§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-1207200613382600
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2006.01051
論文名稱(中文) 品牌延伸策略影響消費者購買延伸產品知覺價值之研究
論文名稱(英文) The influence of brand extension strategies on consumer perceived value
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 企業管理學系碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Business Administration
學年度 94
學期 2
出版年 95
研究生(中文) 徐榮國
研究生(英文) Rong-Gwo Shyu
學號 693450149
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2006-06-21
論文頁數 73頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 李月華
共同指導教授 - 羅惠瓊(Hui-Chiung LO)
委員 - 李月華
委員 - 黃曼琴
委員 - 吳長生
關鍵字(中) 品牌延伸
關鍵字(英) Brand extension
Ingredient Branding
Perceived Value
In recently years, regardless of food industry or electronics industry or at the other industry, brand extension has been widely applied in business. Ingredient branding, in which key attributes of one brand are incorporated in to another brand as ingredients, is becoming increasingly popular among marketers. In the view of the above, this study divided the brand extension into “direct brand extension” and “sequential brand extension” (sequential brand extension means extending brand via the product line extension) and attempted to explore the influence of two kinds of brand extensions on consumer’s perceived value. In addition, product line extension included self-brand and cobranded in this study.
  This study carried on research for the host brand with “Lin Feng Ying” and “Kuo Yuan Ye” separately. Furthermore, we conducted an experiment design and collected primary data by questionnaire. And both perceived quality and perceived value of host brand as covariance variable in this research. 

1.The results indicate that the type of brand extensions will influence customer’s perceived value. 
2.When customers have higher host brand loyalty, their perceived value of brand extending product will be increased. 
3.Besides, perceived quality has no moderating effect between the type of brand extensions and perceived value. 
4.Brand loyalty also has no moderating effect between the type of brand extensions and perceived value. Finally, this study also discusses the research limitations and further researches.
圖 次
圖2-1 品牌聯盟的外溢效果………………………………………………...5
圖2-2 品牌忠誠概念……………………………………….………………..9
圖2-3 Kotler 品牌策略…………………………………………………….12
圖2-4 知覺品質的因果模式……………………………………………….19
圖2-5 交易效用理論概念圖……………………………………………….22
圖2-6 知覺價值模式……………………………………………………….23
圖3-1 本研究之研究架構………………………………………………….24

表 次
表2-1	近年來學者對於影響品牌忠誠度的構面彙整……………	10
表2-2	Curasi and Kennedy的忠誠階段……………………………	11
表3-1	品牌忠誠之衡量構面及問項………………………………	27
表3-2	知覺品質之衡量問項………………………………………	28
表3-3	知覺價值之衡量問項………………………………………	29
表3-4	產品類型熟悉度之分析結果………………………………	30
表4-1	正式問卷之信度檢驗………………………………………	36
表4-2	各構面的因素負荷量及相關係數…………………………	38
表4-3	各構面之因素分析…………………………………………	39
表4-4	敍述性統計資料分析………………………………………	40
表4-5	變異數同質性檢定…………………………………………	41
表4-6	迴歸係數同質性之檢定……………………………………	43
表4-7	GLM分析結果(林鳳營):知覺價值=f(組別、品牌忠誠、知覺品質) ………………………………………………………	43
表4-8	迴歸係數同質性之檢定……………………………………	45
表4-9	GLM分析結果(林鳳營):知覺價值=f(組別、品牌忠誠、知覺品質) ………………………………………………………	45
表4-10	研究假說驗證結果…………………………………………	46
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