§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-0812200613554400
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2007.01103
論文名稱(中文) 克萊恩與台灣—反共理想與理性之衝突和妥協
論文名稱(英文) Ray S. Cline and His Taiwan: The Cnflict and Compromise of his Passion and Reason on anti-Communism
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 美國研究所博士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of American Studies
學年度 95
學期 1
出版年 96
研究生(中文) 涂成吉
研究生(英文) Chen-chi Tu
學號 892220012
學位類別 博士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2006-11-29
論文頁數 325頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 李本京
委員 - 孫同勛
委員 - 王高成
委員 - 呂亞力
委員 - 魏萼
委員 - 魏良才
委員 - 陳毓鈞
關鍵字(中) 雷國計畫
關鍵字(英) Chiang, Ching-kuo
Chinese Representative Questions
ambiguity policy
Ray-Kuo plan
Idalist/Jackson plan
return to mainland
German model
在美台關係重新出發的五o年代裏,有一群親身在台,默默工作的美籍官員,一直是歷史忽視研究的對象。這群「微小卻巨大」的美國友人,其實對台灣安全鞏固與台美關係之影響,有著更具關鍵的地位。相較其中,美國前中情局台北站長克萊恩(Ray S. Cline)因深層融入台灣風土人情及與蔣介石父子深厚特殊之關係,介入台灣政治與影響兩國關係走向之深,益顯特殊而非比尋常。
    第一章 緒論。本文之研究動機與目的及詮釋方法限制等。
    第二章 著重在克萊恩進入情報事業及來台前美國情報制度狀況及美台歷史背景介紹。 
In the 1950s, it was a time of striking changes related to US-Sino relations. In this turbulent age, it was also a time of unsung heroes in the US-Taiwan history. Among these "minor but giant" figures who owed their positions on influence, Ray S. Cline, former station chief of CIA, occupies a more than special place. 
    What qualities made Ray Cline unique? What intelligence projects did he experiment and result in this Island during his days in Taiwan ?  What did he transform the course of the two country's historical development?  Why is he so successful in dealing with then intense US-Taiwan issues?  Finally, what are the elements of Cline's thoughts and achievements to change this Island's fate? All of these questions will be explored and examined in this dissertation. 
   The writing framework of【Ray S. Cline and His Taiwan】will be built on four pillars:
(1) His growth background and the persons and things that influenced him most. 
(2) Cline's strategic intelligence initiatives and military effects on Taiwan during his days in Taiwan in the 1960s~1970s..
(3) Cline's views and actions in breaking Taiwan's foreign isolation.
(4) Cline's "Taiwan project" including the economic, military and political areas after 1979 US de-recognition of Taiwan. 
   Chapter I, II and III deal with Cline's background and early experiences ranging from the particular Mid-west regionalism, an ocean passage to England and his roles and reactions during his service in the early stage of US war-time intelligence community.
   Chapter IV ,V , and VI represent a search for the spectacles through which Cline viewed the cross-strait strategy , attitudes and tendencies with which he approached specific military and diplomatic issues on Taiwan.
   Chapter VII traces Cline's emergence as a think-tank scholar in CSIS at US de-recognition of Taiwan and his role and contributions to the security, economic and military guarantees.
   Ray Cline could be described as an "idealist" and his ideological appeals simply made him considered it lifelong mission to protect Taiwan from the communist threat. Meanwhile, the political complexity of the cross-straits situation indicated such an apparent inconsistencies that Cline, in abstract political terms, might best be called a "pragmatist". His approach was constructed on the pragmatic standards and expedience. This dissertation concludes two role patterns to interpret best Cline’s days for Taiwan: a “pragmatic idealist” to look into his inner thoughts and “a walker in the tight rope” to describe his behavioral practices in the intense US-Taiwan relations.
第一章  緒論 
第一節   研究動機與目的 …………………………………… 1
第二節   詮釋架構與研究方法 ………………………………10
第三節   研究限制、文獻分析與範圍簡介 …………………20

第二章  研究背景 
第一節   觀念、名詞與定義……………………………………28
第二節   美國國家情報建制歷程………………………………36
第三節   韓戰開啟之美台情報合作……………………………45

第三章  克萊恩之成長歷程
第一節   地域思想與英國之旅  ………………………………57
第二節   意外的情報人生  ……………………………………62
第三節   亦師亦友的杜勒斯  …………………………………70

第四章  克萊恩在台灣之工作歷程
第一節   結識蔣經國……………………………………………77
第二節   克萊恩在台啼聲初試…………………………………94 
第三節   U-2理想家計畫 -美台情報合作之高峰…………118

第五章  克萊恩對台美外交之理念與影響 
第一節   外蒙古加入聯合國案之協調……………………………130
第二節   中法建交之雙重承認協調………………………………139
第三節   台北接受雙重代表權之解套……………………………148

第六章  克萊恩在台灣反攻大陸之角色與衝突 
第一節   運作模糊政策於台美反攻大陸行動……………………158
第二節   支持台灣預前性摧毀中共核武設施……………………181
第三節   美國政策之從戰略模糊到戰略清晰……………………200

第七章 七十年代後克萊恩之理念與策略
第一節  「德國模式」的兩中理論 ………………………………215
第二節   台美關係轉進智庫與國會發展…………………………223
第三節   從「海洋同盟」到「大戰略」 ……………………… 236

第八章 結論 ………………………………………………………255 

參考書目 ……………………………………………………………264

Appendix  I     雷 克萊恩大事記年表・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・279
Appendix  II    克萊恩先生與蔣故總統經國先生往來信函・・・281
Appendix  III   克萊恩先生與費正清先生就「一個中國」思想的

Appendix  IV    克萊恩先生致美國國會參、眾兩院外交關係委員會
主席:邱池(M. Frank Church)與塞布洛斯基(M. 
Clement J. Zablocki)就有關『台灣關係法』的
Appendix  V     克萊恩先生與台灣「亞洲與世界雜誌」負責人杭立
Appendix  VI    克萊恩先生與辜振甫先生與邵玉銘先生就CSIS研究計畫與贊助之往來信函・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・298
Appendix  VII   克萊恩先生出席美國國會「美中關係正常化」
Appendix  VIII  克萊恩先生出席美國國會作證卡特總統「台灣關係法」之HR-1614 & S-245提案講稿・・・・・・・312-325
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