§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-1307200619573300
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2006.00342
論文名稱(中文) 非裔與韓裔美國人衝突之研究:以一九九二年洛杉磯大暴動為例
論文名稱(英文) A Study of Racial Conflicts between African Americans and Korean Americans: An Example of the 1992 Los Angeles Riots
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 美國研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of American Studies
學年度 94
學期 2
出版年 95
研究生(中文) 詹于穎
研究生(英文) Yu-Ying Chan
學號 693220146
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2006-06-21
論文頁數 133頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 紀舜傑
委員 - 李本京
委員 - 楊永年
關鍵字(中) 暴動
關鍵字(英) riots
African American
Korean Americans
ethnic relation
ethnic conflicts
本論文旨在申述美國多元文化下的移民與族群關係,並以一九九二年洛杉磯大暴動(The 1992 Los Angeles Riots)為例,探討暴動中呈現之非裔與韓裔美國人之衝突問題。在研究方法上以「次級文獻分析法」(Secondary Analysis)為主,來探索、分析與討論非裔與韓裔移民的族群關係。
The main purpose of the thesis wishes to describe the relationships between immigrations and cultures under the multicultural America.  The thesis uses “The 1992 Los Angeles Riots” as background to analyze and discuss the problems which were derived from conflicts in between African Americans and Korean Americans. The research method is mainly based on Secondary Analysis in order to explore, analyze, and discuss the problems above.
   America is known not only for her complicated but multiple cultures and distributions. However, as many immigrants from other cultures settle in America, it is no doubt that under the differences of cultures, languages, and habits, many sides of problems will occur. They could be from small integrations after a long period of inhabitation to serious cultural conflicts. Therefore, the 1992 Los Angeles Riots occurred as the result of a long time cultural habits and customs, economic activities, and language diversity collisions between the African and Korean Americans, which caused the serious fights appearing externally.
   The structure of the thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is Introduction, which describes the motive and purpose of the whole thesis; literature review; research method and areas; research restrictions and simple introductions of the arrangements of each chapter. The second chapter introduces and analyses the background of the Los Angeles Riots and why it was occurred. The third chapter decomposes the reasons of which why conflicts between African and Korean immigrants happened. The fourth chapter describes the impacts on African and Korean Americans after the riot occurred. The fifth chapter as the conclusion, which summarizes each chapter, concludes and organizes the chapters above, and brings out the findings of the research as ending.
第一章	緒論 … ……………………………………………………1
  第一節	研究動機與目的……………………………………………1
  第二節	文獻探討……………………………………………………5
  第三節	研究方法與範圍……………………………………………9
第二章	洛杉磯大暴動發生之經過與因素 ………………………14
  第一節	洛杉磯大暴動發生之經過……………………………….14
  第二節	洛杉磯大暴動發生之遠因 ………………………………19
  第三節	洛杉磯大暴動發生之主因 ………………………………26
第三章	黑人與韓裔移民之衝突 …………………………………34
  第一節	韓裔移民之移民過程分布與生活 ………………………34
  第二節	日常生活層面之衝突 ……………………………………41
  第三節	商業活動層面之衝突 ……………………………………48
第四章  洛杉磯大暴動的影響與展望  ……………………………60
  第一節  洛杉磯大暴動對黑人之影響……………………………60
  第二節	 洛杉磯大暴動對韓裔移民之影響………………………67
  第三節	洛杉磯大暴動帶給美國社會之啟示 ……………………76
第五章 結論 …………………………………………………………90
   附錄 ………………………………………………………………99
     圖1-1 ……………………………………………………………9
     表3-1 ……………………………………………………………35
     表3-2 ……………………………………………………………36
     表3-3 ……………………………………………………………47
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