§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-0802201213424100
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2012.00297
論文名稱(中文) 巴西無地農民運動之現象研究
論文名稱(英文) The Study of the Phenomena of Brazil's Landless Workers' Movement
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 拉丁美洲研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of Latin American Studies
學年度 100
學期 1
出版年 101
研究生(中文) 張俊德
研究生(英文) Chun-Te Chang
學號 697310133
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2012-01-06
論文頁數 110頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 陳小雀
委員 - 余小云
委員 - 卓忠宏
關鍵字(中) 巴西
關鍵字(英) Brazil
New Social Movement
Rural Worker


After entering 21st century, Brazil has become one member of the“BRICs”in the international society. It not only has rich natural resources but also abundant human resources, and that shows Brazil owning great potential of development. However, even though Brazil has become an important emerging country, it encounters several serious social problems, such as unequal wealth distribution and land concentration. In Brazil, with the economic development, the rich men live in a luxurious life but the poor people live a miserable life. In addition, only fewer landowners own nearly half the land of entire country, but most poor people neither own land nor possess the property right of land.

Social movement means a group which use collusive actions with some objectives and plans to change entire or part of social phenomenon, and also use persistent collective actions to change the society. With social movements, the disadvantaged groups or the oppressed groups could fight against the unfair treatment and change their social status. New social movement theory emphasizes the struggle for rights and freedoms of values, concepts, cultures and lifestyles. Besides, new social movements are pluralistic and respect to the heterogeneous culture, and they are not bureaucratic organization model but value the concept of bottom-up. In order to resolve problems in daily life and elevate the social status, the landless rural workers in Brazil officially organized the Brazil’s Landless Rural Workers Movement in 1984 and began to struggle for their objectives.

This thesis principally based on the views of new social movement theory and the approaches of the historical research method and the archival research method to discover the factors and backgrounds for the foundation of Brazil’s Landless Rural Workers Movement, meanwhile analyze its overall development deeply and the dilemmas and challenges which it occurred in the process of its development. As a whole, through the research of its development, we recognize the Brazil’s Landless Rural Workers Movement corresponds with major features of new social movement theory.

第一章 緒論................................................1
第一節 研究動機與目的......................................1
第二節 研究方法與架構......................................4
第三節 資料來源與限制......................................5

第二章 巴西無地農民運動的興起..............................7
第一節 社會運動與新社會運動................................7
第二節 歷史背景因素.......................................15
第三節 成立過程與組織架構.................................24

第三章 巴西無地農民運動的抗爭.............................33
第一節 抗爭對象...........................................33
第二節 抗爭訴求...........................................38
第三節 抗爭方式...........................................46

第四章 巴西無地農民運動的發展.............................55
第一節 神秘主義...........................................55
第二節 佔地長住...........................................61
第三節 教育發展...........................................71

第五章 巴西無地農民運動的困境.............................77
第一節 外在威脅...........................................77
第二節 內部問題...........................................84
第三節 民意轉變...........................................87
第四節 未來挑戰...........................................89

第六章 結論...............................................93





(一) 書籍

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(二) 期刊


(三) 學位論文


(四) 網路資料

1. 官方及組織網路資料


2. 網路新聞資料


3. 網路學術文章



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