§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-0203200817204100
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2008.01134
論文名稱(中文) 企業公司治理與經營績效及影響 開發基金投資績效之關聯性研究
論文名稱(英文) The Relationship Between Corporate Governance and Operating Performance and Its Effect on the Performance of Investment for Development Fund
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 會計學系碩士在職專班
系所名稱(英文) Department of Accounting
學年度 96
學期 1
出版年 97
研究生(中文) 陳美華
研究生(英文) Mei-Hua Chen
學號 793470096
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2008-01-10
論文頁數 68頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 林谷峻
委員 - 王秀枝
委員 - 詹乾隆
關鍵字(中) 公司治理
關鍵字(英) Company governance
operation performance
development fund
The governmental operation funds in Taiwan have the task to bear the mission of policy implementation. The “development fund” is one of the governmental funds which established under the provision of Article 21 of Statute Governing Enhancement of Industry Upgrade. Therefore this research is a study of the relationship between corporate governance and operation performance of the companies invested by that fund, and the correlation with the investment performance of the development fund. The results are as follows:
Firstly, the empirical evidence supports the positive correlation between company governance and its performance. The significance varies in industries. The better the corporate governance of the investee, the better is its operation performance.  The research discovers that during the establishment period of industry, the development fund investment should first emphasize on the stock ownership structure. For mature industry, the fund should emphasis on the formation structure of directors and supervisors. Furthermore, the empirical evidence shows that the percentage of government shares positively effect on the company’s operation result. The ratio of government directors and supervisors has negative effect on company operation performance. This shows that directors and supervisors appointed by government share cannot bring out its supervision effect into the investee, and cannot support the efficiency supervision assumption.
Secondary, the empirical evidence do not support that investees’ company governance would have positive effect on the investment performance of the development fund.  That means the correlation between these two is not strong and its reason should be related to the purpose of establishment of that fund. It is because that fund is to cope with government policy to nurture emerging major industry, to enhance industry upgrade and to play a guiding role and is not based on operating profit as the purpose. Therefore once the operation of the invested company is listed in the market or over-the-counter normally or the purpose of fund investment can be achieved, then this will be transferred based on withdrawal system, the stockholding will be sold and the capital will be taken back for recirculation and utilization. Consequently, this can also support the research of part of the scholars that when there is occurrence of deviation level and the power of influence is stronger, it is more feasible that the government share will deviate from the purpose of seeking for maximization of profit due to execution of the policy goal instead of obtaining investment income as the main consideration.  Moreover the research discovers that the number of seats of supervisors and the investment performance of that fund has positive effect and the number of seats of director has negative effect. Therefore in order to cope with the provision of Article 26-3 of Securities Exchange Act, that fund can consider striving for appointing the number of seats of supervisor of the invested company so as to enhance the investment performance.
Finally, the better the operation performance of the invested company is, the better the investment performance of the development fund will be. The empirical result shows that between the EPS of the invested company and the level of contribution to the national treasury by the development fund, there is a positive effect but this is insignificant. This means that the more or less of the profit per share of the invested company actually will affect the contribution to the national treasury by the development fund.
Conclusion: as the investment of that fund is to nurture the industry development policy as the main axis, therefore it cannot be compared with the operation method of general company and venture capital industry that simply looking for investment performance. As a result, during the evaluation on the investment performance of the development fund, this limitation should be included in the consideration.
第壹章 緒論..........................................1
第一節 研究背景及動機................................1
第二節 研究目的......................................3
第三節 論文架構......................................4
第四節 研究流程......................................5
第貳章 文獻探討......................................6
第一節 政府基金簡介..................................6
第二節 開發基金及被投資公司概述......................11
第三節 公司治理......................................13
第四節 績效衡量......................................27
第參章 研究方法......................................30
第一節 研究架構......................................30
第二節 研究假說、實證模型及變數操作型定義............31
第三節 研究設計......................................37
第肆章 實證結果與分析................................38
第一節 基本統計資料分析..............................38
第二節 迴歸分析......................................43
第伍章 結論、建議與研究限制..........................59
第一節 結論..........................................59
第二節 建議與研究限制................................62

表            次
表2-3-1 公司治理衡量指標....................................23
表4-1-2 被投資公司經營績效變數與控制變數之敍述統計量........39
表4-1-3 開發基金投資績效變數之敍述統計量....................40
表4-1-4 被投資公司公司治理衡量變數之敍述統計量..............41
表4-2-2 公司治理衡量指標對開發基金投資績效之pearson相關係
表4-2-3 被投資公司經營績效與開發基金投資績效之pearson相關
表4-2-4 以 EPS 為績效衡量指標之迴歸分析.....................47
表4-2-5 以 ROA 為績效衡量指標之迴歸分析.....................51
表4-2-6 以 ROE 為績效衡量指標之迴歸分析.....................53
表4-2-7 開發基金投資績效衡量指標之迴歸分析..................55
表4-2-8 被投資公司經營績效對開發基金投資績效影響之迴歸分析..57

圖            次
圖1-4-1  研究架構與流程....................................5
圖2-1-1  政府基金架構......................................10
圖2-3-1  世界銀行公司治理架構..............................14
圖3-1-1  研究架構..........................................30
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