§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-1401201223431000
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2012.00513
論文名稱(中文) 歐巴馬時期美國對中共外交政策之研究(2009-2011)
論文名稱(英文) The U.S. Research for PRC’s Foreign Policy When President Obama on stage from 2009 to 2011.
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 中國大陸研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of China Studies
學年度 100
學期 1
出版年 101
研究生(中文) 廖品睿
研究生(英文) Ping-Rei Liao
學號 698270161
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2011-12-27
論文頁數 106頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 潘錫堂
共同指導教授 - 郭展禮
委員 - 洪陸訓
委員 - 王高成
關鍵字(中) 巧實力
關鍵字(英) Smart Power
the Relationship between PRC and U.S
Soft Power
Back to Asia.



The attack on Pearl Harbor made the U.S. realized that they cannot take Isolationism to cope with the Changing situation of the world. Therefore, America decided to join in WWII in order to put an end to it. The Korean War and the 823 Artillery War made the USA to help defense Taiwan and to take Containment in Order to prevent the expansion of communist forces. The Cuba missile crisis made the relationship between America and the Soviet Union reached the highest tension, but President Kennedy’s wisdom put all the Dangers into an end. After Nixon took office he sent Henry Kissinger, the nation security adviser to Beijing to meet Zhou Enlai which made P. Both sides signed Shanghai Communiqué in 1972. In 1978, President Carter announced to establish diplomatic relationship with PRC while at the same time break off relation with ROC. This had set another milestone between PRC and the USA. During President George H. W. Bush and Clinton was on stage, there were Tiananmen Square protests and policy of Enlargement and Engagement which had made these two presidents having their own position in history. While Bush was on stage, he regarded PRC as a military competition until the 911. After that, PRC turned into military partner that made both sides cooperate.

    President Obama brought a different atmosphere to America; his speeches are always attractive to Americans. He was the first president to use the Internet to publicize his political ideas. The reason why Obama was elected as the president was that the economics of America was brought to its knees after Iraq War and Afghanistan War. At the same time, the education competitiveness of America was lower than developing countries. Hilary proposed “Smart Power” as the policy for U.S. Diplomacy, which changed the International image of the USA and also made the USA step on another road.

    In 2008, the Financial Crisis changed the International status of the U.S. This reflected that the outdated financial system couldn’t survive in the international community. On the other hand, Washington D.C. and Beijing is competitors of two different types of economic system. The rising of PRC’s soft power in Beijing 
Olympic also made a trial of America’s International status. This added an unpredictable future to the Relationship between U.S. and PRC. The interactive between Obama and Hu-Jing Tao could set a Milestone for the relationship on both sides. This became a great attention among International community. We can see from the Joint Declaration between U.S. and PRC that both sides have consensus on political and economic issues and also Taiwan issues. This basically benefits both sides to let International community realize their interactions.

   U.S. had achieved many consensuses through Strategy and Dialogue after Obama became president. This made both sides has closer relationship on economic cooperation. However, Secretary Hilary proposed the policy of Back to Asia had made PRC feel like being offended, especially military drill between U.S and South Korea, Diaoyu islands incident, Conflict of ASEAN and South China Sea. We can see from Hilary’s visit to Vietnam that U.S. took the Containment to PRC. Therefore we can see that America is both competing and cooperating with PRC. This showed that the hegemony status of the USA mustn’t be offended or threatened by other countries.
第一章  緒論
第一節  研究動機與目的..............	1 
第二節  基本概念之界定..............	4
第三節  研究途徑與方法..............	6 
第四節  分析架構與章節安排..........	8 
第五節  研究範圍和限制..............	10

第二章  美國政府對中共外交政策的演變
第一節  1979年以前美國對中共的外交政策........13
第二節  從尼克森到卡特政府時期的「中」美建交對後續影響...........21
第三節  小布希時期對中共的外交政策............27

第三章  歐巴馬上台對中共的外交政策轉折
第一節  歐巴馬的個人魅力和決策幕僚團隊..........33
第二節  內在環境因素轉變...............42
第三節  國際環境因素轉折.............47

第四章	歐巴馬執政時期的「中」美競合關係對全世界的影響
第一節  2008年金融危機的轉折..................53
第二節  二大霸權地位的消長與轉變..................58
    第三節  歐巴馬執政時期對兩岸關係的影響........63
    第四節  「中」美合作改變世界局勢的可行性......66

第五章  歐巴馬上台對華政策方針
    第一節  歐巴馬上台對中共的外交發展………………………………………...69
    第二節  歐巴馬政府對中共的戰術運用……………………………………………..74
    第三節  美國對華政策對未來「中」美關係影響…………………………………86

第六章   結論
第一節  研究總結...........	89
第二節  研究建議...........	95

參考書目...................	97

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