§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-0907201718553200
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2017.00315
論文名稱(中文) 血友病患照顧者之資訊行為研究-以患者母親為例
論文名稱(英文) A Study of Information Behaviors of the Caregivers of Haemophilia - a case study of mothers with patients
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 資訊與圖書館學系碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Information and Library Science
學年度 105
學期 2
出版年 106
研究生(中文) 吳柏諺
研究生(英文) Bo-Yan Wu
學號 602000068
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2017-06-07
論文頁數 107頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 宋雪芳
委員 - 賴玲玲
委員 - 邱銘心
關鍵字(中) 血友病
關鍵字(英) Hemophilia
Information Behaviors
Information Needs
(1) 給血友病患照顧者建議:若是有家族病史女性,在結婚前先至醫院做相關檢查,能提前對疾病做事前的了解。另外,建議血友病患照顧者能多主動分享經驗,雖然每個小孩成長過程不同,但若能匯集許多照顧者經驗,勢必能找到可參考之處。
(2) 給血友病協會的建議:可以嘗試舉辦以血友病照顧者為對象的活動,增加照顧者與照顧者之間互動的機會,或是收集各為血友病患照顧者之照顧經驗,將該照顧經驗製成書籍或照顧經驗的故事,以及開設臉書社團,提供病友或病友家屬有個線上的互動的空間,若顧及隱私則可將社團設定為不公開,以保有病友及家屬之間的隱私。
(3) 給血友病中心建議:建議血友病中心嘗試使用雲端筆記本,讓照顧者能透過雲端筆記本直接線上發問,再讓醫護人員進行解答,長期下來必能累積龐大的資料庫。
(4) 給未來研究之建議:可以罕見疾病、身心障礙者或照顧者為研究對象,替社會上較為弱勢的族群伸出援手;若研究以血友病患照顧者為探討對象,可以單一年齡層做更深入的探討,像是以年紀較為年長的血友病患照顧者,探討過去環境對於資訊行為的影響與限制,或從較年輕的照顧者探討網路世代的狀況與遭遇到的困難。另外,血友病屬於遺傳性疾病,但在本研究中並未發現有提到遺傳疾病資訊等議題,以及照顧者較為擔心患者為來生涯的議題,因此可從遺傳疾病資訊與未來生涯著手進行研究。
There are rare diseases that can only be controlled by drugs, even can’t be cured with some treatments in the world. Hemophilia is one of the rare diseases which can only be controlled by drugs. Due to genetic disorder that impairs the body’s ability to make blood clots, congenital hemophilia patients have problems with moving or safety because of bleeding. The hemophilia patients are inherited from mother’s gene and can’t be completely healing in a whole life. For mother, she has a lot of pressure and responsibilities to take care of patients. In other research areas, the relevant literature about the psychological issues of mother with hemophilia patients are quite limited. As a result, this research discusses the caregivers’ information behavior of information needs, information sources, information use and information sharing when taking care of the patients.
 This study interviews with 11 hemophilia caregivers with a semi-structured method. The results of the study show that hemophilia caregivers have a low sensitivity for inherited genetic diseases and don't try to know the information about the disease in advance. When it comes to information needs, the following are four stages:
(1) No awareness of having the disease 
(2) Having symptoms and confirming the disease
(3) Curing and searching ways to care
(4) Having the disease in a whole life
In the process of four stages mentioned above, there will be nine corresponding information needs, inclusive of current events information, child care information, disease information, diagnosis information, treatment information, preventing bleeding information, medicine information, Social Welfare and future career.
Hemophilia patient caregivers get information from mainly hemophilia patients, hemophilia association as well as patients’ family. These are two important ways to get disease information and care information. On the whole, there are six hemophilia caregivers information sources, medical staff, hemophilia Association, patients or patients relatives, family experiences, Internet and related books included.
The main purpose of using information is to find better treatments and preventions to reduce related emergencies, and patients’ reaction time of bleeding. Using information makes caregivers understand the diseases, treatments and the ways of looking after patients, which can reduce the self-pressure of caregivers. Caregivers need assurance from professionals or others to determine whether the information is correct or not. 
Some caregivers try to search the methods to treat and taking caring of the patients. However, using their imagination could miss the best cure timing because the hemophilia has some uncertain factors.
Finally, the content of information sharing are hemophilia treatments and care information which are shared passively. The information aren’t shared until other people ask questions because it could be restricted by the way and object. Other caregivers often ask the notice of caring, “how to care a child”, “whether”, the problems of getting medicine and injections. Moreover, the older caregivers say the care different between now and past as well as the condition that information is insufficient clearly when sharing the process of care experiences.
According to the results of the study, the following are some suggestions:
(1) For caregivers with hemophilia patient, if there is a female who has a family history, she should go to the hospital for related examination before getting married. It can understand the disease in advance. In addition, hemophilia caregivers can share the experiences. Although every child has a different growing-up process, we still can collect many caregivers’ experiences to find references.
(2) This study suggests the hemophilia association holds some related activities for caregivers to increase the opportunity of interaction between caregiver and caregiver. And, it can make the care experiences of caregivers of books or stories by collecting the care of the experiences. Also, it can create a facebook group to provide an interactive space for patients and patients’ family members. Due to the privacy, it can set a secret group.
(3) This study suggests the Hemophilia Center tries to use the cloudnote for caregivers to ask questions directly and then medical staff answers questions. By collecting them, it will become a huge database for a long time.
(4) The suggestions of future research can use rare diseases, the disabled or caregiver as the research subject to help vulnerable groups; the research subject as hemophilia caregivers can further discuss the single age group. For example, it can discuss the influence and limit of the older caregivers’ information behavior in the past, or the net generation condition and difficulties that younger caregivers face. Moreover, hemophilia is an inherited genetic disease, but this study did not mention that the inherited genetic disease information and patient’s career that caregivers are worried about. Therefore, the further study can start from inherited genetic disease information and future career.
第一章	緒論	1
第一節	研究背景與動機	1
第二節	研究目的與問題	4
第三節	名詞解釋	5
第四節  研究範圍與限制	6
第二章  文獻探討	7
第一節	資訊行為相關理論探討	7
第二節	血友病之相關研究	12
第三節	疾病照顧者之資訊行為	24
第三章 研究方法與設計	38
第一節	研究方法	38
第二節	研究對象	39
第三節	資料的收集與分析	41
第四節  研究流程	42
第四章  研究結果	44
第一節  血友病患照顧者之照顧歷程	44
第二節  血友病患照顧者之資訊需求	57
第三節  血友病患照顧者的資訊來源	67
第四節  血友病患照顧者之資訊使用	72
第五節  血友病患照顧者資訊分享	79
第六節  綜合討論	83
第五章  結論與建議	86
第一節  結論	86
第二節  研究建議	93
參考文獻	99
附錄一  訪談大綱	105
附錄二  訪談邀請函	106
附錄三  訪談同意書	107

圖 1 血友病遺傳機率	13
圖 2 家庭壓力概念圖	29
圖 3 研究流程圖	43
圖 4 台灣血友病協會臉書粉絲專頁	95
圖 5 雲端筆記本範例	96

表 1 照顧者基本資料	40
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