§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-0807201707153500
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2017.00279
論文名稱(中文) 俄羅斯外交政策中的能源角色: 外交史(1873~2015)
論文名稱(英文) The Role of Energy in Russia’s Foreign Policy:A Diplomatic History (1873~2015)
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 歐洲研究所博士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of European Studies
學年度 105
學期 2
出版年 106
研究生(中文) 曾麗明
研究生(英文) Li-Ming Tseng
學號 897290028
學位類別 博士
語言別 英文
口試日期 2017-06-12
論文頁數 211頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 馬良文(vladmal0913@gmail.com)
委員 - 魏百谷(bkwei@nccu.edu.tw)
委員 - 李顯峰(leehsf@ntu.edu.tw)
委員 - 吴春光(049096@mail.fju.edu.tw)
委員 - 彼薩列夫(ralex@mail.tku.edu.tw)
關鍵字(中) 歐盟-俄羅斯關係
俄羅 斯和中亞地區
關鍵字(英) EU-Russian Relations
Oil and Soviet Hegemony
Oil and WWI Alliance
Russia and Central Asia
EU and Central Asia
EU Energy Security
United States Utilitarianism
巴庫的石油工業發展始於 1873 年,自此之后,世界上對俄羅斯石油的
聯盟;在 1905 年的日俄戰爭期間,與美國標準油的市場競爭使日本受惠。第
蘇聯成為歐洲主要的天然氣供應商,導致持續的冷戰 - 衝突源於後蘇聯能源
The development of Baku oil industry commenced in 1873, since then, Russian oil as a product was increasingly needed by the world giving way to market demand and Russia as a producer needed a foreign market to export voluminous production output. Based on historical events, government intervened to win or defend world market share, in
effect, strategic partnership with industrialists was inevitable such as financial, trade support, business opportunities, and others. As oil became the sum total of economic development in the late modern period, thus, consuming states bitterly campaigned to obtain it and so oil trade was a part of external affairs such that economic relations or trade agreements were concluded. Thus, we witnessed the law of the jungle as it is the fittest
who shall win market share or supply share, likewise, producers and consuming states tend to cooperate if it would raise their interests in matters of procurement, sales, shipment.
   In conclusion, the development of Russian oil industry impacted national political development – positively, socialist experiment in Russia sustained for seven decades as oil trade financed the economy; imperialism as supply partly consolidated East Bloc allegiance; gas utility system proved crucial for post-Soviet Russia. Negatively, the fall of Tsarist government as communist movement grew in the framework of Baku industry;Soviet dissolution partly due to budget strain in subsidizing oil to the East Bloc; economic
free fall due to petro economy. Secondly, oil trade impacted world history for a hundred thirty years; in pre-WWI, it strengthened British-Russo-Franco relations and so safeguarded their imperial design in the Balkans and business interests; business denial pushed Germany
to invest in Romania and Middle East which partly consummated alliance with Central Powers; market competition with Standard Oil paved for America to favour Japan during
Russo-Japan War in 1905. Post WWI oil trade paved for diplomatic ties and re-annexation of Caucasus, and in post WWII, the USSR became Europe main gas supplier and said dependency laid the seeds of continuing Cold War – the world in conflict due to post-Soviet energy environment and as Russia must defend her status as a major supplier.
I. Introduction 1

I.1. Background 1

I. 2 Research Question 3

I.3. Research Purposes 4

I.4. Literature Review 4

I.5. Analytical Framework 8

I.6. Methodology 10

I.7. Research Plan 14

I.8. Research Outcome 16

I.9. Research scope and limitation 17

II. The Rise of Russia as World Supplier 18

II.1.1. Oil Development during Tsarist capitalism (1880-1914) 19

II.1.2. Development during Socialist period 24

II.1.3. Yeltsin Devolution to Putin Re-seizure 41

III. Russia’s Oil and Gas Supply to Europe, Its Impact on International Relations 50

III.1.1. Pre-WWI Relations among Powers (1880-1914) 51

III.2.1. In between Two World Wars (1917-1945) 60

III.3.1.1. Soviet-East Relations (1945-1991, the USSR) 65

III.3.1.2. East-West Relations (1945-1991, the USSR) 74

III.3.1.3. Arab Producers and the Soviet Connection 87

IV. Petro State Russia Nemesis (1991-2015, Post Cold War) 90

IV.1. Introduction 91

IV.2.1. Petro State Nemesis: United States of America Unilateralism 92

IV.2.2. Petro State Nemesis: European Union and Energy Security 103

IV.2.3. Petro State Nemesis: Former Soviet Union 114

V. Petro State Russia: Defending the Market Race 125

V.1.1. Winning over the Former Soviet Republics 126

V.2.1 Alliance with China 139

V.2.2. Call on Turkey 145

V.2.3. In Line of Fire in Syria 153

VI. Conclusion: Russian Oil Supply, Interpolating its Historical Impact for a Hundred Thirty Years 162

VI.1 Tsar Missed Opportunity (1880-1914) 163

VI.2. Western Democracies and their Failures (1917-1945) 165

VI.3. Western Democracies and their Failures (1945-1991) 168

VI. 4. U.S. Unilateralism and Petro State Russia (1991-2015) 171

VI. 5. The future 173

Bibliography 178

Diagram, Maps, Diagrams and Charts Diagram 2-1: 	Modern Fuel Industry Three Operational Pillars 	20 
Diagram 2-2: 	Energy Decision Making in the Soviet Union 	39 
Diagram 2-3: 	The Cannibalization of Soviet Oil Industry 	44 
Chart 2-1: 	Investment Statistics 	22 
Chart 2-2: 	Production Statistics, 1881-1927 	29 
Chart 2-3: 	Soviet Oil Industry Milestones and Production Statistics under Five Year Plan 	33 
Chart 2-4: 	Key Domestic and Foreign Companies in the Russian and Gas Sector 	47 
Chart 3-1 	Oil Industry Contribution to American Economy 	54 
Chart 3-2: 	Warship tonnage, 1880-1914 	58 
Chart 3-3: 	Germany volume of stock with and without Stalin assistance 	65 
Chart 3-4: 	Romanian Equipment as a Share of Total Soviet Oil Equipment Imports 	68 
Chart 3-5: 	Soviet Oil Prices 	70 
Chart 3-6: 	East Europe Import from the Mid-East 	70 
Chart 3-7: 	Communist States Import Data of Soviet Oil and Oil Products 	71 
Chart 3-8: 	Eastern European Dependence on Soviet Oil 	72 
Chart 3-9: 	Share of Eastern Europe in Gross Soviet Energy Exports, 1970-1987 	73 
Chart 3-10: 	Trend in crude oil ownership, 1950-1979 	76 
Chart 3-11: 	Mid-East States Production Increase, Iran Crisis 	76
Chart 2-1: 	Investment Statistics 	22 
Chart 2-2: 	Production Statistics, 1881-1927 	29 
Chart 2-3: 	Soviet Oil Industry Milestones and Production Statistics under Five Year Plan 	33 
Chart 2-4: 	Key Domestic and Foreign Companies in the Russian and Gas Sector 	47 
Chart 3-1 	Oil Industry Contribution to American Economy 	54 
Chart 3-2: 	Warship tonnage, 1880-1914 	58 
Chart 3-3: 	Germany volume of stock with and without Stalin assistance 	65 
Chart 3-4: 	Romanian Equipment as a Share of Total Soviet Oil Equipment Imports 	68 
Chart 3-5: 	Soviet Oil Prices 	70 
Chart 3-6: 	East Europe Import from the Mid-East 	70 
Chart 3-7: 	Communist States Import Data of Soviet Oil and Oil Products 	71 
Chart 3-8: 	Eastern European Dependence on Soviet Oil 	72 
Chart 3-9: 	Share of Eastern Europe in Gross Soviet Energy Exports, 1970-1987 	73 
Chart 3-10: 	Trend in crude oil ownership, 1950-1979 	76 
Chart 3-11: 	Mid-East States Production Increase, Iran Crisis 	76
Chart 3-12: 	Production Change: September-November 1973 	77 
Chart 3-13: 	World oil supply disruptions, 1951 to 1992 	81 
Chart 3-14: 	Real Price of Oil and Major Disruptions in World Oil Supply, 1950-2008 	81 
Chart 3-15: 	Soviet Exports to Western Europe 	82 
Chart 3-16: 	USSR: Hard Currency Energy Export Earnings 	83 
Chart 3-17: 	Soviet Oil Sales Volume and Value 	84 
Chart 3-18: 	Trend of Soviet Gas Exports to Europe, 1970–2001 	85 
Chart 3-19: 	Soviet Imports of Equipment Related to the Gas, Oil and Oil-Refining Industries, 1970-1987 	86 
Chart 4-1: 	Gazpom Export Data to EU 	105 
Chart 4-2: 	EU Sources of Fossil Fuels 	112 
Chart 4-3: 	Europe Gas Imports, actual flows and capacity in 2012 	112 
Chart 4-4: 	The Average Annual Gas Price for Individual EU Member States 	113 
Chart 4-5: 	Volume of Russian fuel transited via Belarus 	115 
Chart 4-6: 	Russian Gas Shipment via Ukraine 	116 
Chart 4-7: 	Russia selling price in comparison 	118 
Chart 4-8: 	Russia’s selling price to Ukraine from year 2003 to 2008 	121 
Chart 4-9: 	Average Contribution of Oil-Gas Sector in Caspian Economies 2002~2007 	122 
Chart 5-1: 	TANAP, TAP, TCP Pipelines, An Overview 	137 
Chart 6-1: 	Romanian Oil Production, Evolution of Exports 	171 
Map 2-1: 	Soviet Union Petroleum Deposits and Pipelines 	38 
Map 4-1: 	Albania Map 	99 
Map 4-2: 	PNAC Plan 	102 
Map 5-1: 	Nord Stream 	136 
Map 5-2: 	Southern Corridor Natural Gas Pipeline 	138 
Map 5-3: 	China Imports and Export of Natural Gas Data 	144 
Map 5-4: 	Turkey-Israel Energy Corridor 	152 
Map 5-5: 	Map of South Pars and North Field 	154 
Map 5-6: 	Map of Competing Qatar and Iran Pipeline Route 	154 
Map 5-7: 	Pipelines in the Eastern Mediterranean 	161
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