§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-0307201313502600
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2013.00098
論文名稱(中文) 電混凝處理含螯合劑銅之工業廢水機制研究
論文名稱(英文) Mechanism study for the treatment of wastewater with Chelated Copper by Electrochemical Coagulation
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 水資源及環境工程學系碩士班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
學年度 101
學期 2
出版年 102
研究生(中文) 洪宇澈
研究生(英文) Yu-Che Hung
學號 600480155
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2013-06-11
論文頁數 107頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 陳俊成
委員 - 申永順
委員 - 李奇旺
關鍵字(中) 電化學混凝
關鍵字(英) Electrochemical Coagulation
Chemical Coagulation
Chelating agents
Plating wastewater
Plating wastewater containing metal ions with chelating agents to form chelated heavy metal complexes causes ineffectiveness in its treatment by conventional chemical coagulation. This study compares the treatment of wastewater with Cu-EDTA by chemical sedimentation, chemical coagulation and electrochemical coagulation.  The mechanisms of the treatment of wastewater with Cu-EDTA by electrochemical coagulation are also studied.  In the electrochemical coagulation comparison, different electrolytes, anode materials, operating voltage and chelating metal ratio are tester and compared.  This study concludes the following findings:
1.The organic chelating agent EDTA is destructed by oxidation from both anode oxidation and NaCl electrolyte derived oxidants; hence the chelated copper ions are released into the wastewater solution for further coagulation and removal.
2.The removal efficiency of the EDTA chelated Cu2+ is decreased with the increased Cu2+ concentration and EDTA/Cu ratio.
3.Since the chelating constant between the EDTA and Fe is larger than that of EDTA and Cu, it is believed that some Cu2+ are replaced by Fe3+ to chelated with the EDTA in the electrochemical coagulation process.
4.Precipitation and/or co-precipitation occurred is one of the Cu removal mechanisms where the coagulant produced by electrolysis of metal anode absorbs the Cu2+ released from the chelating Cu-EDTA complexes and precipitated.
5.The reduction of Cu2+ on the cathode or by the Fe2+ also contribute to the Cu2+ removal.
圖目錄	III
表目錄	VI
第一章緒論	1
1-1 研究緣起	1
1-2 研究目的	2
第二章文獻回顧	3
2-1 電鍍業背景說明	3
2-1-1電鍍業製程	4
2-1-2電鍍業污染特性	6
2-1-3相關法規	7
2-2 混凝理論	8
2-2-1 電混凝作用機制	8
2-2-2 混凝藥劑及特性	11
2-2-3國內外電混凝相關技術研究	13
2-3 EDTA 的基本特性及相關研究	26
2-3-1 EDTA 的基本特性	26
2-3-2 EDTA 之酸鹼性	28
2-3-3 EDTA 螯合物之穩定常數及螯合特性	29
2-3-4 EDTA 之應用概況	31
第三章實驗材料與方法	33
3-1 研究架構	33
3-2 實驗設備與材料	33
3-2-1 電化學實驗設備	33
3-2-2 電化學分析設備	35
3-2-3 實驗藥品	38
3-3 實驗流程與分析方法	39
3-4 影響電混凝處理效率之主要參數	44
第四章 結果與討論	50
4-1化學混凝處理含Cu-EDTA廢水	50
4-1-1有無添加 EDTA 水樣在不同pH值下沉澱去除銅離子影響	50
4-1-2 FeCl2、FeCl3混凝劑對銅離子的去除能力比較	53
4-1-3膠羽型態及晶相分析	55
4-1-4添加不同比例混凝劑比較銅離子去除效率	58
4-2電混凝處理Cu-EDTA廢水	59
4-2-1 選用鋁板或鐵板比較	59
4-2-2電混凝處理Cu-EDTA廢水使用不同電解質比較	68
4-3探討不同比例螯合劑對電混凝效果影響	72
4-3-1電流密度與操作時間關係	73
4-3-2 初始濃度與去除效率關係	77
4-3-3螯合比例對去除效率關係	81
4-3-4 pH變化趨勢	89
4-4 銅金屬去除機制分析	92
4-5 相關研究比較	99
第五章 結論與建議	102
5-1結論	102
5-2 建議	103
參考文獻	104

圖2. 1典型裝飾電鍍製程 	5
圖2. 2典型塑膠電鍍製程 	5
圖2. 3 電場的建立	9
圖2. 4 Activity diagrams of Al(Ⅲ) according to pH 	11
圖2. 5 Activity diagrams of Fe(Ⅲ) and Fe(Ⅱ) according to pH 	12
圖2. 6 Cu2+ profiles in the presence of (A) sulfate and (B) chloride as function of initial pH value and operating time.initial [Cu2+]=200mg/L.	14
圖2. 7Variation of removal efficiency values with time for heavy metals: (a) C0 = 250 mg/L, i = 15 mA/cm2(b) C0 = 250 mg/L, i = 25 mA/cm2.	15
圖2. 8 Ni, Cu and Cr concentrations and pH during EC of an industrial galvanic wastewater. Initial pH was adjusted to 5.0	16
圖2. 9 Variation of phosphate removal efficiency vs. time	17
圖2. 10 interior microelectrolysis and Fenton oxidation-coagulation process	17
圖2. 11 The effect of reaction time on the removal of copper and TOC under the optimum microelectrolytic conditions.(initial pH=3.0, iron scrap dosage 40g/L)	18
圖2. 12 Effect of electrolyte (chloride) concentration on EC process performance (at 9.0mA/cm2; initial conditions: TOC0: 170 mg/L; Ni0: 270 mg/L; Zn0: 217 mg/L; pH0: 6; Cl0:1515 mg/L) (◊:1510mg Cl/L; □:1875mg Cl/L; ∆:2250 mg Cl/L; ×:2635mg Cl/L; *:3000mg Cl/L).	20
圖2.13 EDTA化學結構式	26
圖2. 14 EDTA 螯合銅金屬之結構式	27
圖2.15 EDTA螯合金屬之結構式	28
圖2.16 Different distributions of EDTA species (any concentration) with pH variation	29
圖2.17 不同重金屬與EDTA螯合之穩定常數圖	31

圖3. 1壓克力材質反應槽	33
圖3. 2 陽極:(a)鐵板(b)鋁板 陰極:(C)鈦板	34
圖3. 3 直流電源供應器TENMA Laboratory DC Power Supply 72-6610	34
圖3. 4 離心機	35
圖3. 5 pH/氧化還原電位偵測計	35
圖3. 6 掃描式電子顯微鏡 JEOL JSM-5610 Scanning Electron Microscope/能量散射光譜儀EDS Energy Dispersive Spectrometer	36
圖3. 7 火焰式原子吸收光譜儀	37
圖3. 8載體火焰C2H2	37
圖3. 9 光學顯微鏡	38
圖3. 10實驗規劃設計	40
圖3. 11 傳統化學混凝實驗流程圖	41
圖3. 12電化學混凝實驗流程圖	43
圖3. 13電混凝影響因子	44
圖3. 14 Activity diagrams of Al(Ⅲ) according to pH 	47

圖4. 1 Effect of pH on the dissolve of metal hydroxides 	51
圖4. 2化學混凝沉降情形(a)無添加螯合劑(b)有添加螯合劑	52
圖4. 3 Effect of pH on the residual Copper concentrations	52
圖4. 4下化學混凝沉降情形(a) FeCl2混凝劑(b) FeCl3混凝劑	53
圖4. 5 Effect of pH on the residual Copper concentrations	54
圖4. 6  SEM晶相圖 (a)放大倍率250倍(b)放大倍率1000倍	55
圖4. 7 SEM晶相圖(a)Cu wastewater (b)Cu-EDTA wastewater (c) Cu-EDTA wastewater by FeCl2 (d)Cu-EDTA wastewater by FeCl3	57
圖4. 8以FeCl2及FeCl3添加不同比例混凝劑比較銅離子去除效率	59
圖4. 9 Effect of Plate on the Current	60
圖4. 10 Effect of Anode metal on pH	62
圖4. 11 Effect of Plate on the residual concentrations of copper,Apply voltage 12V.	63
圖4. 12 Effect of Plate on the residual concentrations of copper,Apply voltage 12V.	64
圖4. 13光學顯微鏡膠羽型態(a)鐵系混凝膠羽(b)鋁系混凝膠羽	65
圖4. 14 images of the iron anode after electrocoagulation (A)SEM (B)EDS	66
圖4. 15 images of the aluminum anode after electrocoagulation (A)SEM (B)EDS	67
圖4. 16 Effect of electrolyte on the Current	69
圖4. 17 Effect of electrolyte on the pH	69
圖4. 18 Effect of electrolyte on the Cu removal	70
圖4. 19不同電解液的銅離子處理效率與反應速率常數k比較圖	71
圖4. 20不同Cu初始濃度與電流密度關係(6V Cu-EDTA 1:1)	74
圖4. 21不同Cu初始濃度與電流密度關係(12V Cu-EDTA 1:1)	75
圖4. 22不同螯合比例(Cu-EDTA)與電流密度關係(6V 200ppm)	76
圖4. 23不同螯合比例(Cu-EDTA)與電流密度關係(12V 200ppm)	76
圖4. 24 Cu初始濃度與去除效率之關係(6V Cu-EDTA1:0)	78
圖4. 25 Cu初始濃度與去除效率之關係(6V Cu-EDTA1:1)	78
圖4. 26 Cu初始濃度與去除效率之關係(12V Cu-EDTA1:0)	79
圖4. 27 Cu初始濃度與去除效率之關係(12V Cu-EDTA1:1)	79
圖4. 28不同初始濃度的銅離子處理效率與反應速率常數k比較圖	80
圖4. 29不同初始濃度的銅離子處理效率與反應速率常數k比較圖	81
圖4. 30 Cu-EDTA螯合比例與去除效率之關係(6V 100ppm)	83
圖4. 31 Cu-EDTA螯合比例與去除效率之關係(6V 200ppm)	83
圖4. 32 Cu-EDTA螯合比例與去除效率之關係(6V 300ppm)	84
圖4. 33 Cu-EDTA螯合比例與去除效率之關係(12V 100ppm)	84
圖4. 34 Cu-EDTA螯合比例與去除效率之關係(12V 200ppm)	85
圖4. 35 Cu-EDTA螯合比例與去除效率之關係(12V 300ppm)	85
圖4. 36不同螯合比例濃度的銅離子處理效率與反應速率常數k比較	86
圖4. 37不同螯合比例濃度的銅離子處理效率與反應速率常數k比較	87
圖4. 38 pH變化與去除效率之關係(6V 200ppm)	90
圖4. 39 pH變化與去除效率之關係(12V 200ppm)	91
圖4. 40 SEM and EDS analysis after electrocoagulation	94
圖4. 41 image after electrocoagulation on cathode(a)Before(b)After	95
圖4. 42 SEM and EDS analysis after electrocoagulation	96
圖4. 43 image after electrocoagulation on anode	97
圖4. 44 SEM and EDS analysis after electrocoagulation	98

表2.1 表面處理主要製品關聯產值規模	4
表2.2各國環保署所訂定最大放流水標準	7
表2.3常用的混凝劑種類及特性 	12
表2. 4 COD and Cu2+ removal from Cu-EDTA wastewater by the IM–FOC process and the contributions of IM, FO and coagulation process (CP).	18
表2. 5Effect of EDTA on the chemical precipitation of Cu(II) ions by adjusting the pH to 11.0.	22
表2.6電化學混凝技術相關研究參數整理	23
表2. 7電混凝中氧化機制相關文獻整理	24
表2. 8電混凝中還原機制相關文獻整理	24
表2. 9電混凝中取代機制相關文獻整理	25
表2.10 EDTA及其納鹽於水中溶解度與溫度之關係	27
表2.11 EDTA 錯合物的穩定常數	30
表2.12不同金屬離子在不同pH 值下與 EDTA的螯合能力大小	30
表2.13 EDTA 於各行業中之應用概況	32

表3. 1合成廢水特性與性質	39
表3. 2實驗參數設計初始條件	44

表4. 1 EDS analysis of CuSO4 solution without EDTA after CC	56
表4. 2 EDS analysis after chemical coagulation	57
表4. 3以FeCl2及FeCl3添加不同比例混凝劑比較銅離子去除效率	58
表4. 4 Current and Current density	60
表4. 5 Effect of EDTA on the electro-coagulation of copper ion	63
表4. 6 Effect of EDTA on the electro-coagulation of copper ion	64
表4. 7 EDS analysis of the iron anode after electrocoagulation	66
表4. 8 EDS analysis of the aluminum anode after electrocoagulation	68
表4. 9 Current and Current density	68
表4. 10 Experimental parameters	70
表4. 11電流相關參數Cu-EDTA 1:1 6V 30min	73
表4. 12電流相關參數Cu-EDTA 1:1 6V 30min	73
表4. 13 Electro Coagulation after treatment concentration(100ppm)	88
表4. 14 Electro Coagulation after treatment concentration(200ppm)	88
表4. 15 Electro Coagulation after treatment concentration(300ppm)	89
表4. 16 EDS analysis after electrocoagulation	94
表4. 17 EDS analysis after electrocoagulation	95
表4. 18 EDS analysis after electrocoagulation	97
表4. 19文獻研究參數	99
表4. 20文獻研究參數	101
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