§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-1207201100445300
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2011.00380
論文名稱(中文) 大學生人際傷害程度、與傷害者間親密感及寬恕之相關研究
論文名稱(英文) The relationship among degree of interpersonal offense, closeness with the offender and forgiveness for college students.
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 教育心理與諮商研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of Educational Psychology and Counseling
學年度 99
學期 2
出版年 100
研究生(中文) 翁力齡
研究生(英文) Li-Ling Wong
學號 696690139
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2011-06-27
論文頁數 138頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 李麗君
委員 - 洪素珍
委員 - 柯志恩
關鍵字(中) 大學生
關鍵字(英) college students
interpersonal offense
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relations of college students among a degree of interpersonal offense, closeness with offenders and forgiveness in the universities. This study selected 1009 college students as subjects. The instruments of this study include degree of interpersonal offense scale, closeness scale and forgiveness scale. The data was analyzed by frequency distribution, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regressions. The results of research are as the following:
1.70.2% of the college students have ever suffered from interpersonal offense - mainly from acquaintances and classmates, secondly, bosom friends, and thirdly, partners; in addition, bosom friends, partners, acquaintances and classmates have severest effects on them (victims) in terms of a degree of offense.
2.College students suffered from interpersonal offense tend to destroy the safety level, by contrast, do little damage to the intimacy level; speaking of the forgiveness for offenders’ behaviors, they are rarely to take revenge on the offenders, and furthermore it is more difficult for them to be confronted with offenders positively.
3.There is no difference for male or female college students in perceiving the degree of interpersonal offense and forgiving the offenders; the religious belief can make individuals perceive that the degree of interpersonal offense is lower.
4.While college students suppose they recover from hurt one day, interpersonal offense is reagrded as a lower scale and they readily forgive offenders.
5.As far as the type of offense of college students, psychological hurt accounts the greatest percentage. Further, victims with physical injuries consider that they suffered from a high degree of interpersonal offense and it is hardest for them to forgive offenders in comparisons with other victims.
6.Subjects suffered from offense which was occurred about 4 years ago (on average), 20 years ago (the farthest) and 5 months ago (the nearest). While the offense was occurred within six months and more than seven years, college students perceive the deepest degree of interpersonal offense and feel more tough to forgive offenders; on the other hand, whilst the offense was occurred between six months and 1 year and between 4 and 7 years, victims tend to forgive offenders during these two periods.
7.It is more difficult for college students to forgive offenders whereas they perceive a deeper degree of interpersonal offense as well as more alienation from offenders; a degree of interpersonal offense plays an essential role in predicting forgiveness of college students.
8.Esteem in a degree of interpersonal offense is the prediction on the presence of positive in forgiveness. In contrast, intimacy in a degree of interpersonal offense is the prediction on the absence of negative in forgiveness. 
Based on the above results, in my research some related advice is proposed for the future researches, health education and counseling.
第一章  緒論	1
第一節  研究背景與動機	1
第二節  研究目的	6
第三節  研究問題	7
第四節  名詞解釋	8
第五節  研究範圍與限制	10
第二章  文獻探討	11
第一節  寬恕之概念與相關研究	11
第二節  人際傷害程度之概念與相關研究	24
第三節  與傷害者間親密感之概念與相關研究	36
第三章  研究方法與設計	43
第一節  研究架構	43
第二節  研究假設	44
第三節  研究對象	46
第四節  研究方法與工具	48
第五節  資料處理	59
第四章  研究結果與討論	60
第一節  大學生背景資料、人際傷害經驗分佈情形	60
第二節  大學生人際傷害程度、與傷害者間親密感及寬恕現況分析	63
第三節  不同背景變項、人際傷害經驗變項之大學生人際傷害程度的差異分析	70
第四節  不同背景變項、人際傷害經驗變項之大學生寬恕的差異分析	78
第五節  大學生人際傷害程度、與傷害者間親密感及寬恕的相關分析	86
第六節  大學生人際傷害程度、與傷害者間親密感對寬恕的預測分析	88
第五章  研究結論與建議	93
第一節  研究結論	93
第二節  研究建議	98
參考文獻	103
一、中文文獻	103
二、英文文獻	108
附錄	117
附錄一  專家效度名單	117
附錄二  專家效度問卷	118
附錄三  專家效度意見一覽表	128
附錄四  預試問卷	129
附錄五  正式問卷	134

表2-2-1 人際傷害內涵之文獻整理一覽表............................................................25
表2-2-2 人際傷害之分類........................................................................................27
表3-3-1 預試有效研究樣本分佈一覽表(N=122 人)........................................46
表3-3-2 正式研究樣本施測統計數據....................................................................47
表3-4-1 「親密感量表」項目分析摘要表............................................................50
表3-4-2 「親密感量表」因素分析結果摘要表....................................................51
表3-4-3 「人際傷害程度量表」項目分析摘要表................................................52
表3-4-4 「人際傷害程度量表」因素分析結果摘要表........................................53
表3-4-5 「人際傷害程度量表」信度分析結果摘要表........................................54
表3-4-6 「寬恕量表」項目分析摘要表................................................................55
表3-4-7 「寬恕量表」因素分析結果摘要表........................................................56
表3-4-8 「寬恕量表」信度分析結果摘要表........................................................56
表4-1-1 性別分佈資料統計表................................................................................60
表4-1-2 宗教信仰分佈資料統計表........................................................................61
表4-1-3 被傷害類型分佈資料統計表....................................................................61
表4-1-4 傷害恢復情形分佈資料統計表................................................................61
表4-1-5 與傷害者關係分佈資料統計表................................................................62
表4-1-6 傷害發生至今的時間分佈資料統計表....................................................62
表4-2-1 人際傷害程度之各題分佈資料統計表(依平均數高低排序)............63
表4-2-2 人際傷害程度之向度分析摘要表............................................................65
表4-2-3 與傷害者間親密感之各題分佈資料統計表(依平均數高低排序)....66
表4-2-4 寬恕之各題分佈資料統計表(依平均數高低排序)............................68
表4-2-5 寬恕之向度分析摘要表............................................................................69
表4-3-1 不同性別之大學生在人際傷害程度量表的差異分析摘要表................70
表4-3-2 不同宗教信仰之大學生在人際傷害程度的差異分析摘要表................71
表4-3-3 與傷害者不同的關係在人際傷害程度之差異分析摘要表....................72
表4-3-4 不同被傷害類型之大學生在人際傷害程度的差異分析摘要表............74
表4-3-5 不同傷害恢復情形之大學生在人際傷害程度的差異分析摘要表........75
表4-3-6 傷害發生不同的時間在人際傷害程度之差異分析摘要表....................77
表4-4-1 不同性別之大學生在寬恕的差異分析摘要表........................................78
表4-4-2 不同宗教信仰之大學生在寬恕的差異分析摘要表................................79
表4-4-3 與傷害者不同的關係在寬恕之差異分析摘要表....................................80
表4-4-4 不同被傷害類型之大學生在寬恕的差異分析摘要表............................82
表4-4-5 不同傷害恢復情形之大學生在寬恕的差異分析摘要表........................83
表4-4-6 傷害發生不同的時間在寬恕之差異分析摘要表....................................85

表4-5-1 大學生人際傷害程度、與傷害者間親密感及寬恕之皮爾森相關分析表
表4-6-1 人際傷害程度、與傷害者間親密感對寬恕之逐步迴歸分析摘要表....89
表4-6-2 人際傷害程度對寬恕的正向反應出現之逐步迴歸分析摘要表............90
表4-6-3 人際傷害對寬恕的負向反應消失之逐步迴歸分析摘要表....................91
圖2-3 Enright 之寬恕的歷程模式..........................................................................15
圖3-1 研究架構圖...................................................................................................43
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