§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-0602201814481300
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2018.00191
論文名稱(中文) 軟實力和文化外交:美國在台灣的交流計劃
論文名稱(英文) Cultural Diplomacy Through Educational and Cultural Exchange Programs: The Case of Fulbright Program in Taiwan
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 國際事務與戰略研究所碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies
學年度 106
學期 1
出版年 107
研究生(中文) 莫妮卡
研究生(英文) Monica Katarina Ashley Jordan
學號 602330374
學位類別 碩士
語言別 英文
口試日期 2018-01-15
論文頁數 124頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 李大中
委員 - 翁明賢
委員 - 曾怡碩
關鍵字(中) 文化外交
關鍵字(英) Cultural Diplomacy
Fulbright Program
United States
Soft Power

外交是一種是複雜和具有挑戰性的軟力量,為促進世界國際關係,運作於「吸引力」和「合作」兩個面向。其中,文化外交(Cultural Diplomacy),定義為經由組織或個人交換思想、資訊、價值觀、傳統、藝術,來達到加強相互理解和雙方關係的目的。幾個世紀以來,每個人都參與了文化外交,然而,由於文化外交最近被作為一種理論,加上實踐行為上很少有經驗證據,這樣的外交形勢逐漸削弱中。


研究方法為文獻分析和定性研究。研究人員使用軟權力理論(Soft Power Theory)和邏輯模型(The Logic Model)作為框架,以幫助描述、分析和評估此項研究。


關鍵字: 文化外交,富布萊特計劃,美國,台灣,軟實力。
Diplomacy is an intricate and challenging practice of fostering relationships around the world. It is a tool of soft power, which operates in the aspects of ‘attraction’ and ‘cooperation.’ One of its branches is Cultural Diplomacy (CD) that is defined as the exchange of ideas, information, values, traditions, art and other aspects of culture practiced by institutions or individuals with the goal of enhancing mutual understanding and strengthening relationships. However, it continues to be undermined in international relations. The purpose of the study is to shed some light on the growing importance of CD in the 21st century. By exploring the Fulbright Program in Taiwan, it strengthens the cultural diplomacy in theory and in practice. The research methods are document analysis and qualitative approach. The researcher used soft power theory and ‘The Logic Model’ as the frameworks to describe, analyze, and assess the study. The research study concludes that the educational exchange program, Fulbright program in Taiwan, embodies outcomes with cultural aspects. The research study analyzes that the participants’ develop ‘attitude change.’ This is the most significant outcome, both intermediate and long lasting. The research concludes that the Fulbright program fulfills the goal of U.S. cultural diplomacy in the 21st century.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents	iii
Chapter 1 Introduction	1
1.1	Research Goal	4
1.2	Literature Review	6
1.2.1 Soft Power	6
1.2.2 Cultural Diplomacy	8
1.2.3 The American Experience: Cultural Diplomacy	11
1.2.4 American Educational and Cultural Exchange Programs	14
1.2.5 The Fulbright Program	16
1.2.6 Other Exchange Programs	18
1.3	Methodology	20
1.4	Scope and Limitations	21
1.5	Frameworks	23
1.5.1 Theoretical Framework	23
1.5.2 Conceptual Framework	26
1.6	Significance of the Study	29
1.7	Summary of Chapters	30
Chapter 2 Cultural Diplomacy	31
2.1	Cultural Diplomacy	31
2.1.1	Definition	32
2.1.2	Advantages	33
2.1.3	Challenges	35
2.2	The Relationship with Soft Power	36
2.2.1	Definition of Soft Power	37
2.2.2	Limitations of Soft Power	39
2.2.3	Advantages of Soft Power	41
2.2.4	Soft Power and Cultural diplomacy	41
2.2.5	Significance	43
2.3	A Tool of Cultural Diplomacy: International Exchange Programs	44
2.3.1	Cultural and Educational Exchange Programs	46
2.4	Summary	49
Chapter 3 The American Experience	52
3.1	U.S. Cultural Diplomacy	52
3.1.1	Brief Historical Background	54
3.1.2	Issues on American Cultural Diplomacy	57
3.2	American Exchange Programs	60
3.2.1	Role of American Exchange Programs	61
3.2.2	Educational Exchange Programs	63
3.2.3	Failed U.S. Cultural Diplomacy	65
3.3	Relationship with Other Countries	66
3.4 Summary	70
Chapter 4 The Fulbright Program	74
4.1	The Fulbright Program	75
4.2	Fulbright Program in Taiwan	77
4.2.1	The Establishment and Collaboration	78
4.2.2	The Exchanges and Grants	80
4.3	During The Obama Administration (2012-2016)	83
4.3.1	Funding	84
4.3.2 The Exchanges	92
4.3.3 Reflections	95
4.4	Summary	100
Chapter 5 Analysis and Assessment	104
5.1	Analysis	104
5.2	Assessment	107
Chapter 6 Conclusion	109
Bibliography	113


Table of Figures
Figure 1.1. 	26
Figure 1.2. 	29

Table of Graphs
Graph 4.1. 	86
Graph 4.2. 	87
Graph 4.3. 	88
Graph 4.4. 	89
Graph 4.5. 	90
Graph 4.6. 	91
Graph 4.7. 	94
Graph 4.8. 	95
Graph 4.9. 	97


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