§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-0207201117301300
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2011.00038
論文名稱(中文) 探討大陸台商中階主管之文化商數、人格特質、情緒商數與工作績效之關聯性:以電子製造業為例
論文名稱(英文) The Relationships among the Middle-level Managers' Cultural Intelligence, Personality Trait, Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance of Taiwanese Corporation in Mainland China: the Evidence of Electronic Manufacturing Industry
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 全球華商經營管理數位學習碩士在職專班
系所名稱(英文) E-Learning Executive Master's Program of Business Administration (EMBA) in Global Chinese Management
學年度 99
學期 2
出版年 100
研究生(中文) 王永鳳
研究生(英文) Yung-Feng Wang
學號 798670310
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2011-06-02
論文頁數 100頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 王居卿
指導教授 - 李芸蕙
委員 - 楊欣哲
委員 - 吳錦波
關鍵字(中) 大陸台商
關鍵字(英) Taiwanese Corporation in Mainland China
Middle-level Manager
Cultural Intelligence
Personality Trait
Emotional Intelligence
Job Performance
Based on the China’s 12th five-year plan, Chinese government has significantly improved its investment in inland infrastructure, made rural area urbanized, and reorganized labor distribution. This situation makes Taiwanese corporation in Mainland China in the coast area facing the shortage of workers. However, the rising salary and changing economic structure are making China transforming from world factory to world market, and this change will further give rise to far-reaching influence to the global economy. From international point of view, manufacturing industry may face a comprehensive adjustment. As China gradually rise, the low-cost business model for Taiwanese enterprises come to the bottleneck. Taiwanese corporations in Mainland China desperately require management change, the old model of manufacture in China and export to Europe and U.S. is no longer working. They need to change their original planning and talent training model to win the battle. The engine that drives the enterprise to the future is hold by their middle-level managers. Therefore, the cultural intelligence, personality trait, and emotional intelligence of middle-level manager are useful to predict and influence job performance.
    The purpose of this research is to combine the point of view of related scholars to analyze the result of past studies. This research is conducted with literature analysis and questionnaire to discuss the connection between cultural intelligence, personality trait, emotional intelligence and job performance. The target of this research is to discuss the middle-level manager of Taiwanese electronic manufacturing corporation in Mainland China around Kwangtung and Jiangsu. This research recovered 210 valid questionnaires, and used sample characteristic analysis, factor and reliability analysis, description analysis, one-way ANOVA analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis to test the assumptions. The cultural intelligence, personality trait and emotional intelligence are used as independence variables, while job performance is conducted as dependence variable. The conclusions of this research are as below:
1. Nationality, age, seniority and work function has no influence on variables.
2. Education level has positive influence on openness to experience.
3. Cultural intelligence of Taiwanese corporation in Mainland China has no influence on job performance.
4. Personality Trait - Agreeableness and conscientiousness and openness to experience of Taiwanese corporation in Mainland China has significant positive influence on job performance.
5. Personality Trait - Openness to experience of middle-level managers in Taiwanese Corporation in Mainland China has negative influence on job result.
6. Personality Trait - Emotion Stableness of middle-level managers in Taiwanese Corporation in Mainland China has no significant on job behavior and job result.
7. Emotional Intelligence of middle-level managers in Taiwanese Corporation in Mainland China has significant positive influence on job performance.
    The findings suggest that among the four cycles of selecting, training, designating, and retaining, which are commonly applied in human resource management, talent selection is the foundation of the HR management. According to the practical research, we could find that besides the traditional job skills, culture intelligence, critical personality traits, and emotional intelligence could be applied not only to talent selection but also to the basis of training. We concluded that the intense combination of HR management cycle can be the best guarantee for a sustainable business.
目錄	I
表次	III
圖次	V
第一章  緒論	1
第一節  研究背景與動機	1
第二節  研究目的	6
第二章 文獻探討	7
第一節  中階主管之組織定位及功能	8
第二節  各變數之定義及內涵	13
第三節  變數間的關係及研究假設	32
第三章 研究方法	38
第一節  研究架構與假設	38
第二節  變數定義與衡量	39
第三節  問卷設計	42
第四節  抽樣方法	43
第五節  資料分析方法	43
第四章  資料分析	46
第一節 樣本特性分析	46
第二節 因素分析及信度分析	48
第三節 敘述性統計分析	57
第四節 單因子變異數分析	63
第五節 相關分析	67
第六節 迴歸分析	70
第五章  結論與建議	74
第一節  結論	74
第二節  管理意涵	78
第三節  研究限制	79
第四節  研究建議	80
參考文獻	82
一、中文部份	82
二、英文部分	84
附錄:問卷	95
表2-1   各學者對於文化商數(文化智能商數)的定義整理表	14
表2-2   各學者對於人格特質之分類	20
表2-3   五大人格特質之意義及典型特徵	21
表2-4   情緒商數的競爭模式	24
表2-5   SALOVEY AND MAYER情緒商數理論內容整理	26
表2-6   SALOVEY AND MAYER修正情緒商數內容整理	27
表2-7   GOLEMAN情緒商數內容整理	29
表2-8   工作績效構面分類	32
表3-1   問卷題目整理	42
表4-1   樣本特性分佈表	47
表4-2   各變數KMO值與BARTLETT檢定	48
表4-3   文化商數因素分析結果	50
表4-4   人格特質因素分析結果	51
表4-5   情緒商數因素分析結果	53
表4-6   工作績效因素分析結果	54
表4-7   各變數之信度分析	56
表4-8   文化商數敘述性統計	58
表4-9   人格特質敘述性統計	59
表4-10  情緒商數敘述性統計	60
表4-11  工作績效敘述性統計	61
表4-12  各變數及構面之敘述性統計	62
表4-13  不同國籍各構面之變異數分析	63
表4-14  不同年齡各構面之變異數分析	64
表4-15  不同年資各構面之變異數分析	65
表4-16  不同職務類別各構面之變異數分析	66
表4-17  不同學歷各構面之變異數分析	67
表4-18  各構面之相關性分析	69
表4-19  各構面之迴歸分析結果	70
表4-20  研究結果之列表	73
表5-1   人口統計變數對各構面因素之差異性分析	75
圖 2-1  不同層級主管所需管理能力	12
圖 3-1  研究架構	38
圖 4-1  修正後之研究架構	54
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