§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-1002201112250200
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2011.00309
論文名稱(中文) 多明尼加特魯希優獨裁政權與警察體系
論文名稱(英文) The dictatorship and the police system of Trujillo in Dominican Republic
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 拉丁美洲研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of Latin American Studies
學年度 99
學期 1
出版年 100
研究生(中文) 馮薇潔
研究生(英文) Wei-Chieh Feng
學號 697310018
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2011-01-13
論文頁數 121頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 陳小雀
委員 - 熊建成
委員 - 向駿
關鍵字(中) 特魯希優
關鍵字(英) Trujillo
Guardia Nacional Dominicana
Secret police
Servicio Inteligencia Militar


The economic development was poor since Dominican Republic got the victory of independence, the authority neither had good policy to response the problem, nor successively found a better way to solve it. They sought the foreign assistance blindly, and the continuing domestic political struggles as well as the external debt also became the reasons that made the economic development worse than ever, and eventually resulted that the U.S. government took charge in the Dominican Customs.

Though the political intervention of U.S. made the country was garrisoned by the U.S. navy, the government of the United States also tent to set up a new system in local armed troop which was organized with police in order to replace the old one, and named the new guards as Guardia Nacional Dominicana. However, the program was difficult to practice because there were the military and the police existing in Dominican Republic, and they played the important roles in the Trujillo Era.

This thesis not only describes the cause and the effect of the dictatorship of Trujillo, but also finds the reason why the police became the ruling tool. Strictly speaking, the attitude and the role of the United States is another key reason to explain the later military and police training in the Dominican Republic and even in all the Latin America. Otherwise, the contents involve the analysis of the subordination between the military and the police, and review the defect of the police system in Latin American, it also include the survey of administrative structure of the democratic development countries.

第一章 緒論	1
第一節 研究動機	1
第二節 研究方法	3
第三節 研究架構	5

第二章 多明尼加歷史背景與文化影響	9
第一節 原住民與黑奴的悲歌	9
第二節 奴隸社會的經濟基礎	17
第三節 美國後院	26

第三章  社會秩序維護者	33
第一節	警察歷史	33
第二節	警察的功能與行政權限	36
第三節	拉丁美洲的警察	44

第四章 特魯希優獨裁政權	51
第一節 走向獨裁的前因	51
第二節	高壓獨裁之功過	58
第三節 秘密警察行動	69

第五章  軍政體系下的警察	75
第一節  軍國主義	75
第二節 軍警轄屬關係	81
第三節 警察國家	89

第六章 結論	97
第一節 章節回顧	97
第二節 未來展望與檢討	101

參考文獻	107

2.1 動物與疾病表................................................................................................13
2.2 西班牙島獨立前大事紀年表........................................................................21
2.3 加勒比海地區蔗糖產量統計表.....................................................................24
2.4 法屬聖多明哥與加勒比海諸島蔗糖產量比較.............................................25
3.1 拉丁美洲國家修改刑事訴訟法之前後順序年代表.....................................47
4.2 多明尼加蔗糖出口產量(1870-1900).............................................................59
4.3 美軍進駐多明尼加時期蔗糖產量.................................................................60
4.4 特魯希優上任前至上任初期糖產出口百分比 ...........................................61
4.5 特魯希優執政初期蔗糖生產總量.................................................................61
4.6 二戰期間多明尼加蔗糖出口產量.................................................................62
4.7 特魯希優操控國內糖產的比例.....................................................................62
4.8 海地人口密度.................................................................................................69
5.1 與軍國主義相關的概念.................................................................................77
5.2 美國陸軍/空軍軍階表...................................................................................86

1.1 研究架構圖......................................................................................................7
2.1 加勒比海各國獨立年代與分佈示意圖.........................................................10
2.2 加勒比海印地安族群分佈圖.........................................................................14
3.1 警察任務架構示意圖.....................................................................................42
4.1 美國對拉美軍事干預示意圖.........................................................................54
5.1 傳統美國警察官階表.....................................................................................85



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