§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-0707201011191700
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2010.01199
論文名稱(中文) 組織文化與工作價值觀對行政倫理行為影響之研究-以臺北市政府公務人員為例
論文名稱(英文) The Effects of Organizational Culture and Work Values on Administrative Ethics Behavior-A Case of Taipei City Government
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 公共行政學系公共政策碩士在職專班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Public Administration
學年度 98
學期 2
出版年 99
研究生(中文) 陳美倫
研究生(英文) Mei-lun Chen
學號 797640074
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2010-06-11
論文頁數 136頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 黃一峯
指導教授 - 邱志淳
委員 - 蔡良文
委員 - 陳志瑋
關鍵字(中) 行政倫理
關鍵字(英) Public Administrative Ethics
Codes of Ethics
Organizational culture
work value
行政倫理可探討的範圍極廣,小自公務人員個人的道德掙扎,如個人專業判斷及上級政策指示之間的相互衝突;大至政府整體作為的意義與角色等,在這些廣義與狹義的研究領域之間本研究者選擇以公務機關內部組織文化與工作價值觀對行政倫理行為之影響作為研究主軸,其原因不外乎長期以來,我們的政府不能符合現代國家之指標,也就是人民期待的3R政府-1.回應民意的有為政府(Responsive Government) 2.勇於擔負的責任政府(Responsible Government) 3.清廉純淨的可靠政府(Reliable Government)。換言之,國內民眾對於政府整體的施政呈現並非滿意的現象。
  為挽救此一現象, 馬總統在就職演說明確宣示,新政府重要任務之一就是要樹立廉能政治的新典範,新政府上台後,「廉能」亦為行政院施政方針之一,行政院人事行政局為打造廉能新公務團隊,協助公務人員對自我角色有正確之認知,從「心」實踐公務倫理價值規範,蒐集各國立法例(英國、美國、加拿大、日本、新加坡、波蘭)及「經濟合作發展組織」OECD 會員國之主要倫理核心價值,經由廣徵建言,全民參與修正公務人員核心價值,研擬「公務倫理守則」十二則,強化倫理實踐,內容嚴謹,以突顯當代之公務核心價值。希望全國公務員都能遵行公務倫理守則,重建廉能政府的形象。
  本研究以臺北市政府公務人員為研究對象,採用量化的研究取向,針對市府公務人員發放608 份問卷,回收461 份有效問卷。研究結果顯示,政府單位之內部組織文化與工作價值觀會影響公務人員對行政倫理行為之發生,其中以「官僚型文化」與「內在價值觀」對於行政倫理偏差行為的影響最大;且不同屬性之公務員對於行政倫理行為的表現確實存有差異。本研究依據文獻探討與問卷調查統計分析結果,就如何提升公務員行政倫理的認知,從上到下、從公部門到私部門提供以下幾點之建議:1、完備法令,建構我國行政倫理法制。2、高階管理者的倡導與宣示。3、積極表揚廉能,型塑組織文化。4、加強公務員倫理教育,齊一工作價值觀。5、透過資訊透明化,擴大社會參與。6、舉辦反貪倡廉活動,建構公民反貪網絡。7、掌握民意脈動,廣徵政風興革建言。8、執行機關有效配合,強化違反倫理之調查。相信有了廉能的公務員,就會有廉能的政府,對人民而言,有了廉能的政府,就會有良好的施政品質,人民就能享受美好的生活環境;對企業而言,有了廉能的政府,就能創造優質的經濟環境,企業的投資意願自然提高。
The range of discussions concerning administrative ethics spans greatly, from small issues like conflict of personal professional judgment versus the instructions of superiors, to major issues like the meaning and role of government as a whole. From this wide spectrum of issues, the author chooses to study the effects of organizational culture and work values on administrative ethics behavior of a public administration, the reason being that for a long period of time, our government has failed us time and again in fulfilling the 3R ideology: 1. Responsive Government, 2. Responsible Government and 3. Reliable Government. In other words, the public is generally not satisfied with the government’s current performance.
    To salvage this situation, President Ma Ying-jeou declared during his inauguration speech that one of the main tasks of the new government is to set a role model of clean politics. After the new government receives power, being “clean and capable” has become one the primary focus of policy implementations. The Central Personnel Administration (CPA) of the Executive Yuan sets forth in creating a clean and capable team through assisting civil servants understand their roles, and clarifying their public ethics values, through gathering of core ethics values by studying the legislations of advanced countries such as the UK, US, Canada, Japan, Singapore, Poland and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) members. The “Civil Code of Ethics” was drafted through wide gathering of suggestions, public participation and amending the core values of civil servants. It was characterized with strong emphasis on practical implementation, simple yet conscientious, and can truly reflect the core values of modern civil service. It is hoped that all civil servalnts coule abide by this Code,and re-establish our government's image as clean and capable.

  According to IMD’s World Competitiveness Yearbook ranking published on May 18th, 2010, Taiwan’s overall competitiveness leapt from 23rd last year to 8th this year, business efficiency leapt from 22nd last year to 3rd this year, and government efficiency increased from 18th last year to 6th this year. All these examples demonstrate that the policy decisions of the present government and implementation abilities of respective agencies have improved tremendously, and directly proved the importance of emphasizing administrative ethics of civil servants, which will eventually lead to greater performances and efficacy. If the positive trend continues, the future is bright for our country, and the subsequent encouragements received by our civil servants will surely prompt them to work harder and raise standards.

  This research employed the civil servants of Taipei City Government as research targets, and through a quantitative approach, 608 questionnaires were distributed among the civil servants, with 461 effective samples collected. The results of this research indicate that, organizational culture and work values will affect civil servants’ administrative ethics behavior, with “bureaucratic culture” and “inner values” posing the most significant influence. The results also show that different nature of civil servants’ work will also affect their administrative ethics behavior. Hence, based on our literature reviews and questionnaire analysis results, the following suggestions are provided for how to raise civil servants’ administrative ethics behavior, both in the public and private sectors:

1. Comprehensive legislation to support administrative ethics on a national level.
2. Role models and leadership from high-level management. 
3. Active encouragement of being clean and capable, which helps in shaping positive organization culture.
4. Strengthen civil servants’ ethical education, to align their work values.
5. Expand public participation through accessible information.
6. Establish anti-corruption and clean government activities, and build civic anti-corruption network.
7. Understand public opinions and invite positive suggestions for improvement of civil ethics.
8. Strong cooperation from implementing agencies, and strengthen investigation of ethics violation.

    When there are clean and capable civil servants, a clean and capable government will ensue. As for the people, the results of a clean and capable government will result in effective policy implementation, and the people can enjoy good living environment. As for the corporations, a clean and capable government means a better economic environment, which naturally leads to more investment from the corporations.

    Suggestions for future research topics include: expanding research scope to include central or national civil servants, comparing the existing differences of central and local civil servants in terms of administrative ethics behaviors. In addition, if all research targets are civil servants, the repetitive nature of the sample will be too high, causing insignificance in the regression analysis of the two indicators, namely work values and administrative ethics. If future research could incorporate business people as research targets, new results may be found.
at all civil servants could abide by this Code, and re-establish our government’s image as clean and capable.
第一章 緒 論	1
第一節 研究動機	1
第二節 研究目的	4
第三節 研究問題	5
第四節 研究方法、範圍與限制	5
第二章 文獻探討	9
第一節 組織文化	9
第二節 工作價值觀	15
第三節  行政倫理行為	24
第三章 研究設計	59
第一節 研究架構與假設	59
第二節  研究工具	62
第三節 研究對象	68
第四節 資料分析方法	74
第五節 問卷前測分析	75
第六節 研究流程	76
第四章 實證分析及結果	77
第一節 各變項間之相關情形	77
第二節 樣本個別屬性在各變項上之差異情形	80
第三節 組織文化與工作價值觀之不同在倫理偏差行為上之差異	104
第五章 研究發現與建議	109
第一節 研究發現	109
第二節 實務上建議	118
第三節  後續研究建議	123
參考文獻	124
中文部份	124
英文部份	128
附    錄	130
附錄一 組織文化、工作價值觀與行政倫理行為調查問卷	130
附錄二 公務員服務法	135
附錄三 公務員廉政倫理規範	135
附錄四 臺北市政府公務員廉政倫理規範	135
附錄五 國家廉政建設行動方案	135
附錄六 公職人員利益衝突迴避法	135
附錄七 公職人員財產申報法	136
附錄八 公務人員行政中立法	136
附錄九 政府採購法	136
附錄十 採購人員倫理準則	136
附錄十一 公務人員基準法草案	136
附錄十二  臺北市政府表揚廉潔楷模實施要點	136

表2-1-1 組織文化定義彙表…………………………………………………….……9
表2-2-1 各學者對工作價值觀的定義與說明…………………………………….……15
表2-2-2 國內外學者研究對工作價值觀的分類……………………………………..…18
表2-2-3 國內工作價值觀相關研究 ……………………………………………………….…….22
表2-3-1 OECD 國家公共服務倫理核心價值………………………………………………….….44
表3- 2-1 測試問卷信度分析表…………………………………………………….…..64
表3-2-2 組織文化、工作價值觀與行政倫理行為因素分析表……………………….…...65
表3-3-1 臺北市政府各機關配置樣本數……………………………………………..…69
表3-3-2 樣本分布情形 ………………………………………………………..……72
表4-1-1 組織文化與工作價值觀各變項之關係矩陣…………………………........……..79
表4-2-1 個人屬性與官僚文化之關係……………………………………………..……81
表4-2-2 個人屬性與支持文化之關係 …………………….…………………..………84
表4-2-3 個人屬性與創新文化之關係…………………….…………………….……..87
表4-2-4 個人屬性與內在價值之關係…………………….…………………….……..90
表4-2-5 個人屬性與薪酬價值之關係…………………….…………………….……..93
表4-2-6 個人屬性與社會價值之關係…………………….…………………….……..96
表4-2-7 個人屬性與晉升價值之關係…………………….…………………….……..99
表4-2-8 個人屬性與倫理偏差之關係…………………….……………………….…...102
表4-3-1 組織文化與工作價值觀對倫理偏差行為之t 檢定.……………………….….…107
表5-1-1 本研究之假設及驗證結果彙整表…………….………………………....…….109
圖2-3-1 行政倫理之核心概念 ………………………………………………………26
圖2-3-2 工作場所的偏差行為類型……………………………………………………29
圖2-3-3 行政倫理之範圍……………………………………………….…….……...30
圖3-1-1 概念架構示意圖 …………………………………………………….……..60
圖3-6-1 研究流程圖 ………………………………………………………….….....75
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