§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-0707201717241600
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2017.00247
論文名稱(中文) 我國長期照護產業發展之研究
論文名稱(英文) The Development of the Long-Term Care Industry in Taiwan
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 會計學系碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Accounting
學年度 105
學期 2
出版年 106
研究生(中文) 吳昱儒
研究生(英文) Yu-Ru Wu
學號 604600402
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2017-06-09
論文頁數 214頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 韓幸紋
委員 - 王肇蘭
委員 - 單珮玲
關鍵字(中) 長期照顧
關鍵字(英) Long-Term Care
Development of the Industry
Long-Term Care System
Human Resources
With the world's population rapidly aging, Taiwan's population aging rate is as same as Japan and higher than the European and American countries, and it will form a threat to the decline of the quality of people’s life of the elderly if we ignore the demand of long- tern care, in addition to the government's active planning for the social welfare system, the private company will also look at the long-tern care industry as major markets in the future, and investment resources to innovation and development. Therefore, this study is to understand the successful development of long-term industry factors in order to cope with the future needs of sustained growth. This study is trying understand the factors of successful development of long-term industry in response the continued growing demand. This study is divided into two phases, the first stage to collect the date about implementation of the long-tern care policy , the market supply and demand situation and industrial development and other information in United States and Japan. The second stage this study would interview the industry experts to get recommendations for improvement, expect to understand the the concept of management, human resources training and government policy recommendations through expert advice. Finally to integrate industry experience of Taiwan, US and Japan to get the successful business model of Taiwan long-tern care industry.
In summary, improve the quality of life for the elderly, change people’s stereotypes of the long-tern care service industry and use their own advantages to develop customers are all successful business model. However, the biggest dilemma faced by the long industry is the problem of lack of manpower, the best way to solve the problem is to increase the worker's willingness, in addition to the government is currently working to enhance the salaries and benefits, to enhance its professional image and social status is also an important part. And government policy support is also the key to the successful development of the industry, because if the government can open the industry to enter, in addition to enhance the efficiency of the overall use of resources, the industrial development and the overall economy is also helpful. In fact, the development of the industry can not be achieved by unilateral efforts alone, the industry and the government need to work together in order to achieve maximum efficiency,and create a better service quality for the overall long-tern care environment.
第一章  緒 論	1
第一節 研究背景	1
第二節 研究動機	3
第三節 研究目的	3
第二章  研究設計	5
第一節  研究方法	5
第二節  研究參與者	8
第三節  資料分析方法	10
第四節  訪談研究倫理	11
第三章  文獻探討	12
第一節 我國長期照護發展沿革	12
第二節  美國長期照護發展	21
第三節  日本長期照護發展	30
第四節  德國長期照護發展	37
第五節  台灣、美國、日本及德國之長期照護比較	40
第四章 我國長期照護產業研究分析	42
第一節  長期照顧產業經營模式分析	42
第二節  長期照顧產業人力資源分析	49
第三節  政府政策與長照產業發展之關連	55
第五章、研究結論與限制	60
第一節  研究結論	60
第二節  研究限制	61
參考文獻	63
中文文獻	63
英文文獻	65
附錄一	67
訪談大綱	67
一、中化銀髮居家照顧	67
二、雙連安養中心	68
三、台北市私立貴族老人長期照顧中心	69
四、新光人壽	71
五、愛長照	73
六、照管中心	74
附錄二	75
訪談逐字稿	75
一、中化居家照護	75
二、雙連安養中心	94
三、貴族安養中心	112
四、新光人壽保險	133
五、國泰世華安養信託	146
六、愛長照服務平台	166
七、商發院訪談逐字稿	176
八、聯合報醫藥記者	196
九、各縣市照管中心人員	206
表3-1  全球主要國家2010年至2060年扶老比	12
表3-2  社區整體照顧模式匯總表	14
表3-3  我國對銀髮者的定義與分類	18
表3-4  從工商普查部門別切分銀髮產業	19
表3-5  美國「三支柱」養老金制度模式整理	23
表3-6  美、日、台高齡化轉變情形	24
表3-7  日本介護保險制度發展軌跡	32
表3-8  四國長照制度比較	41
表4-1  我國長照產業經營模式分析	49
表 4-2  我國長照產業人力資源培訓分析	54
圖3-1 台灣長期照護制度發展	15
圖3-2 美國高齡人口結構	25
圖3-3  2015年美國長期照護服務平均成本	26
圖3-4 日本高齡人口結構	33
圖3-5 德國長期保險制度發展	38
圖5-1 我國長照產業發展成功因素	61
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