§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-1007200610564600
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2006.00211
論文名稱(中文) 公司治理與資訊揭露透明度之關聯性探討-以台灣上市電子業為例
論文名稱(英文) An empirical study of the relationship between corporate governance and information disclosure transparency--Evidence from listed electronic industry in Taiwan.
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 國際貿易學系國際企業學碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of International Trade
學年度 94
學期 2
出版年 95
研究生(中文) 林岳賢
研究生(英文) Yueh-Hsien Lin
學號 693480278
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2006-06-02
論文頁數 119頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 潘玉葉
委員 - 黃振豊
委員 - 陳義勝
關鍵字(中) 資訊揭露
關鍵字(英) information disclosure
corporate governance
    本研究係以國內上市電子業公司,並以取得該公司完整資訊者為主要研究對象,共取得270家上市公司,深入了解目前國內企業資訊揭露的概況。並採用變異數分析、t 檢定、卡方檢定、F 檢定、主成份分析及複迴歸分析等統計方法,探討資訊揭露透明度與公司治理之間的關係。
Since the Asian financial crisis in 1997, most East Asian countries have been actively reviewing and improving their regulatory frameworks, in particular, corporate governance and information disclosure. Because corporate governance has been described as the efficient structure used to enhance transparency of information disclosure. The Securities and Futures Institute entrusted by the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation and the Gre Tai Securities Market, launches “Information Transparency and Disclosure Ranking System” to evaluate the level of transparency for all listed companies in Taiwan in 2003, the System takes into consideration Taiwan’s unique business environment and provides companies with a summary of best practice as regards their benchmark for management and analysis. Recent year, the new financial accounting guidelines also have been drived continually, the transparency of information disclosure will be an important topic to study.
By using a sample of 270 electronic public listed companies with full-detail data in Taiwan stock market to know how they disclose information, and to understand the relationship between information disclosure transparency and corporate governance choosing by variance analysis, t-test, chi-square-test, F-test, principle component analysis and multiple regression.
The empirical result shows that companies with higher R&D rate, more patent numbers, higher proportion of independent directors, to breed more professionals, higher ownership ratio of managers, higher ownership ratio of government and financial institute, higher ownership ratio of domestic institute, higher ownership ratio of Foreign institute are more likely to have a higher transparency of information disclosure. Besides, transparency of information disclosure is significantly negatively related to the ownership ratio of block shareholders, shows companies with higher ownership ratio of block shareholders are more likely to have a lower transparency of information disclosure.
第一章 緒論
第二章 文獻探討
第三章 研究設計
第四章 實證結果分析
4.2 資訊揭露透明度影響因素分析…………………………………………….….82
第五章 結論與建議

圖1.2     研究流程………………………………………………………………...5
表2.3-1   公司治理對資訊揭露透明度之影響-國內研究彙整表…………….34
表2.4-1   公司治理對資訊揭露透明度之影響-國外研究彙整表………….…42
圖3.1     研究架構……………………………………………………...………..45
表3.4-1   樣本篩選表………………………………………………………….…59
表4.1.1-1 資訊電子產業分佈表……………………………………………….…66
圖4.1.1   公司資訊揭露評鑑總分次數分配圖……………………………….…67
表4.1.1-2 公司資訊揭露評鑑總分次數分配表………………………………….67
表4.1.1-3 公司資訊揭露評鑑總分變異數分析………………………………….67
表4.1.2-1 公司資訊揭露透明度之比較表…………………………………….…70
表4.1.2-2 產業別與資訊揭露種類透明度之變異數分析……………………….70
表4.1.2-3 產業別資訊揭露種類透明度評比………………………………….…71
表4.1.2-3 產業別資訊揭露種類透明度評比(續)…………………………….…72
表4.1.2-4 產業別之整體資訊揭露透明度排行榜…………………………….…73
表4.1.3-1 資訊揭露評鑑指標總表…………………………………………….…75
表4.2.1-1 連續性變數之敘述統計…………………………………………….…84
表4.2.1-2 虛擬變數之敘述統計……………………………………………….…85
表4.2.1-3 產業別與連續性變數間之表現情況……………………………….…87
表4.2.1-3 產業別與連續性變數間之表現情況(續)………………………….…88
表4.2.1-4 產業別與虛擬變數間之表現情況………………………………….…89
表4.2.1-5 產業別與自變數之變異數分析…………………………………….…90
表4.2.2-1 公司特質之分群檢定……………………………………………….…92
表4.2.3-1 資訊揭露透明公司與不透明公司之分群檢定…………………….…94
表4.3.1-1 特徵值及解釋比例-公司展望指標………………………..…..….…95
表4.3.1-2 特徵值及解釋比例-董事會特性指標………………………….....…95
表4.3.1-3 特徵值及解釋比例-所有權結構指標…………………………….…96
表4.3.1-4 模型I之Pearson相關分析………………………………...……..…97
表4.3.1-5 模型I之複迴歸分析……………………...……………………...........97
表4.3.2-1 模型II之Pearson相關分析……………………………….….……104
表4.3.2-2 模型II之複迴歸分析………………………………………..…...….105
附錄一    資訊電子業之高透明度公司…………………………………....……110
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