§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-1403201604384600
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2016.00363
論文名稱(中文) 歐盟觀光發展政策─以法國奧德省永續觀光發展為例
論文名稱(英文) EU Tourism Development Policies – A Study case of “Aude” Sustainable Tourism Development in France.
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 歐洲研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of European Studies
學年度 104
學期 1
出版年 105
研究生(中文) 程于恆
研究生(英文) Yu-Heng Cheng
學號 600290307
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2016-01-15
論文頁數 122頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 苑倚曼
委員 - 卓忠宏
委員 - 陳學毅
關鍵字(中) 歐盟
關鍵字(英) EU
Sustainable tourism
Aude in France
Tourism development is largely contributing to world's economy as an industrial sector; it is bringing economic growth and liveliness to every country, city and region. It constitutes many new tourism markets in all continents: Europe (France,…), America (USA,…), Asia (China,…), the Middle East, Africa. Under the booming of tourism industry, top touristic areas are facing over crowded monuments, endangered natural landscapes, which are bearing possible irreversible impact changes. They need to prevent their cultural heritage damaged risks. Historical France is benefiting of geographical environment, varied natural landscape and romantic culture, it does attract large waves of visitors to France, and has become the preferred destination for majority of tourists. As well, more remote regions would think to develop tourism and rely on more visitors to develop their economy. However, the United Nations World Tourism Organization noticed that tourism assets need to be maintained, sustainable and protected, and wait till late 1980s, when WTO brought awareness to sustainable development concept and the implications of industrial operations. Sustainable development of tourism industries focus on the protection of natural and cultural tourism resources, it should repair, maintain, and prevent intensive raise of tourists number, water and energy demands, traffic jams, accompanied by saturation of facilities, or wastes recycling and fast building. Against these critical situations, the EU support member states for diverse sightseeing tours.
    The case study of Aude department in France has been chosen, as it represents a typical example; for its natural landscape and cultural relics suffered damages and call French government to focus on the development of sustainable tourism development to support these more remote areas in both ways: attract tourists’ visit around the year.Although their historic or natural resources not renown and, protect, maintain their resources in the meantime. Aude accessed to EU and French government joint support to become a popular touristic destination, with regional development in the respect of sustainable development. This study of the development of tourism in France Aude region also analyses localities and National or European coordination and supports for sustainable tourism development in France.
    This study is divided into four parts: The first chapter explains the motivation and purpose of research, research methods, scope and limits; The second chapter discusses the origin and development of tourism with explained definitions of sustainable tourism; the third chapter described the EU's Tourism Policy history and development; the fourth chapter discusses the advantages and status of tourism in France and evaluate France Aude sustainable tourism policy measures and useful experiences for other countries regional development.
第一章 緒論----------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究動機與目的-------------------------------------1
第二節 理論與研究方法-------------------------------------5
第三節 文獻回顧------------------------------------------7
第四節 研究範圍與限制------------------------------------12
第五節 研究架構-----------------------------------------13
第二章 觀光定義與發展起源---------------------------------15
第一節 觀光旅遊定義與起源---------------------------------15
第二節 觀光旅遊歷史發展演進-------------------------------20
第三節 永續觀光定義及其發展核心要素-------------------------30
第三章 歐盟觀光政策沿革與發展------------------------------35
第一節 歐盟觀光政策發展背景--------------------------------35
第二節 80年代歐體觀光政策之研究----------------------------37
第三節 90年代歐盟觀光政策之影響與永續觀光之興起---------------50
第四節 2000年後歐盟永續觀光政策之研究-----------------------65
第四章 法國觀光發展與永續觀光案例分析------------------------80
第一節 法國觀光優勢及現況----------------------------------81
第二節 法國永續觀光政策之研究-------------------------------83
第三節 法國地區永續觀光策略執行與研究─奧德省(Aude)-------------88
第四節 奧德省永續觀光發展分析------------------------------100
第五章 結論---------------------------------------------102
附錄一 歐洲文化城市列表-----------------------------------105
附錄二 歐洲優良之旅遊目的地列表-----------------------------108

圖2-1  觀光旅遊各歷史時期發展圖---------------------------20
圖2-2  中古世紀聖地牙哥朝聖之旅路線圖----------------------23
圖2-3  國際觀光客入境人數 (1995~2015)--------------------27
圖2-4  2013年世界各地區國際觀光客入境人數------------------29
圖2-5  永續性原則--------------------------------------32
圖3-1  1960年~1980年歐體會員國國際觀光收入統計-------------37
圖3-2  2005年~2008年歐洲非正式學習提供者比例圖-------------59
圖3-3  2010年歐洲各國就業人口參與非正規教育與培訓比例圖-------59
圖3-4  2010年全球入境旅客及獲利比例圖----------------------76
圖3-5  1995年~2010年全球入境旅客人數成長圖-----------------76
圖3-6  1995年~2010年歐洲觀光入境人數及獲益圖----------------77
圖4-1  法國地理位置圖-------------------------------------82
圖4-2  Château de Quéribus ----------------------------90
圖4-3  Château de Peyrepertuse ------------------------90
圖4-4  每年於奧德省住宿觀光客的人數成長圖--------------------97

表2-1  世界觀光組織永續觀光核心指標------------------------33
表3-1  永續觀光之責任歸屬--------------------------------65
表3-2  各層級觀光相關單位對於永續觀光發展需實行之方向---------69
表4-1  2013年~2014年世界觀光客入境人數及差距表-------------80
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