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系統識別號 U0002-1101201316323700
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2013.00290
論文名稱(中文) 實名制、網路社會運動與網路人際關係之初探:以Facebook個人網頁討論士林王家「文林苑」都更案為例
論文名稱(英文) The Research of Real Name System, Internet Social Movement, and Interpersonal Relationship in Facebook Personal Page: Taking Shihlin Urban Renewal for Example
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 大眾傳播學系碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Mass Communication
學年度 101
學期 1
出版年 102
研究生(中文) 陳蔚承
研究生(英文) Wei-Cheng Chen
學號 699050018
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2012-12-28
論文頁數 126頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 許傳陽
委員 - 李明穎
委員 - 紀慧君
關鍵字(中) 人際關係
關鍵字(英) interpersonal relationship
Internet social movement
real name system
Internet community
The technology of the Internet is in progress and the Internet has become a virtual public sphere where people can discuss or debate to the public issues; moreover, the sphere also has become the fundamental of social movements. In the past, the researches of the Internet were focused on the anonymous or the fake names, and he anonymous and the fake names led to several unanticipated problem; on the other hand, when “true name system” occurs on the Internet, which means that the environment of the Internet has changed. However, reading the articles and relative researches, researcher discovers that the most of the past research was focus on the anonymous or the fake names, lacking true name effect and relative discovery.
  Compared with the embodied mobilization of traditional social movement, the appearance of social movement has changed. Because of the development of technology, the mobilization process and social movement can be launched on the Internet. On the one hand, the information and the campaigns of social movement organizations can be disseminated by the characters of Internet, including virtual connection, high access, and interactivity. On the other hand, Internet can overcome the geographical barrier, so it can let more people take part in social protest, including give supports to the people who real dedicate to movements, issue opinion to discuss certain subject, and post or cite organizations message to let the information can be accepted by more people. The phenomenon is also one of the characters of network society. 
  This research comes from the degree of true name, probes the effect of true name toward the development of relationship, social support, Internet social movement and opinions communication on the Internet, as well as refers the researches of anonymous and the fake names to highlight the differences among true name, anonymous and the fake names. 
  The consequence shows that true name system can promote interpersonal identity, social support, format the restriction of personal opinion and let people take responsibility to their opinion; furthermore, it can let the whole virtual public sphere become more efficient and finally encourage the virtual or physical social movements.
壹  緒論........................................................................................................................1
貳  研究架構................................................................................................................3
第一節  研究動機.....................................................................................................3
第二節  研究目的.....................................................................................................4
參  文獻探討................................................................................................................6
  第一節  Facebook的源起和精神............................................................................6
  第二節  網路社群....................................................................................................7
  第三節  集體行動..................................................................................................11
  第四節  社會運動..................................................................................................13
  第五節  人際關係發展..........................................................................................43
肆  研究方法與分析..................................................................................................50
  第一節  概述..........................................................................................................50
  第二節  文林苑都更運動......................................................................................52
  第三節  文章分析..................................................................................................62
伍  結論與建議........................................................................................................104
  第一節  結論........................................................................................................104
  第二節  研究限制與後續建議............................................................................110
陸  參考文獻............................................................................................................113

表一  網路社會運動國內相關研究..........................................................................39    
表二  網路社會運動國外相關研究..........................................................................41 
表三  社會支持類型的研究......................................................................................46
表四  文林苑事件媒體、抗議組織與研究對象之內容關係....................................56
表五  傳統社會運動、新社會運動及網路社會運動的比較..................................106

圖一  社會運動示意圖...............................................................................................27    
圖二  照片A..............................................................................................................65
圖三  照片B...............................................................................................................65
圖四  照片C..............................................................................................................68
圖五  照片D..............................................................................................................68
圖六  照片E...............................................................................................................69
圖七  照片F................................................................................................................69

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