§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-1306202119595800
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2021.00270
論文名稱(中文) 宜蘭厝活動的地景美學建構之研究
論文名稱(英文) A Study on the Landscape Aesthetic Building of “Yilan House”
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 建築學系碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Architecture
學年度 109
學期 2
出版年 110
研究生(中文) 林志謙
研究生(英文) Chih-Chien Lin
學號 609360085
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2021-06-09
論文頁數 117頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 鄭晃二
委員 - 林盛豐
委員 - 黃瑞茂
關鍵字(中) 宜蘭厝活動
關鍵字(英) “Yilan House”
Landscape Aesthetic
1.	宜蘭厝活動沒有回應較常民化的居住需求。
2.	宜蘭厝推動者對於「批判的地域主義」概念自有詮釋。
3.	第一期宜蘭厝較第二期擁有較具體的理論基礎及理念。
4.	宜蘭厝使用者在與基金會的權利義務關係中不具強制約束力。
5.	宜蘭厝使用者相較於推動者及建築師擁有較大的主導權去影響建築師設計的方向。
1.	宜蘭厝活動採用鼓勵以及補助性質的方式進行推廣。活動在寬鬆的機制中進行,使用者在與基金會的權利義務關係中不具強制約束力,因此推動者的理念難以完全貫徹至每一棟宜蘭厝;活動結束之後,宜蘭縣政府也沒有考慮將活動歸納出的設計準則發展成剛性的都市設計或建築管理法規,因此宜蘭厝的數量佔宜蘭總體住宅比例較低。 
2.	由於宜蘭厝活動所設定的機制不具強制約束力,因此影響建築師設計發展方向的主導權也由推動端逐漸移轉至使用端,雖然最初的地景美學由推動者提出但使用者才是地景美學的真正實踐者。然而這就是民主社會中推廣建築活動的常態,居民在自由的環境中實踐自己對於住屋的想像,因此理念落到以個別居民的認知作為基礎的結果中。
This study aims to propose an interpretation for the impossibility of universal implementation of the construction process of the landscape aesthetics and the design concept for the “Yilan House” event. Since the launching of the Yilan House event, it aims to find local architectural forms through openness and participation despite the drastic impacts of the amendment of the Agricultural Development Act and the Freeway No.5 on the terrestrial landscape of Yilan-Ebene. However, based on the practical results, the impact of the event is quite limited on the residential styles in Yilan.
This study has made an exploration of the construction process of the landscape aesthetics of Yilan House. Literature analysis and semi-structured interviews were used as the research methods. The scope of research consists of the phase-1 and phase-2 cases, while the subjects of the interview were participants of Yilan House, including the promoters, architects, and users.
The following five conclusions were obtained from the interviews:
1.	Yilan House event did not respond to the residential needs of the ordinary inhabitants.
2.	The promoters of Yilan House have their own interpretation of the concept of  "critical regionalism". 
3.	Phase-1 Yilan House has a more concrete theoretical basis and ideals compared to Phase-2.
4.	Users of Yilan House have no mandatory binding relationship of rights and obligations with the foundation.
5.	Yilan House users have greater dominance to influence the architects’ design compared to the promoters and architects.
Based on the results of the interviews, this study took a further step to define and explain the causes for the impossibility of universal implementation of the design concept during the event. Also, it has explained the interactive relationship between the different participating parties, the relocation process of the landscape aesthetics, and the shifting of the dominance that affected the architects’ design.
The study has made the following two conclusions:
1.	Yilan House event was promoted through encouragement and subsidies within a loose mechanism. Users f Yilan House have no mandatory binding relationship of rights and obligations with the foundation, so it was not possible for the promoters to keep the concept consistency on every Yilan house. After the end of the event, Yilan County Government did not try to summarize and compile a design criterion based on the event so that it can be further refined as an urban design or architectural management regulation. Thus, the number of houses of Yilan House accounted for a lower percentage than the total number of residences in Yilan. 
2.	The event does not exert any restriction on the direction of design, so it’s expected that the participants of the Yilan House event are encouraged to develop their design freely. It’s a power shift from the organizer to the user, echoing the concept proposed by the imitator of the event that the user is the only one can build and complete local landscape aesthetics. Residents are empowered to accomplish their imagination in house and living and their opinions are fully respected. In a democratic society, it’s a suitable way to promote an event concerning architecture.

第一章 緒論	1
第一節 研究動機與目的	1
第二節 文獻回顧	3
第三節 研究範圍	11
第四節 研究方法與流程	12
第二章 宜蘭農村發展歷程和歷史上與宜蘭厝接近的建築活動	14
第一節 宜蘭農村發展歷程	14
第二節 歷史上與宜蘭厝接近的建築活動	20
第三章 第一期與二期蘭厝和歷屆宜蘭縣長政策分析	27
第一節 第一期與二期宜蘭厝分析	27
第二節 歷屆宜蘭縣縣長政策分析	36
第四章 課題討論與分析	40
第一節 研究論點	40
第二節 研究假設	43
第三節 問卷調查與課題分析	45
第五章 結論	64
參考文獻	66
附件一 訪談問卷	70
附件二 訪談紀錄	73


圖1-3-1 研究流程圖	13
圖3-1-1 五結鍾宅原始設計方案	36
圖3-1-2 五結鍾宅現況照	36
圖4-1-1 蘭厝活動中的權利義務關係圖	42
圖4-2-1 蘭厝活動權力結構圖	44
圖4-3-1 五結鍾宅室內中庭現況照	55
圖4-3-2 014五結陳宅原始設計方案	58
圖4-3-3 014五結陳宅現況照	58


表1-2-1 「宜蘭厝」相關文獻彙整表	4
表1-2-2 舊公共行政、新公共管理、新公共服務比較	10
表2-2-1 「宜蘭厝」活動與魏森霍夫住宅區德意志製造聯盟建築展比較表	21
表2-2-3 「住屋之生產」與「開放式營建方法論」比較	25
表3-1-1 宜蘭厝設計準則	28
表3-1-2 第一期已興建宜蘭厝	30
表3-1-3 第一期未興建宜蘭厝	31
表3-1-4 第二期已興建宜蘭厝	33
表3-1-5 第二期未興建宜蘭厝	34
表3-2-1 宜蘭縣歷屆縣長農舍政策分析	38
表4-2-1 研究對象取得方式	45

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1.	107年宜蘭縣縣政統計通報。
2.	行政院農業委員會農糧署108年統計資料。

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