§ 瀏覽學位論文書目資料
系統識別號 U0002-0102200714265300
DOI 10.6846/TKU.2007.00004
論文名稱(中文) 台灣政黨輪替後大陸政策變遷之研究(2000~2006年)
論文名稱(英文) The Research of Mainland China Policy after Political Party Change on Taiwan(2000~2006)
校院名稱 淡江大學
系所名稱(中文) 中國大陸研究所碩士在職專班
系所名稱(英文) Graduate Institute of China Studies
學年度 95
學期 1
出版年 96
研究生(中文) 沙鵬
研究生(英文) Peng Sha
學號 793240176
學位類別 碩士
語言別 繁體中文
口試日期 2006-12-22
論文頁數 133頁
口試委員 指導教授 - 張五岳
委員 - 施哲雄
委員 - 吳漢
關鍵字(中) 台灣
關鍵字(英) Taiwan
Political Party Change
Mainland China Policy
Cross-strait Relations
One Country Two Systems
In 2000, because of the political party change, Democratic Progressive Party substituted for the long-term ruling Kuomintang. As a result of the ideological differences, the Mainland China Policy had to be changed inevitably. At the beginning of President Chen Shui-bian’s rule, his power in control of the state was not so strong. For stability, He chose the middle-of-the-road line, and truly wanted to send the good will to Mainland China for cross-strait relations. He then submitted “Four Nos and One Without”, “Both Sides Integration Theory”, “Positive Opening, Effective Management” and so on. Since China persisted in the principle “one country, two systems”, Taiwan would actually be pressed or lowered to be a local authority. This was absolutely impossible for 23,000,000 Taiwanese people to accept as an option. After waiting for a long time and getting nothing satisfied, President Chen could bear no more. He suddenly presented “One Country on Each Side of The Strait Theory” in 2002. From that occasion, China explicitly recognized that Democratic Progressive Party Government was indeed the hardcore of Taiwan independence trend, and then broke any official communication channel between both sides. In 2004, Chen Shui-bian was reelected the president under an enormous dispute. Because he had no longer had the pressure of reelection, he then tightened up the Mainland China Policy, devoted to “the localization” and “the de-Chinalization”. The Chinese Communist Party Government also passed “The Anti-cessation Law” on March 14, 2005. It was stipulated that both sides of the Strait were actually a complete body in a legal foundation and could never be separated. In the meantime, China even declared the resolution of counter Taiwan-independence by non-peace methods. This slogan was also widespread internationally. That caused “Taiwan Independence” even harder to achieve. President Chen was then in a dilemma which both “unification” and “independence” were impossible to act. Being unable to break through the cross-strait relations in a long run, he was widely disputed by the people on Taiwan. In order to resolve his political crisis on worse internal affairs and the economy as well as continuous corruption scandals, he finally proposed a Mainland China Policy adjustment, “positive management, effective opening” on New Year's Day in 2006. Later on February 28, he officially ceased the function of “The National Unification Council” and ceased the application of “The National Unification Guidelines “. It was equal to clearly informing China and the other countries in the world that Taiwan decided to start walking its own way and headed to establish an independent as well as a brand-new country. However, under the pressure of China forces and without international supports, we surely must find some proper measures to deal with all the struggles ahead. Let our 23,000,000 compatriots on Taiwan and their descendants no longer be threatened by wars. In the end, people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait can all live in peace and mutual-understanding. They will cooperate with each other and get a win-win game. Furthermore, they might also make great strides forward to the goal of natural fusion in the future.
第一章 緒論...................................... 1
第一節  研究動機與目的........................... 1
第二節  研究途徑與方法........................... 4
第三節  研究範圍與限制........................... 6
第四節  研究架構與章節安排....................... 8
第二章  國民黨執政之大陸政策解析.................11
第一節  兩蔣時代之大陸政策.......................11
第二節  李登輝時代之大陸政策.....................16
第三章  民進黨在野期間之大陸政策.................21
第一節  民進黨的成立原因.........................21
第二節  民進黨的國家認同.........................24
第三節  民進黨的主要訴求.........................27
第四章  民進黨執政後大陸政策之變遷...............32
第一節  民進黨初掌執政權之大陸政策基調...........32
第二節  「一邊一國論」提出後之相關效應...........38
第三節  2004年大選獲勝後之大陸政策轉折...........41
第四節  2006年民進黨大陸政策之改弦更張...........45
第五章  民進黨大陸政策變遷之重要因素.............51
第一節  國內因素.................................51
第二節	中共因素................................66 
第三節  美國因素.................................85
第六章  民進黨執政後之大陸政策省思..............100
第一節  民進黨大陸政策變遷之相關效應............100
第二節  以先人智慧結晶凝聚全民之共識............106
第三節  全球化下台灣應有的觀念與認知............112
第七章  結論....................................118
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1.	總統府網站,網址:http://www.president.gov.tw 
2.	行政院大陸委員會網站,網址: http://www.mac.gov.tw
3.	中共國務院台灣事務辦公室,網址:http://www.gwytb.gov.cn/
4.	財團法人海峽交流基金會,網址: http://www.sef.org.tw
5.	財團法人國家政策研究基金會,網址: http://www.npf.org.tw
6.	中國國民黨全球資訊網,網址: http://www.kmt.org.tw
7.	民進黨全球資訊網,網址: http://www.cna.com.tw/
8.	中央社,網址: http://www.cna.com.tw/
9.	路透社,網址: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/reuters/ 
10.	法新社,網址: http://afp.cnanews.gov.tw/client.sample/index.php
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12.	人民網,網址: http://people.org
13.	新華網,網址: http://xinhwa.org
14.	中央日報
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18.	台灣新生報
19.	華盛頓時報
20.	人民日報
21.	文匯報
22.	解放軍報
23.	Central News Agency
24.	China Post
25.	Agence France Presse
26.	Straits Times

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