§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-0709202122424400
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2021.00186
論文名稱(中文) 應用3D-IPA探討短距運輸服務品質之研究-以YouBike為例
論文名稱(英文) Applying 3-Dimensional Importance-Performance Analysis Approach exploring the Service Quality of Micro-Mobility-Using YouBike as Case Study
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 運輸管理學系運輸科學碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Transportation Management
學年度 109
學期 2
出版年 110
研究生(中文) 葉家瑋
研究生(英文) Chia-Wei Yeh
學號 608660196
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2021-06-23
論文頁數 149頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 許超澤
委員 - 王中允
委員 - 劉建浩
關鍵字(中) 公共自行車服務品質
關鍵字(英) Public bicycle service quality
Three-factor theory
Driven by the trend of sustainable transportation, the awareness of environmental protection in various countries has risen. Governments of various countries are actively developing green energy and encouraging people to use public transportation systems to increase energy efficiency. In 2012, the Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of my country proposed a benchmark plan for “building a green transportation network” based on the outline of the “National Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Plan” approved by the Executive Yuan, and actively encouraged the public (city citizen) to take public transportation and reduce the using of private transportation. In recent years, due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, the transportation patterns of people in many countries have changed, especially in short-distance transportation. Short-distance transportation has become an alternative mode on transportation. Public bicycles are become the first choice for people in short-distance transportation. And the most representative public bicycle system in Taiwan is YouBike, which has greatly increased its importance and utilization rate during the influence of the pandemic. However, once the pandemic slowdowns in the future, it is still unknown that whether the transport volume of public bicycles will return to the past flow. Therefore, this research will propose improvement strategies by exploring the service quality of YouBike and strengthens the service quality of YouBike to increase its attractiveness, so as to maintain stable usage in the future.
This study applies 3D-IPA combined with the three-factor theory, which is different from the traditional IPA and modified IPA in the past. Both of them only use the traditional two-dimensional quadrant diagram to determine the strategy. This study not only retains the Explicit importance and performance, which obtained from questionnaire measurement, but also includes the implicit importance, which derived by partial correlation coefficient, then the implicit importance is regarded as the third dimension, analyzing the 14 service attributes of YouBike in a three-dimensional space. The grand means of explicit importance, actual performance, and implicit importance were calculated for the cross-points in the 3-D IPA cube, and understand the categories of the respective three factors of the service attributes to determine which attributes are the excitement factor, basic factor or performance factor. Finally, the scores measured by each service attribute are combined with the types of factors to formulate relevant improvement strategies. It is hoped that YouBike will invest its limited resources in order to best meet the needs of users.
The research results show that because of the three-dimensional space analysis, it decreased the problem from the past research which the service attribute is located near the crosshair and difficult to clearly provide strategy. In addition, 3D-IPA combined with the three-factor theory can solves the two implicit assumptions of traditional IPA. 3D-IPA can also provide more suitable and accurate strategic suggestions than traditional IPA in empirical research, which is more in line with national policies and more logical. In order to improve the service quality of YouBike, this research suggests that the basic factors whose satisfaction is lower than average should be prioritized to improve. The basic factors are factors that lead to customer dissatisfaction. In order to avoid user dissatisfaction, managers need to maintain these performance levels on average. Therefore, according to the analysis results of this research, the service attributes that YouBike most need to improve at present are "Q3. Comfortable ride" and "Q14. Environmental safety ". In addition, in order to improve user satisfaction, it is recommended that the attributes of the excitement factor be more developed. Excitement factor is a very critical to the future management of YouBike and the overall service quality, and can be used to distance itself from competitors. Therefore, it is hoped that, with the permission of the resources, the transportation authorities are advised to target the service attributes below, "Q2. YouBike appearance", "Q7. Rental information ", "Q8. Number of docks", "Q9. Number of YouBikes" and "Q10. Bike tracks".
第一章 緒論	1
1.1研究背景與動機	1
1.2研究目的	4
1.3研究範圍與限制	4
1.4研究流程圖	5
 第二章 文獻回顧	7
2.1短距運輸服務(Micro-Mobility)	7
2.2 COVID-19下之運輸行為改變	8
2.3國外公共自行車發展	10
2.3.1有樁式自行車發展	11
2.3.2無樁式自行車發展	14
2.4我國公共自行車發展	15
2.4.1我國公共自行車系統比較	17
2.5服務品質	23
2.5.1服務品質的定義與特性	23
2.5.2服務品質的概念模式	25
2.5.3服務品質的衡量方法	32
2.6三因子理論	38
2.7重要度滿意度分析法之演進與應用	43
2.7.1傳統IPA(DCQA)與以量尺為中心法(SCQA)	46
2.7.2對角線IPA法 (Diagonal line, gap analysis)	50
2.7.3新增競爭者IPA(Competitive IPA, gap analysis)	51
2.7.4修正IPA (IPA + 三因子理論)	54
2.7.5同步IPA(Simultaneous IPA, SIPA)	58
2.8小結	60
 第三章 研究方法	65
3.1研究架構	65
3.2問卷設計與尺度衡量	67
3.2.1問卷量表建構設計	68
3.2.2問卷調查方法與對象	68
3.2.3問卷設計內容	69
3.3研究方法	70
3.3.1 傳統IPA	70
3.3.2 3D-IPA結合三因子理論	72
3.3.3 獨立樣本t檢定	77
3.3.4 單因子相依變異數分析檢定	78
	第四章 資料分析與結果	79
4.1問卷基本統計分析	79
4.1.1樣本結構	79
4.1.2單因子相依變異數分析檢定分析	84
4.1.3項目分析	85極端值檢定	85相關分析	86
4.1.4信度分析	87
4.2使用者問卷重要度滿意度分析	88
4.2.1重要度滿意度分析	90傳統IPA(DCQA)	91以量尺為中心法(SCQA)	94對角線IPA法(Diagonal line, gap analysis)	96修正IPA (IPA+Three factor Theory)	98
4.2.2三維重要度滿意度分析(3D-IPA)	101
4.3服務屬性之策略結果比較	110
4.3.1 3D-IPA與傳統IPA策略比較	110
4.3.2 3D-IPA與修正IPA策略比較	118
第五章 結論與建議	121
5.1結論	121
5.2建議	127
參考文獻	131
附錄一、使用者對YouBike服務品質之重要度滿意度調查問卷	145

圖 1.1本研究之研究流程圖	6
圖 2.1服務品質缺口分析模式圖	27
圖 2.2服務品質顧客衡量模式	28
圖 2.3服務品質延伸模式	31
圖 2.4 The importance grid	41
圖 2.5三因子理論因子關係圖	42
圖 2.6 Importance-performance grid	48
圖 2.7 Revised Importance-Performance Grid	49
圖 2.8 對角線IPA法(Diagonal line model)	51
圖 2.9 Competitive IPA	53
圖 2.10 Vavra之重要度網格	57
圖 2.11隱含重要度與滿意度圖	57
圖 3.1 研究架構與流程	66
圖 3.2 3D-IPA立體圖	75
圖 4.1重要度平均邊緣估計數剖面圖	85
圖 4.2 傳統IPA (DCQA)之結果散佈圖	93
圖 4.3以量尺為中心法(SCQA)之結果散佈圖	94
圖 4.4對角線IPA法 (Diagonal line)之結果散佈圖	97
圖 4.5修正IPA之結果散佈圖	99
圖 4.6 3D-IPA之立體散佈圖角度I	106
圖 4.7 3D-IPA之立體散佈圖角度II	106
圖 4.8 3D-IPA之立體散佈圖角度III	107
表 2-1 YouBike、oBike與YouBike 2.0的營運層面比較	17
表 2-2 YouBike、YouBike 2.0的差異	20
表 2-3 MOOVO與YouBike 2.0的差異	22
表 2-4 Regan提出之服務四大特性	23
表 2-5服務品質之衡量構面	33
表 2-6 SERVQUAL量表衡量構面及內容項目	35
表 2-7 IPA相關文獻整理(1977-2020)	44
表 2-8修正IPA相關研究	55
表 2-9 SIPA之策略	59
表 2-10 常用IPA優缺點比較	61
表 3-1 構面與準則敘述	68
表 3-2 重要度與三因子理論之關係	74
表 3-3 3D-IPA之策略表	76
表 4-1 問卷性別分配表	80
表 4-2問卷年齡分配表	80
表 4-3問卷學歷分配表	81
表 4-4 職業學歷分配表	81
表 4-5 平日騎乘YouBike之時段分配表	82
表 4-6 假日騎乘YouBike之時段分配表	82
表 4-7使用者每週騎乘YouBike之次數分配表	83
表 4-8使用者騎乘YouBike之目的分配表	83
表 4-9 Mauchly球形度檢驗a	84
表 4-10 Tests of Within-Subject Effects	84
表 4-11問卷項目分析	86
表 4-12 信度檢定	87
表 4-13 受訪者對YouBike服務品質認知期望與實際感受分析	89
表 4-14 各服務屬性的平均數、標準差、偏態與峰態。	90
表 4-15傳統IPA之策略結果	92
表 4-16以量尺為中心法(SCQA)之策略結果	95
表 4-17對角線IPA法項目結果(重要度-滿意度)	96
表 4-18修正IPA之策略結果	99
表 4-19修正IPA與傳統IPA之策略比較	100
表 4-20共線性指標	102
表 4-21 3D-IPA之隱含重要度	103
表 4-22三因子理論於各屬性之判別	104
表 4-23三維重要度滿意度分析(3D-IPA)之結果策略	107
表 4-24 傳統IPA與3D-IPA策略比較表	111
表 4-25各屬性應用傳統IPA與3D-IPA之策略結果差異	117
表 4-26修正IPA與3D-IPA策略比較表	118
表 4-27各屬性應用修正IPA與3D-IPA之策略結果差異	119
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