§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-0507201013305300
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2010.00123
論文名稱(中文) 美國簽訂「中美共同防禦條約」決策過程之研究
論文名稱(英文) A Study on the U.S. Decision-making Process of the Sino-American Mutual Defense Treaty
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 美洲研究所博士班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of The Americas
學年度 98
學期 2
出版年 99
研究生(中文) 李達人
研究生(英文) Ta-jen Lee
學號 890220030
學位類別 博士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2010-06-25
論文頁數 320頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 陳一新
委員 - 包宗和
委員 - 趙春山
委員 - 裘兆琳
委員 - 蔡瑋
關鍵字(中) 蔣介石
關鍵字(英) Chiang Kai-Shek
Decision-Making Theory
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Governmental Politics Model
John F. Dulles
Organizational Behavior Model
Taiwan Strait Crisis
Rational Actor Model
本論文以艾里遜 (Graham T. Allison) 之決策理論,亦即「理性行為者模式、組織行為模式、政府政治模式」為主要分析架構,並參酌國際體系理論及聯盟理論,提出若干假設,以檢視相關理論對本論文之適用性。主要資料來源為美國國家檔案局、艾森豪總統圖書館及國務院編輯出版之FRUS系列之解密美國政府官方文件。此外,美台相關決策參與官員之回憶錄亦為相關參考資料來源。前開資料對於重建防約起源、政策考量及談判過程等事實真相,均甚有助益。
由組織決策模式的角度來看,政府是由許多專責部門所構成,每個部門均盼掌握決策影響力,在本案例中,軍方主張強硬回應台海危機之建議未被採納,最後由國務卿杜勒斯主導的聯合國安理會停火案及與國府締約的雙管齊下策略獲得青睞。而國務院遠東事務局及美國駐台大使館及相關官員諸如遠東事務助卿羅柏森(Walter S. Robertson)、駐台大使藍欽 (Karl L. Rankin)及中國科科長馬康衛(Walter P. McConaughy)爭取與國府簽署防約甚力,凸顯主管地域局及駐地使館之決策影響力。
In the context of the Cold War, the Sino-American Mutual Defense Treaty, concluded on December 2, 1954, secured the ROC from invasion by the PRC in the aftermath of the Chinese Civil War. Thus, for Taiwan, it laid the foundation of security and stability for decades.
Signed in the Cold War era, this treaty represented an embodiment of the close relationships between the US and the ROC in terms of their shared interest in coping with communism. However, from the perspective of the ROC, the process of signing this treaty seemed to be a rugged one. On the one hand, at the onset of the Cold War, the US endeavored to form a Pacific united front to contain communism by concluding a series of bilateral or multilateral security treaties with a few Asian countries. On the other hand, with the armistice reached in the Korea Peninsula and the situation of Indochina primarily stabilized, the US was still reluctant to enter into a defense treaty with the ROC. 
This dissertation aims to analyze the decision-making process of the Sino-American Mutual Defense Treaty on Graham Allison’s three decision-making models, namely, the Rational Actor Model (RAM), the Organizational Behavior Model (OBM), and the Governmental Politics Model (GPM), together with the theories of the international systems and alliance. Hypotheses are generated accordingly to examine the application of the relevant theories. Meanwhile, the primary sources for this dissertation are declassified US government documents available at the National Archives, the Eisenhower Presidential Library, and the FRUS series edited by the Department of States, as well as the biographies and memoirs of both American and Taiwan’s government officials involved in the decision-making process. All these sources have made possible a reconstruction of the initiation, consideration, and negotiation of this treaty.
Concerning the RAM, the Eisenhower administration had no intention to enter into a security treaty with the ROC because it was unwilling to be dragged by this treaty into a major war with mainland China. However, unfriendly elements from the communist bloc created a necessity for the agreement. Among those elements, the offshore islands were an ignition point. The first Taiwan Strait Crisis became a crucial incident that expedited the conclusion of US-ROC security treaty. From the view of balance of power, this treaty politically acted to oppose the communist coalition, which tended to pursue a position of predominance.
In the light of the OBM, government leaders rely on the standard operating procedures (SOP) of governmental organizations to obtain policy alternatives. Therefore, all governmental organizations seek to have influence to pursue their objectives. Their positions on issues are affected by the desire to maintain influence. From this point of view, the Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, American Embassy in the Republic of China, and Walter S. Robertson, Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs, Karl L. Rankin, Ambassador to the ROC, and Walter P. McConaughy, Director for the Office of Chinese Affairs in the State Department, advocated the treaty with full efforts. Meanwhile, Eisenhower apparently preferred the State Department’s proposal to ask New Zealand to bring up a cease-fire resolution in the UN Security Council to solve the so-call “horrible dilemma”. Thus, the Department of Defense’s previous tough proposal to respond to the Taiwan Strait Crisis was rejected by President Eisenhower because it was thought to be too risky. 
From the perspective of the GPM, a nation's actions are best understood as the result of politicking and negotiation by its top leaders. The decision-making process is usually regarded as a tug-of-war among government officials. Just like playing a game, in every decision-making process, players try to win the support of the president by pulling and hauling at each other. In this regard, Secretary of State John F. Dulles’s action-channel to President Eisenhower made him a dominant figure in the entire process. The idea of cease-fire proposal to UN brought up by Dulles, while agreeing to negotiate the defense treaty with the ROC, was adopted as the final policy of the US.
This dissertation indicates that although the Eisenhower Administration, unwilling to be involved in a major war against the PRC, was reluctant to conclude a mutual defense treaty with the ROC.  However, after the outbreak of the first Taiwan Strait Crisis, the US changed its position and finally decided to sign the defense treaty on the condition that this treaty was limited in application to the defense of Taiwan and the Pescadores only, with Quemoy and Matsu not protected, and that the ROC was prevented from initiating any military action against mainland China.
第一章  緒論 ……………………………………………………………1
第一節  研究目的與研究主旨 ……………………………………………………1
第二節  研究方法、範圍與限制及章節安排……………………………………13
第三節  文獻回顧…………………………………………………………………22
第四節  小結………………………………………………………………………36
第二章  理論與假設……………………………………………………39
第一節  國際體系理論……………………………………………………………46
第二節  聯盟理論…………………………………………………………………51
第三節  決策理論…………………………………………………………………57
第四節  小結………………………………………………………………………74
第三章  理性行為模式下美國與國府締約之決策過程………………77
第一節  韓戰前後美國對華政策之國內外因素…………………………………78
第二節  台海危機前美國遲不願與國府締約……………………………………93
第三節  台海危機成為締約催化劑 ……………………………………………108
第四節  小結 ……………………………………………………………………129
第四章  組織行為模式下美國政府各部門之政策建議 ……………133
第一節  軍方有關台海危機之因應建議對締約之影響 ………………………135
第二節  國務院內不同意見之調和 ……………………………………………145
第三節  國務院意見在國安會脫穎而出 ………………………………………168
第四節  小結 ……………………………………………………………………182
第五章  政府政治模式下決策參與者之議價與妥協…………………189
第一節  艾森豪決策風格 ………………………………………………………191
第二節  杜勒斯掌握「行動管道」優勢 ………………………………………208
第三節  美台防約談判過程─官僚執行決策之觀點 …………………………233
第四節  小結 ……………………………………………………………………250
第六章  結論 …………………………………………………………253
參考書目 ………………………………………………………………267
附錄1  「中美共同防禦條約」英文本……………………………………301
附錄2  「中美共同防禦條約」中文本……………………………………306
附錄3  葉公超與杜勒斯有關「中美共同防禦條約」換函 .…………316

圖2-1  同心圓模型………………………………………………………40
圖2-2  因果漏斗模型……………………………………………………42
圖2-3  國家行為與體系互動影響關係…………………………………47
圖5-1  艾森豪決策模式 ………………………………………………193

表1-1 美國在亞太與各國簽訂安全條約一覽表………………………… 2
表1-2 「中美共同防禦條約」簽訂前後相關紀事一覽表 ………………12
表1-3  相關決策官員人名對照表……………………………………… 21
表2-1  理論運用與分析層次關係表…………………………………… 45
表2-2  假設一覽表……………………………………………………… 73
表5-1  艾森豪總統決策風格情形一覽表 …………………………… 208
表5-2  國安會改革方案─出席人員簡表………………………………229
表5-3 「中美共同防禦條約」談判過程簡表 …………………………245
表6-1  假設驗證結果一覽表 ………………………………………… 257
表6-2  決策理論之檢討一覽表 ……………………………………… 261


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