生產數據..............58
表  3-3  墨國玉米生產相關資料...........................60
表  3-4  1980-1990年墨國菜豆資料........................62
表  3-5  1980-1995墨國蔬菜出口..........................64
表  4-1  NAFTA關稅減讓表(以1989-11991的平均值為基準)....72
表  4-2  1994-2007年墨國的外國直接投資..................75
表  4-3  加國主要生產與進出口農產品.....................77
表  4-4  2005年美國十大主要農產品.......................81
表  4-5  美、墨農產品貿易...............................87
表  4-6  墨國對美國的農產品出口.........................88
表  4-7  美國出口墨國農業產品...........................91
表  4-8  墨、加農產品貿易...............................95
表  5-1  1983-2006年墨國農產品的單位生產力.............100
表  5-2  墨國主要基本作物的國內價格變化趨勢............101
表  5-3  1994-2005年墨國主要基本作物產量...............102
表  5-4  1994-2005年墨國主要蔬果產量...................107
表  5-5  墨國各項產業GDP成長的變化.....................109
表  5-6  1994-2007年墨國的外國直接投資 ...............111
表  5-7  公共與私人匯款佔農村家庭收入的比重............115
表  5-8  墨國玉米、菜豆與大麥的進口與配額關稅..........117
表  5-9  2002年鄉村支持計畫的相關資料..................120

圖 2-1 全球與個人農業生產值...............................................................................11
圖 3-1 1921-2005 墨國農業GDP佔總體經濟比重之走勢圖 ..............................42
圖 3-2 1895-2000 年墨國各級產業的勞動人口比例.............................................43
圖 3-3 墨西哥全國行政區地圖...............................................................................57
圖 4-1 2003 年美、墨、加三國農業生產者支出的配置......................................86
圖 4-2 2005 年美、墨農產品貿易結構..................................................................88
圖 5-1 1999-2003年各級產業所得的變化.........................................................110



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