§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-0308201614465500
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2016.00104
論文名稱(中文) JCR封鎖期刊特徵與封鎖因素之分析
論文名稱(英文) The Characteristics and Factors of Journals Suppressed by JCR
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 資訊與圖書館學系碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Information and Library Science
學年度 104
學期 2
出版年 105
研究生(中文) 張瑜庭
研究生(英文) Yu-Ting Chang
學號 603000117
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2016-07-06
論文頁數 104頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 林雯瑤
委員 - 謝寶煖
委員 - 羅思嘉
關鍵字(中) 期刊引文分析報告
關鍵字(英) Journal Citation Reports (JCR)
suppressed journal
journal self-citation
citation stacking
The main objective of this study was to investigate the suppressed journals in the 2007 to 2014 JCR editions and identify the characteristics and factors of these journals and their performance in various indicators. The number of suppressed journals in the 2007 to 2014 JCR editions totaled 281. After excluding repeating journals, the number totaled 177.
The results of the study reveal that:
(1)The U.S.A had the highest numbers of suppressed journals, the number was 40. Pakistan had the highest proportion of suppressed journals, the proportion was 4.22%. Commercial scientific publishers are the main publisher of suppressed journals (51.26%). The subject area of Engineering contained the most suppressed journals, the number of suppressed journals was 36. Most of the suppressed journals required two consecutive years or one year to change their abnormal citation patterns, the number of suppressed journals was 161. Only one suppressed journal provided the statement of suppression.
(2)During the period of suppression, most of the suppressed journals had IF values between 0.2 and 0.6. Most of the suppressed journals had SJR values between 0.2 and 0.5. Most of the suppressed journals had self-citation rate between 50% and 60% in WoS. Most of the suppressed journals had self-citation rate between 40% and 50% in Scopus. No matter containing the self-cited data or not, the highest difference of IF values was 13 times.
(3)The first factor of suppressed journals are journal self-citation, including the journal self-citation rate is too high or too low, journal editors cite a large number of references in editorial article, the author self-citations lead to journal self-citation rate is too high. The second factor of suppressed journals are citation stacking, including the relationships of the journal editors and editorial board members may have facilitated the citation stacking, the citation stacking of heterogeneous subject areas, the citation stacking of publishers, the citation stacking of authors. The third factor of suppressed journals are coercive citation.
The suggestions for improvement based on the findings of this study are as follows:
(1)The journal publishers should promote the understanding of suppressed journals, and provide relevant publication policy.
(2)The journal editors should remind the editorial board members, reviewers, authors on the suppressed journal issues, and shouldn’t manipulate or distort the citation behavior.
(3)The authors should strengthen the understanding of suppressed journals, and pay attention to academic ethics and integrity.
(4)The national science and technology policy makers should provide suppressed journal list on their website, and improve relevant academic policy.
(5)The academic library should provide suppressed journal issues or list on their website, and promote the topic of academic ethics and integrity in library instructions.
第一章	緒論 1
第一節	研究背景與動機 1
第二節	研究目的與問題 5
第三節	研究範圍與限制 6
第四節	名詞解釋 7
第二章	文獻探討 9
第一節	封鎖期刊之定義與相關研究 9
第二節	期刊影響係數和期刊自我引用之關聯 11
第三節	堆疊引用之定義與相關研究 19
第四節	Scopus與WoS比較之相關實徵研究 21
第三章	研究設計與實施 25
第一節	研究設計 25
第二節	研究對象 27
第三節	資料處理 28
第四節	研究步驟與實施程序 32
第四章	研究結果與分析 35
第一節	封鎖期刊之特性 35
第二節	封鎖期刊之指標表現與變化 53
第三節	封鎖期刊之封鎖因素 69
第四節	綜合討論 79
第五章	結論與建議 81
第一節	結論 81
第二節	建議 87
第三節	未來研究之建議 89
參考文獻 90
附錄一:封鎖期刊清單 99
附錄二:官方標示之期刊被封鎖原因 103

表 1 相關指標數據來源 26
表 2 歷年封鎖期刊之數量 27
表 3 期刊被封鎖年份之分析 37
表 4 各國封鎖期刊數一覽表 39
表 5 2007至2014年JCR封鎖期刊數平均最高前十國 40
表 6 2007至2014年JCR封鎖期刊數佔出版比例最高前十國 40
表 7 封鎖期刊數量最高之五個出版商 42
表 8 封鎖期刊數量最高之五個學科領域 43
表 9 封鎖期刊之學科領域排名分布 43
表 10 封鎖前、封鎖期間包含/扣除自我引用IF之Pearson相關分析 56
表 11 封鎖期間、解除封鎖後包含/扣除自我引用IF之Pearson相關分析 57
表 12 封鎖前、封鎖期間IF和期刊自引率之Pearson相關分析 62
表 13 封鎖期間、解除封鎖後IF和期刊自引率之Pearson相關分析 63
表 14 自我引用率過高的封鎖期刊之Pearson相關分析 64
表 15 堆疊引用的封鎖期刊之Pearson相關分析 65
表 16 封鎖前、封鎖期間SJR和期刊自引率之Pearson相關分析 67
表 17 封鎖期間、解除封鎖後SJR和期刊自引率之Pearson相關分析 68

圖 1 資料處理步驟 31
圖 2 研究步驟 33
圖 3 封鎖期刊之數量 36
圖 4 封鎖期刊之出版機構類型 41
圖 5 封鎖期刊IF之直方圖 54
圖 6 封鎖期刊IF (扣除自引) 之直方圖 54
圖 7 封鎖期刊SJR之直方圖 58
圖 8 封鎖期刊於WoS的期刊自我引用率 60
圖 9 封鎖期刊IF和期刊自我引用率之散布圖 61
圖 10 封鎖期刊扣除及保留自引之IF變化 61
圖 11 封鎖期刊於Scopus的期刊自我引用率 66
圖 12 封鎖期刊SJR和期刊自我引用率之散布圖 66
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